Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

Cake is sooo good!

Today was the day…

Jacob’s Birthday.

The party was going to be after the bonfire that would introduce the rest of the girls to the world of not-normal-world-after-all.

Last month was my birthday and we had a party at the club. The pack was invited, obviously, and when they got here, everyone who wasn’t imprinted, well they went ga ga for the stripers. We seem to have a charm against werewolves.

And so, for the first time ever, the whole pack has an imprint, which means, there is going to be an even bigger pack of little half-babies/half-puppies running around.

In conclusion, today’s bonfire was going to be am intro-to-the-pack-world-to-the-girls/Jacob’s-birthday-party.

“Ready?” asked Jacob from the door

“As I’ll ever be” I said grabbing his present from my night table. “Come on” I said pulling him by the jacket downstairs where everyone was mingling.

“So, tell me again how we are going to get to the rez?” asked Tammy in her twang.

“Well, you can either ride your car behind Jacob’s bike, or you can ride with your wolf” I said

“Oh I want to ride with my wolf” said Angela grabbing Embry’s arm tighter. She really doesn’t go with the name of “Angela”

“All right then! Every one ready?” I asked changing the subject.

“Yeah” said Tammy, grabbing Seth by the arm. SHE made good fame of her name.

“Then let’s go” I said going to the door and hanging on to Joy’s joy.

I mounted the bike, and the girls dispersed. Some went with wolves, some went with cars; point is, we all went.

“Hey Jacob!” I yell over the loud noise the wind makes when you go at high speed.

“Yeah?” he asks

“Are you sure there is no problem in telling Chelsey? I don’t want you to get in trouble” I said

“It’s ok, it was Sam’s idea, remember?” he said

“Yeah, but—“”

“But what?” he asked

“Isn’t it against the rules to tell anybody who isn’t an imprint?” I asked

“Yeah but don’t worry, we told Billy and he said it was a great idea. Besides, with most of the girls being imprints, the secret won’t be kept from her much longer. I’m not saying the girls can’t keep a secret, but Chelsey is bound to found out sooner or later asking why most of her dancers are spending all the time possible in the rez.” He said driving thought the road that would get us to Forks.

“I know that, but isn’t it against the rules to tell anybody who isn’t an imprint?” I asked again, nervous.

“I told Bella” he said

“Who?” I asked

“Electra, do you remember the reason I told you I came to the club the night I imprinted on you?” he asked sounding nervous himself.

“Um, yeah, because the girl you loved married a guy you don’t like.” I said. Really, that was all I knew. Of course I wanted to know more but I could see that it brought paint to his eyes when I mentioned it; plus it was a very personal question.

“Right, so well the story is that, that guy left her and she was heartbroken. Like an empty shell. I knew her since she was little and she used to come to the rez. So she came and spent time with me, she was healing if you will. One night we went to the movies and when I got back home I phased for the first time. Since she wasn’t my imprint, I couldn’t tell her or let her get close to me that way she was safe from the temperamental werewolf that was me. She called and she tried, but I couldn’t answer, not when I got mad all of the sudden and exploded.

“She came by one day and yelled at me for not being a good friend. That was all I was for her, a friend. She was still madly in love with the guy. I couldn’t think the thought of her being hurt, so I went to her house that night and gave her clues about what I am; which is not really telling her and breaking the Alpha’s Order. The next morning she came by, she knew. It was a couple of weeks her hanging around us, with Emily and all. But then he came back and she was so in love with him she took him back.

“I was in love with her but it didn’t matter, she married him and left my life forever. I was really hurt and a real downer now that I think of it. Sam ordered me to get out of town, so I did, I wanted to go south but that only brought me to Forks, where she lives. I passed the town and kept going down. But as I went farther away from Forks, I felt a pull. A pull towards my sanity, my mind, towards you.” He said the last part looking at me.

“EYES ON THE ROAD!” I yelled.

He laughed but turned around and kept driving.

“I’m so sorry.” I said

“For what? You didn’t do anything bad, you saved me” he said

“I’m sorry for all the pain you must have been through” I said hugging his middle in a comforting way, not the way I do when I’m hanging on for my life.

“It’s all in the past now” he said in a voice that had a hint of gloom.

We got to the town and rode quietly. We were almost out when he said “that house. Do you see it?” he asked as we reached a house, we passed it flying by.

“I saw it, what about it?” I asked, but knew the answer.

“That where she lives” he said and we felt silent again till we reached the reservation.

“BILLY!” I yell running and stretching my arms

“Hello, Electra, how nice to see you.” He says

“I know. Isn’t it always nice to see me?” I laugh. “Can I?” I ask

“Of course you can.” He says an opens his arms.

“Yay!” I then sit on his lap while he rolls us to the circle around the fire. “Woo Hoo!” I say loud as he rolls.

“Electra, what are you doing? He isn’t a car” says Chelsey

“He doesn’t mind, right Billy?” I ask

“It’s a pleasure for me. No one ever asked until her, and quite franticly I wanted to give someone a ride, they just feel like their taking advantage of me” he laughs.

“Thanks Billy” I said getting up “but I want a piggy back ride, JACOB!” I yell

“What do you want?” he asks annoyed.

“I want a piggy back ride” I say


“Because you’re strong enough to give me one” I say

“Fine, come here” he says and hugs me, then does this weird flip and all of the sudden I’m in his back.

“Thank you” I say putting my head on his shoulder and putting my arms around his neck.

“No problem.” He says and we go meet the others.

“Hello! And welcome to Wonderland!” I say loudly

“Could you please say it louder and make me go death?” he says

“Sure, no prob. HELLO! AND WELCOME TO WONDERLAND!” I yell.

“I wasn’t serious about it!”

“Oh, sorry.” I say and peck his cheek.

“Electra, we’ve been here before, no need to introduce.” Says Anna with Brady.

“Yeah, but tonight is different. Tonight, you need to cut your forearm and make a blood promise not to tell anyone” I say

“That’s not true” said Seth to Tammy who believed me.

“Oh yeah? How did I get this then?” I ask pulling up my sweater showing a big scar running from inside my elbow to my wrist. It looked very real.
“It’s fake, I saw you putting it on this afternoon. It looks really good by the way” says Clarissa who ended up with Collin.

“Thank you” I said looking at my work.

“You did that?” asked Jacob grabbing my arm and looking at the “wound”

“Yeah” I said proud

“How did you do that?” he asked amused

“Make up, I was sent for the summers to help out at the local theater. They taught me how to do make up. I got community service hours and graduated high school with that. I was home schooled by Chelsey and Matilda, she doesn’t work with us anymore, but she was a teacher.” I explained.

“I never knew that”

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about us” I say mysteriously.

“Ok, come one, the bonfire is about to start” said Jacob carrying me over to the circle.

He flipped me and managed to sit down with me on his lap.

“Welcome to all. Tonight, we celebrate two very special things: the joining of five members to our traditions and our legends, and our line of life. And the birthday of Jacob Black. Grandson of Ephraim Black. Congratulations” said Billy and everyone clapped.

“The story of our people started long ago…” started Billy in that captivating voice he has when he is telling the story.

>> To the end>>

So Billy told the magical tales of the Pack. Now, we were eating our heads off.

I got off Jacob and went to Chelsey. “Did you bring it?” I asked whispering.

“Yeah, it’s in the car.” She said

“Cool, I’ll go get it.” I said and took the keys to her car.

Tammy came with me and helped me carry it.

“Careful don’t squash it” I said

“Sorry, it’s just so heavy. Why did you get it so big?” she complained, we weren’t the strongest ones of the bunch.

“Have you seen how they swallow? I don’t think they even chew before swallowing” I said

“Yeah, but haven’t they eaten enough?” she asked

“They are part wolf Tammy, Jacob can eat a whole elephant and still be hungry” I said struggling under its weight.

We appeared at the clearing and everybody turned their heads.

Then started singing “Happy Birthday” to Jacob who, besides his dark tanned skin, blushed madly.

He blew out the candles in the cake and we set it on a little table Angela had brought to put the monstrosity that was the cake. Even after all they ate, they only left one fifth of the cake made to feed 20.

“See I told you” is said to Tammy who had an amused face at Seth, who was having his, um… never mind I lost count, piece of cake.

“You were right” she said

“I’m always right”

“What are you talking about?" asked Seth, seeing we were talking about him

“I told her you had a big nose” is said eating my second share of cake; it was so good I really couldn’t just have one piece.

“Really?” he asked touching his nose.

“No, your nose is lovely.” Said Tammy “I just couldn’t believe how much you ate” she said

“Oh yea, we can eat an elephant and still be hungry” said Jacob net to me

“How did you—“

“Great minds think alike” I told her, but she just shook her head and ate her cake.

“Oh-my-Gash! I almost forgot!” I said going through my bag.

“What is it?” asked Jacob looking down into it. I was sitting on his lap again.

“This” I said taking out a blue box. Just like the one he gave me my present in.

“What is this?” he asked

“A blue box with a ribbon” I said in a “duh” manner.

“No kidding, I could have never guessed” he said sarcastically

“Open it” I said

“Is it for me?”

“No, it’s for the Grim Reaper. Yes it's for you” I said happily.

“Thanks.” he said putting it away

“Aren’t you going to open it now?” I asked

“In front of everybody? I’m scared of what might be in there. Ill open it when I drop you off” he said.

“Nonsense! Thou shall open the box now and demonstrate its contents too the civilization before us” I said in a dramatic way.

“How long did you help at the theater?” he asked

“13 years. Open it!” I said urgently and jumping on his lap.

“Ok fine ill open it if you clam down”

“Deal.” I say and stop.

He tares the paper and opens the black velvet box. He freezes. And looks at it with such a horrified look on his face.

“Don’t you like it?” I ask

He says nothing.

“What is it?” asks Quil.

“Tell him” I say

“A-a-a-a dog tag” he chokes the word out.

They laugh a little.

“Read what it says” I say evilly

“How about, we have enough fun for tonight and not tell them what it says” he says

“No deal”

He sighs “fine, it says “My name is Alfred and I belong to Electra Medea”” he read it off.

The pack laughs a little more.

“You got a dog tag?” asked Jared

I got off and from my bag I grab one of those things you use to spray plants with water.

I spray twice on Jared’s face.

“What the hell?” he says drying his face with his shirt (one of the few times I see them with shirts and not just ripped pants)

I spray again. “The first one was for laughing at my present and the second one for being so loud” I say.

“Why did you do that?” he asks calmer, scared ill spry him again.

“This is what professional trainers do to train cats” I say and go back to my seat: Jacobs lap.

“But I’m not a cat” he says

“But you are family” I say

“That makes no sense” he yells

“A lot of things in life make no sense” I say

“What? Oh forget it” he says

“Ok. So Jacob, did I get it right?” I ask

“Bull’s eye” he says and kisses me.

We break apart and look in each other’s eyes “Happy Birthday” I whisper not to break the silence filled with magic around us two.
♠ ♠ ♠
The present Jacob gives Electra in the chapter before is a Necklace. The Necklace is a key, which he explains is the key to his heart. I didn't know how to make a chapter out of that, so I'm just telling you what was supposed to happen...

Necklace and Dog Tag:

Ps. Electra is wearing what the girl in the picture is...

read, comment, eat some cake...