Live Your Life

Chapter 1


And that’s how it all started. It. What do I mean by “it”, you might ask? It, is how I met some of the most unique and amazing people I will ever meet in my entire life. It, is how I was able to get through and overcome all of the fastballs that life threw at me. It, is how I learned to appreciate and embrace all of those fastballs. It, is how I became the person I shall be forever. It, is how I learned to live.

I grew up in the fast-lane; the loud, crazy, and colorful lane: New York City. Both of my parents were raised in small towns, and they both had wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. So, not knowing each other yet, they both moved to New York City, where they eventually met, fell in love, and had me and my seven year old sister, Leanna. They worked hard and raised me and my sister for as long as they could to the best of their ability in the crazy city (which was a great challenge). Finally though, they decided that moving back to a small town would be easier for all of us. Whatever that means.

I suppose I wasn’t that bummed out about leaving the city. Sure, I had friends there that I would miss. But I was craving for something new…and different. So the move certainly excited me. My sister didn’t exactly feel the same. We moved to Englewood, Maine, (a small town with an even smaller population) at the end of August with only two weeks left of summer and laying around the house. A couple of days after we moved into our new house, one of our new neighbors, Charlotte, a sweet old lady came by and welcomed us and invited us to lunch. My parents declined, wanting to get all settled in as soon as possible. My sister and I went instead, and we met her husband Charlie, who interested me a lot. He was a different kind of a man, quite the character really. Leanna became close with Charlotte, and I became attached to Charlie.

School started, and my presence definitely did not go unnoticed like I assumed. I guess that was stupid of me to think, seeing as how everyone here has gone to school with each other since pre-K. A new face would be very noticeable. I had a few people that seemed like they might turn into potential friends, but it never worked out for some reason. So now, more than a month and a half at my new school, I remain friendless.

Well, until it happened.
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The first story I've written in a while...hopefully it turns out how I want it too!
Comments are appreciated :)
Sorry this is a little boring, it'll get better I swear. Well at least I think it will.