Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

Animal Atracction

I was getting ready to go to work. I was putting on the choker my “mom” gave me. She had the exact same one. And I say “mom” because Chelsey isn’t really my mother. No, she was better than my mother was. My real mother left me one night in Chelsey’s strip club when she was too drunk and never came back. Chelsey took me and raised me since I was 5 years old. On the afternoons, when the club was closed and the girls practiced, they taught me some of the choreography they did at nights. So my education isn’t really a good one. Chelsey was a math teacher in the day and a club owner at night. She taught me how to read, add, the whole thing. She also taught me how to pour drinks and so I sometimes help her in the club. My corset was set, my tights were tight, and I looked hot. Ok you can say that was a little self-centered, but I grew up with men looking at you as if you were a piece of meat.
*knock knock*
“Come in” I shout over the song ‘Animal Attraction’ by She wants Revenge.
“Hey Kitty. Are you almost done?” asked Alexia, one of the stripers.
“Almost done” I say and turn back to my vanity and finish my brick red lips and put on my mask over my red, red eyes. They called me Kitty because I love Alice in Wonderland’s Cheshire Cat. “Have you seen Chelsey?” I ask her as we descend the stairs from apartment on top of the bar.
“She was talking to Don about the lighting for the show tonight.”
“What song are you going to do tonight?”
“A mash up of Sweet Dreams and Single Ladies”
“Wow. Feeling like out dancing Beyonce tonight?” I laugh
“Oh god, you are so funny Kitty.” She said with her voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Come on or Chelsey is gonna have your head” I said opening the door that hides the stairs to our home.
“Electra, come here and help me with this glitter!” said Chelsey from the stage.
I turn around and see her covered from head to toe with sparkly silver glitter. See it is ironic because she is the owner of a strip club where tons of glitter is used to accentuate certain parts of the body of the dancing girls. She hates glitter. Like, she would rather join a convent than touch glitter. I couldn’t hold my laughter any longer.
“OMG CHELSEY YOU CAN SPARKLE!!” I laughed “YOU LOOK SO GAY!!” I hold my stomach from laughter. “Sparkle, Chelsey! SPARKLE!!” I yell running away from her.
“I’d rather let you see sparkle” I sing from behind the bar, where I start to arrange the glasses and cups that are going to be used tonight.
I see her grumble and get off the stage. “DONNIE! FIX THE GLITTER!” she barks at Donnie. “I’m going to change” she says as she closes the door to the apartment.
“She hates it so much” says Mona shaking her head. “I don’t understand why. Glitter is sooo pretty” she says rubbing shimmering powder on her arms and chest.
“Hey, hey, hey! No Glitter on my bar!” I say shooing her away as she rubes more and more glitter on her.
“HEY KITTY! WERE ABOUT TO OPEN!” yells Samantha from one of the poles.
“ON IT!” I yell back and get out the tequila shot glasses. They call it their power drinks, but it’s really just a shot of dry tequila to get them hyped up for the night. So I guess it is kind of like their power drink.
I lay out 12 shot glasses and pour the Tequila.
“READY? SET. GO!!” I scream as they race from across the room to get to the counter first. Lexi gets the shot first and drinks it all.
“And the winner is…. LEXI!!” I yell ringing the bell that announced the end of the contest to see who opens the show tonight.
The music starts playing, the girls start dancing, the doors are open.
The night goes on as normal.
I serve drinks, get marriage proposals, get weird men’s numbers… etc. However, throughout the whole time I feel someone’s eyes on me. I raise my head and find the eyes that have been digging a hole on my back. They belong to a guy who looks 20. When I look up and lock my eyes in his, I had the need to speak to him.
“Tammy, please take my shift.” I say not looking away.
“Why are you feeling al right?” she asks in a heavy southern accent
“Y-yeah I’m. I’m fine.” I mumble and she follows the direction my eyes are going.
“Oh, Kitty, please don’t go. Remember the last time you talked to one of the customers? You got—“
“I got sent to Chelsey’s sister’s house for a month. Yeah I remember. But I was 15, now I’m older and know better than to go to a boy who has a leather jacket. But if you notice, I’m 17 and he isn’t wearing a leather jacket.” I say getting from behind the counter and going to the man with the intense eyes.
“Hey.” I say in a flirty voice. I have been taught how to get a man’s attention.
“Hey” he says back in a lost voice.
“You have a name?”
“Jacob” he says
“I’m Electra, but call me Kitty.” I have absolutely no idea why in the flaming grounds of hell did I tell him my real name. Rule number one when talking to the customers: NEVER GIVE YOUR REAL NAME.
“Electra” he says mystified.
“Wanna go somewhere more quiet?” I say moving closer to him and seducing him with my eyes
“Ok” he says. Is like if he looks away from me he dies.
“Follow me” I smile and lead him to Chelsey’s corner. It’s basically a corner where no one ever goes to. EVER. Except me, of course, cus I’m special.
I lead him to the seat in the long sofa. She sits down and I sit on his lap facing him.
“So tell me, Jacob. Why is it that you have come here tonight?” I ask in a smooth, seductive voice, and touching his well-sculpted chest.
“To get away from the one I thought I loved,” he answers
“And what changed your mind?”
“You did”
“I see. And what was her name, if it’s okay to know” I say playing with his short hair
“And why did you want to get away from her”
“She got married to a leech,” he answered mechanically. Almost like a robot.
“A leech?”
“A guy I really don’t like”
“And now you are hurt.” I say in understanding tone.
“Yes” it was not really a question but he answered anyways
“I bet I can make it go away with a kiss.” I whisper closer to him.
I am in so much trouble right now. I have broken so many rules.
Do not leave the bar
Do not talk to the customers
Do not go to Chelsey’s corner
Do not be alone with a customer
At least I didn’t break the golden rule which was to never take off my mask. That way man in the club don’t recognize me when I’m outside in the say.
As move away from his ear to his face, he grabbed my shoulders and stopped me. He then raised his hands to my face and very slowly, took off my mask.
Well, there goes that rule.
He stared into my eyes for the longest time. The expression on his face was as if he were a blind man, looking at the sun for the first time. It was of adoration.
He put his big, massive, burning hands behind my neck and brought me closer to his face. The moment our lips touched, there were explosions everywhere. I felt so safe in his arms. Like nothing could hurt me. I put my arms around his neck and he hugged my tiny waist. The kiss became hungry. He brought me closer to him. Our bodies fit like two puzzle pieces. I played with his hair as he caressed my back. The curtain that separates the club from the corner starts to open.
♠ ♠ ♠
the title is really bad... but i hope the story was really good! message and subscribe if you like it. title ideas are appreciated...
Chelsey's Outfit=
Electra's Outfit=