Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

Dance Lessons

Jacob took me straight home after Sam had told him the girls had already left to meet Chelsey at the club. When I got there, I changed into shorts and shirt. We wore this when practicing so we can get used to the flips and things without the bother of long fabrics in the way. Oh and some really high heels.We danced till Chelsey got tired; which meant we were dead on our feet.
“Ugh! I’m so tired!!” whined Electra on the couch; with her head on Jacob’s lap. He had stayed to watch rehearsal.
He laughed “As well you should be. I know see why you eat almost as much as me.” he said
“Are you calling me a pig, Jacob Black?” she asked
“No, I’m just saying, you have to get the calories you burn from somewhere” he said soothing my hair.
“I know, I feel fat when I eat so much but then I feel I should eat some more after Chelsey teaches us a new routine” she sighted and closed her eyes.
“You look so tired” Jacob said looking down at her peaceful almost-asleep face
“I am” she said without opening her eyes.
They stayed like that for a while; he playing with her hair and she falling asleep on his lap.
“You’re a really good dancer” said Jacob breaking the soothing silent.
“Thanks, I have to be. If I wasn't’t, I would never leave the apartment” said Electra with her eyes closed.
“You’re welcome. I can’t even dance to save my life. Though I don’t think I need it considering I can just break them into pieces before they hurt me.” he joked
“You can’t dance?” she asked opening her eyes wide and smiling with an idea.
“Of all I said, that is all you heard?” he asked amazed.
“No, I heard all of it; and by the way, gross. So you really can’t dance?” she asked again.
“No; it doesn't’t bother you what I just said?” he asked
“No, I mean I’d be a hypocrite if I judged you for what you are. Remember Erika and Beatrice? She was about to kill me just because I’m a stripper.”
“You mean Emily and Bella?” he asked
“Yes, I only remember the first letter of the name if I don’t like the person.” she said
“So you don’t like Edward?” he asked
“I like him, he’s cool.”
“Then why do you call him everything but his name?”
“Because it’s fun. Can I teach you?”
“You’re weird. Teach me what?”
“To dance of course, and I’m not weird; the politically correct term is unique”
“No way in hell; aren't’t weird and unique the same thing?”
“No, and why can’t I teach you?”
“Because you will be wasting your time. And they are the same”
“Fine, be a pessimist. Pretty please with a cherry on top?”
“Thank you. And no, now please stop asking.”
“Fine” I said and pouted and crossed her arms under her chest.
“Fine” he said happy that she won’t be teaching him.

“Fine” he said with a heave sigh
“Fine?” she asked excited.
“Fine” he said giving in.
“Yay! Come on” she said getting to her feet and dragging him up in the process.
She went to the stereo.
“I only have Spanish music. So you will be learning with that.” She said putting the CD on the slot and pushing it into the stereo.
Como es que te amo asi,
Con todo el pensamiento,
Como lograste entrar asi sin preguntar robandote el momento,
Como es que te amo asi,
“Ok, so put your arm around my waist. Good, now hold my right hand. Good, now it’s very easy: step forward, step backwards, step forward, and step backwards.”
Sin tanto sufrimiento,
Como que es natural que cada amanecer quiero parar el tiempo,
“Now sway your hips a little.”
Y es que te he dado todo,
Y nada es suficiente,
No por que me lo pides sino por que faltan frenos al quererte,
“Good, now twist me. Good.”
Que precio tiene el cielo,
Que alguien me lo diga,
Que mas que darte amor yo quiero regalarte el azul de los dias,
Que precio tiene el cielo,
Que alguien me lo diga,
Si yo con esta historia siento que la gloria ah llegado a mi vida,
Que precio tiene el cielo,
Que alguien me lo diga,
Yo pago por mi alma sin temor a nada,
Yo te doy mi vida... ohh...

“Good news Mr. Black, you are dancing” i say
“Now step to the right, now center, now the other side, and now center. Good, now forward, center, left, center, back, center, right, center. Good, move your hips a little.”
Esta noche te doy,
De todo cuanto tengo,
Y no me doy abasto tiendo ah imaginar que el mundo yo te invento,
Y desde aqui se ven,
Las nubes y los vientos,
Por eso aqui te traje por que todo junto es todo lo que tengo,
Y es que te he dado todo,
Y nada es suficiente,
No por que me lo pides sino por que faltan frenos al quererte,

Que precio tiene el cielo,
Que alguien me lo diga,
Que mas que darte amor yo quiero regalarte el azul de los dias,
Que precio tiene el cielo,
Que alguien me lo diga,
Si yo con esta historia siento que la gloria ah llegado a mi vida,
Que precio tiene el cielo,
Que alguien me lo diga,
Yo pago con mi alma sin temor a nada,
Yo te doy mi vida,
Eternamente yo te inventaria,
Como estas tantas otras melodias,
Para no faltarte el si ni falso un dia.

“Now mix it up. Left, back, center, twist, right, center, forward, twist”
Que precio tiene,
Dime que precio tiene,
Que precio tiene,
Dime que precio tiene,
Que precio tiene,
Dime que precio tiene,

[Marc Anthony]
Quiero regalarte el azul de los dias, la luna, los mares y el dia,
Ave Maria,
Y es que te he dado de todo y nada es suficiente,
Te lo digo de frente,
Oye mamá te lo voy a dar y con mi alma lo voy a pagar,
ataca serjio!

“Ready for the fun stuff?” she asked looking at his really confused face.
“Not really” almost tripping
“Ok, one, two, back, three, four, twist, forward, back, left, center, right, forward, twist and dip”
Que me lo diga que me lo diga,
Alguien que me lo diga,
Que me lo diga,
Que me lo diga que me lo diga,
Alguien que me lo diga,
Que me lo diga,
Que me lo diga que me lo diga,
Alguien que me lo diga,
Que me lo diga.
They finished the song with me in a dip at the last note.
Clapping was herd form the door to our apartment.
Jacob pulled Electra back up to my feet as Chelsey came to the stage.
“I see you can dance Jacob” she said with an idea forming in her head. Electra had a bad feeling.
“Not really, I’m awful” he insisted
“Not according to what I saw” said Chelsey pointing to the stage with a smile and an idea.
“Well, I’m a fast learner, and she’s a good teacher” he said kissing the top of her head.
“Would you be interested in learning some more steps? More complicated steps?” she asked
“I’m not sure.” He said scared, as well he should be
“Its settled then, you will perform a song with Electra this weekend” she said
“What?” asked the couple at the same time.
“Is there a problem with that?” she asked
“I don’t think Sam would like the idea of me not running patrol because I’m dancing” he said
“Is there any trouble in the horizon?”
“No but—“
“Then I see no problem. Besides, I’m sure Sam and the pack would love to see you dance on the stage” she said smiling and walking away.
“Yeah, I think they would like to see that a little too much” he said looking at Electra
“Hey, don’t look at me, you’re the one who agreed” she said jumping off the stage and going to the stairs hidden behind the door.
“I did not agree.” He said stopping her
“Does that mean you don’t want to dance with me?” she asked in a ‘hurt’ voice
“No, is not that –“
“Then I would teach you a new song and we shall dance it next weekend” she said.
“Do I have a choice?”
“Um… nop, I don’t think so” she said peppy
“I thought so” he said sighting.
“Come on it’ll be fun” she said jumping up and down.
“Fine, can I spend the night? I don’t want to tell Sam or the pack i will be performing for them next week tonight”
“No” she said and turned around
“I can’t?”
“Nop, I don’t want flees on my bed” she said and ran too bad she was only human.
“Oh, you take that back” he said chasing her around the club
“No!” she yelled and ran through the chairs
“Fine” he said and grabbed her waist, which caused her to scream. He went up the stairs to her apartment.
“Put me down!!” she yelled
“Take it back”
“Then I won’t put you down”
“Put me down!!!”
“Take it back”
“Fine! I take it back!” she yelled and he through her on her bed.
“MOLLY!” she yelled and the tiny puppy came rushing through the room “ATTACK MOLLY, ATTACK!!” yelled Electra.
The puppy barked and was biting furiously on Jacobs leg
“Hey!” said Jacob and bent down to grab the puppy who was growling like crazy. “she’s, so cute” smiling
“She’s not cute, she my guard dog when you’re not here” said Electra in a serious tone.
“She can’t eve growl. I’ll show you a real growl” he growled deep within his throat.
Molly got scared and started crying “You scared her! What’s wrong with you? Gimme her!” cried Electra. Jacob handed her the scared puppy adn sat on the chair in the corner watching. “Did the mean werewolf scare you?” asked Electra as if to a baby. “Did he? Well he’s in the corner now, he can’t hurt you. Don’t cry” said Electra soothing the dog.
Jacob watched as she calmed the puppy and rocked it to sleep in her arms while singing lullabies softly to it. She then got up and went to the puppy’s bed and placed it there carefully as if it would break.
Electra noticed Jacob was staring at her.
“What?” she asked
“You calmed her down and she went to sleep.”
“Yeah; so?”
“It’s a dog, what dog falls asleep with lullabies?”
“Oh, well, I did community service in the hospital taking care of the babies, putting them to sleep, feeding them, bathing them, playing with them while the mom got better and recuperated from birth.” She said while going to her drawer and got out some pj’s
“Is there any place you haven’t done community service in?” he asked
“I don’t know” she said going to the bathroom and taking a shower.
When she got out she went to her bed.
“Come” she said and got under the cover

He went over and they fell asleep from the long and tired day they had today.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry i took so long to update, i had the idea but i had to find the perfect song. plus i was in carnival brake in disney so i really couldn't write. next chapter i will be taking requests. would you like another electra/bella showdown? a big fight between our lovers? horrible flashbacks of the past? you will be the judge. just remember to tell me before the next chapter is up ;)

link to outfit:

fact of the day :
#916= The scientific term for sneezing is sternutation
*Brought to you by Snapple*

read, comment, subscribe, buy really big sunglasses (they are quite fashionable)

PS: *THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT* I am reading another vampire book and am in an obsession that i want to add the story to mine. IT IS IMPORTANT PEOPLE ANSWER THIS TO ME!! "who likes The Vampire Diaries"? send me a message telling me if you like it and your favorite character. it can be from the book or the TV show. i will add it because i know about it and I am in the middle of the "Vampire Diaries" obsession. (kind of like i was when i started THIS story)
So Please. If you like The Vampire Diaries, don't be shy and send me a message (i don't bite i swear) and i will be putting in characters latter on in the story...