Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

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I woke up with my eyes closed. I went to my drawer and got out some clean underwear and a clean shirt. I took a shower and washed my hair. It was so tangled. I came out still tired, grabbed my iPod and glasses (I usually wear contacts but not in the mornings) and went to the kitchen.

I put on my headphones and “Lost in Stereo” By All Time Low comes up. I dance to it and start making coffee. I’m putting some jelly on some toast and bite it. I pour Lucky Charms in a bowl and pour strawberry yogurt on it. I’m dancing around the kitchen with my headphones on and my eyes closed. The sugar from the toast, marshmallow, and yogurt are kicking in. wait till I have my coffee. I grab a mug that has a cute face on it. Then I pour coffee on when “Shake it” by Metro Station comes on. I am a good girl and I obey what I’m told to do. And what am I told to do?

I’m told to shake it.

And what do I do?

I shake it.

I was shaking my butt when I spined around and hit a wall. I almost fall, but my arm gets grabbed by another strong hand.

I look up and see Jacob.

“Whoa. Thanks” I say.

“No prob” he says. “Cool shirt”

I look down. “Thanks. Wait. What are you doing in my house?” I ask.

“I—” he started

“Are you stalking me? Are you going to kill me? Did you take anything from here?” I ask

“no. don’t you remember last night?” he asked

“Um…” I say bending my head to the side thinking “Nop” I say

He sighs. “You ran away from the reservation and I came to tell you something important. I showed you, and you freaked out. You told me to come in, so we went to your room. I explained everything, and then you started rambling about Jack Sparrow, and cookies, and Mary Poppins. Then you fell asleep. I was going to leave but you told me to stay. So I stayed.” He finished in one breath.

“Oh, you see. I’m not good with memory. I had an accident a while back so my memory doesn’t work really well. When I start rambling about stupid stuff that makes no sense at all, the next morning I don’t remember anything. Panic attacks don’t do well either, I forget them.” I said mixing sugar with the coffee.

“Oh, I see. So you don’t remember anything I told you last night?” he asks.

“Well, I remember when we were at the reservation, we jumped and stuff. Then I remember Ebony, then walking through some woods, talking to this really big and pretty dog. I have no idea why I was talking to a dog, but I remember that. Then I remember a guy whose name starts with an E and had greasy hair who brought me home. Then nothing.” I say shrugging my shoulders and sipping my coffee.

“Oh. Well first of all it’s Emily” he said

“Whatever. For some reason, my memory tells me not to like her.” I said sitting at the table with my legs folded on the chair and ate my cereal.

“Right, well, I guess you have reason to. I’ll explain later, right now, I need you to know, to really know and remember what I came to tell you last night” he said sitting in front of me on the table.

“Ok” I said

He grabbed my hand and seem to be really having trouble with what he is about to say.

“Jacob, what is it? You can tell me, I’m good at keeping secrets” I said worried.

“I’m a werewolf” he said.

I was stunned. “And I’m a mermaid” I said sweetly because he really looked like he believed he was a werewolf.

“I’m serious. I’ll show you” he said “but first eat. And put on some pants I need to show you outside.” He said.

“All right” I said I finished my cereal and my coffee. Then I went to my room and put on some shorts and shoes to go outside, they were more like slippers/boots but I was going to take them off later so it doesn’t matter if it goes or not.

“Ok, let’s go” I said coming out and going to the kitchen.

“Follow me” he said and went to the back of the apartment and into the parking lot. We cornered the building to where there was no way anyone could see anything, or hear anything. He started for his pant.

“Whoa! No need for that! Did you forget who the striper is?” I ask

“That’s what you said last night” he laughed. “Fine then, just turn around and I’ll tell you when to look” he said.

I turned around to face the building wall. It was filled with graffiti. The sound of cloth hitting ground brought me back from the graffiti problem. There was a pop. There was a bark. A bark? I turn around and were Jacob was standing, there was a big dog. It was the color of copper.

“Whoa” I said whispering. “That’s so cool!” I said

But stayed on my ground.

The dog barked onece. Then laid of the ground and closed its eyes. It seemed to be concentration on something very hard. Then the fur grew short and on the floor laid Jacob. I turned around.

He put on his pants and touched my shoulder.

“OMG! That’s like the coolest thing ever!!” I yelled.

“Really? You’re not freaked out?”

“Well of course I’m freaked out. That goes against all the rules of the world” I said smiling. I don’t know why, but I just was.

“Last night you started crying. Then said I was going to eat you like Little Red Riding Hood” he said confused.

“I love that story!” I said. “Come on, let’s go inside. I’m cold and you need to explain why you exist” I said going back to the house.

He sat on the kitchen while I cooked Chelsey’s breakfast and prepared for lunch. The whole time I was working he was talking and explaining everything to me.

He told me about the warriors, about the cold ones, the wife who scarifies herself and about imprints. I was his imprint. That made me drop the pot I had in my hand.

“Are you ok?” he asked getting up to pick it but I had gone down to the floor to get it.

“Yeah, that last one took me by surprise” I said smiling “so, I’m your imprint? Does that me I’m stuck with you?” I said teasing him.

“I’m not that bad” he said “hurt”

“Uh-huh” I said turning around and occupying myself to get my act together.

“So, any questions?” he asked

“Nop. Oh wait, just one. Why am I supposed to be mad at Eleanor?” I asked.

“Emily. And because when I took you there after our dive, you went to shower but really just eavesdropped our conversation. I told her you were my imprint and she was happy until I told her where I found you. She took it bad and she looked like it was a bad thing you worked and lived her. So you got mad and ran out the door. I tried to stop you but you were really upset and went back to the cliff where your clothes were. I went there on my wolf form to make sure you were okay. You named me Albert and talked to me for a little without knowing it was me. You then left and the man with greasy hair brought you home. I ran here alongside to make sure he didn’t hurt you. When you came out the car you found me and then I showed you and you freaked out, and –” he explained

“Ok, ok. I get the rest. So Elisa is disgusted that I’m a striper?” I asked.

“Emily. And no, she’s not disgusted. She was testing me to make sure the imprint was real and not just because you’re pretty and I was in pain to the point where my mind mimics feeling for an imprint. Its real.” He said at the end smiling.

“Oh. Ok” I said turning my back on him so he wouldn’t see my relief. Why I was relief is one of the many mysteries of the world.

I turned back to him. “So, we’re supposed to be together?” I asked


“Good” I smiled.

He smiled like the sun.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter is basicly a review of the other one. in other words, the other one in other words. i needed it to put on the next one that is already writen.

here is the outfit in this chapter:

rate, message, do your homework...