Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

Of course I’m bloody all right. I’m Captain Jack Sparrow!

“Wow” I said jumping back. “Next time, try giving me a heart attack” I said


“So, what are you doing here?”

“I came to see you”

“Oh. Well, either you can teleport, or you left right after I entered the woods. It took my sweet time coming back” I said

“Oh, right. Well, I wanted to tell you something but you left and didn’t let me tell you.” He said, he sounded kind of sad.

“How did you get here so fast?” I asked not seeing his bike anywhere

“I ran” he said

“You ran? Well, I guess you could of made it. I mean, I took a while to get started on my way back. But you should be out of breath” I pointed out

“I know”


“I’m not”

“Why? Are you like on the Olympics or something? I don’t really watch them so I wouldn’t know” I said sitting on the floor in the middle of the parking lot where I was standing. I sensed this was going to take a while. “Please, sit down. Feel at home” I said motioning to a spot in front of me

He sat down. “We really need to talk” he said

“And what are we doing swimming? We are talking if you hadn’t noticed.” I said

“I need to show you something” he said standing up

“Ok, show me” I said crossing my arms on my chest.

“Can it be in a more private place?” he asked

I sighted “sure, come on. Let’s go inside” I said getting up and going to the door to open it

“No, not there. Come with me” he said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the back of the club where nobody could see, or hear anything.

“You’re not going to rape me are you?”

“No. I’m not” he said with the ghost of a smile.

“Alright. Show me”

“I will. But first: I love you. And I know you love me too” he said

That took me by surprise. “And how would you know that?” I said putting my hands on my hips

“Someone told me.” he smiled



“I have never said that to anyone. Not even the voice that argues with me when I should do good instead of bad”

“You mean your conscience?”

“No, I call her Monique”

“Not even her?”


“Well someone told me” he said

“Who did?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you later”

“As long as you tell me so I can call Edmund and help me chase him to put him out of his misery” I said not realizing what I just said

“So you told someone?”

“Not a person.”

“Then what?”

“A dog I found. I named him Alvin” I said testing.

“I thought it was Albert”

“Ha! So you were spying on me! That still doesn’t tell me how you got here faster than Edgar and his maniac driving skills” I said accusing him.

“I told you I ran here. But I didn’t spy on you” he said

“Omg! Albert can talk! That is the weirdest crap ever!” I said amused at my discovery.

“He didn’t tell me.”

“Then who did? I only told Albert that.” I said getting mad

He looked at me and started to take off his pants. “Woah!” I said “no need for that! Did you forgot who the striper is?” I asked

“Do you want me to show you or not?” he sounded irritated.

“Fine. But I won’t look.” I said turning around

“Fine” he said. I heard the fabric drop and my cheeks when tomato red. There was a really unusual pop. Then a bark. A bark?

I turn around and find Albert standing in four legs. I scream “AHH!! Holy Crap!” I say.

“Albert?” I ask. It “shakes” its head “Alvin?” I ask. It “shakes” its head. Then it grabs Jacob’s shorts and brings them close to him. “YOU ATE JACOB!?” I freak out. It snorts out a laugh.

Then, it closes its eyes and takes deep breathes. Then it trembles a little and then the fur grows down into his body and after a minute, Jacob was laying on the ground

“Ah! WTF!” scream. Jacob puts his shorts back on and starts walking towards me. I start walking backwards. I cry. Hey! I cry when I’m scared. It’s in my mechanism. What can I say? IM WEAK! “Don’t- don’t eat me. Please” I barely say with a hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming again. I don’t want to wake up Chelsey, so he could eat her too. Hey! That’s just like Little Red Riding Hood!

“I’m not going to eat you.” He said coming closer. I back way.

“Then before you eat me, explain why you are Albert.” I said backing up until I reach the wall.

He comes closer and I whimper “I’m not going to hurt you. That’s what I wanted to tell you today. But you left and didn’t let me explain. Can we go inside? You look really shaken” he said concerned

“No shit I’m shaken. You became Albert and Albert became you. Do you know what that means?” I asked outraged.

“I’m Albert?” he guessed

“No. YOU’RE ALBERT! I told Albert all my feelings and he betrays me by being you!” I say. You may notice I’m not very coherent at the moment.

“Can you please stop treating me like I’m two different people? Come on, let’s go inside and ill explain everything.” He said moving me towards the door.

“Will you promise not to eat Chelsey?” I asked

“I’m not going to—fine, yes I promise not eat Chelsey.” He promises.

“Thank you.” I say and open the door.

We go to the apartment. I go to the kitchen and get a water bottle from the fridge. I open it and drink half of it on the way to my room. I sit next to the headboard of the bed and he sits in the foot of the bed.

“Shoot” I say drinking more water.

“I’m a werewolf” he says

“I think that was established before. Please explain why you exist” I say drinking more water.

“My tribe, the Quileute, is decedents from wolves…” and he launches into the legends that were going to be said at the bone fire.

“Any questions?” he asked

“Does holy water hurt you?” I ask finishing my third water bottle. When I’m nervous, I drink water.

“That’s vampires” he said

“Do you burn in the sun?” I asked

“That’s vampires. And wasn’t I out in the light with you today in the supermarket?” he asked

“That was today?”

“Yes” he says confused

“Wow. I had a really long day”

“Any more questions?” he asked

“Did you really eat Little Red Riding Hood’s Grandmother?” I ask

“That was a real wolf. And no, those are children stories. Those are not real” he says

“Are you frustrated?”

“Yes, I mean no. I’m sorry” he sounded frustrated.

“I’m not dumb. I know the questions are for vampires. And I’m scared poopless thank you very much” I say drinking more water.

“So, any questions relating to werewolves?”

“What’s an imprint?” I ask and he tenses up.

“Why?” he asks

“I don’t know I found the word funny in the dictionary.”

“Oh. Really?”

“No stupid. I heard you call me that back at Elaina’s house” I said

“You mean Emily?”

“Yeah, her. You called me an imprint and I was like ‘if that means whore, he has some issues’” I said and drank more water.

“Oh, well an imprint is what we wolves have that’s like a soul mate. Your other half. She completes you, is like your floating in space but she is the one who keeps you grounded.” He talked with admiration in his eyes. “You’re my imprint. My other half. My soul mate.” He says to me with even more wonder in his eyes.

“Really?” I ask my voice very small.

“Yes” he says in a whisper.

“What does that mean?” I ask

“What do you mean?”

“Exactly what I’m asking what does it mean?” I ask

“Oh, well. We become whatever our imprint wants. A brother, a friend, a lover. We feel your pain, your happiness”

“You can read my thoughts?”

“No, you’re not paying attention.”

“Yes I am. I’m just annoying you.”

“It’s working”

“Woo! Point one for me!” I say

“Are you alright?”

“Of course I’m bloody all right. I’m Captain Jack Sparrow!” I say in a British accent

“Well you definitely act as drunk as he does. Come on, time for bed.” He says and helps me under the covers.

“But, Mommy! The Cookies are on Fire!” I whine.

“I’ll put them out”

“Ok, but remember… Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down, the medicine go down” I sing with my eyes half closed.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He says turning off the light and walking to the door.

“No! Don’t go out there! The OompaLoompas will get you!”

“You want me to stay with you?”

“No. Want you to go to Massachusetts and get me Sushi.” I say and yawn.

“Ok, I’ll be back then.”

“No don’t leave me alone, he’s going to kill me”

“Chucky” I say in barely above a whisper.

“The doll?”

“SHH!! He doesn’t like it when you call him that” I say and burry my head under the covers but poke the top of my head out so he can only see my eyes.

“Make room.” He says and I move a little. My bed is really big so he fit ok.

“Good night” I say

“Good night” he says back

“no. don’t you know the game? You have to answer back sleep tight” I say

“Ok, sleep tight”

“Don’t let the cockroaches bite” I say

Jacob’s POV

“I thought they were bed bugs” I say, she looks like a five year old.

“No, the pink elephants will sniff on them and …” she trailed off fast asleep

She cuddled next to me and whimpered.

“No, don’t kill me” she said and hugged my arm tighter

“Shhh, shhh” I said soothing her hair. She relaxed and smile.

“Yes Mister Hatter, I would like some tea” she mumbled.

I couldn’t have asked for a better imprint. She’s so cute when she’s tired. I tried to get up and go home, soo in the morning she won’t be freaked out.

But her arm tensed in the slightest.

“Come back, come back, come back” she chanted.

I lay back down and she quieted. I guess I’ll be sleeping here tonight then…
♠ ♠ ♠
my mind is so great i already have like three chapters ahead... but first i have to write the chapters to get there and nice patience is not of my characteristics, ill write to get there. i hate waiting. don't you?

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