Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

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“Where did he go?” asked Jacob.

“Who?” Asked Electra

“Ian, your dad. He just walked out the door and now he’s not there anymore.”

“Oh, yeah, he has his ways of transportations. Just change and he will follow” Electra smiled pushing him towards the trees.

“So, he explodes his clothes?” asked Ian landing on two feet behind Electra

“Yeah, I told you they weren’t as cool as you” said Electra

“Oh, they communicate when they are wolves but not when they are human? That’s lame” he said smirking.

Don’t get cocky now. Please don’t do something stupid when you meet the others. Thought Electra knowing he could get it.

“Yeah yeah. Here comes your puppy.” He said disappearing and leaving behind a black feather. Always a dramatic exit thought Electra.

Jacob came out of the woods in his wolf form. It took her breath way, even though she saw him in wolf form last night. He pushed his nose to her leg to let her know she can mount him. as soon as she was secure, they took off. Speeding towards the Cullen house with an unnoticed crow following in the air.

As they approached the clearing that would be the Cullen’s front yard, Electra imagined herself riding a Bandersnatch.

When they were in the clearing, Jacob kneeled down and Electra went down his side like a slide and waited for Jacob to return.

“A Bandersnatch? What the hell is that?” asked Ian at her side.

“I haven’t the slightest idea but its king of like a big white furry dog looking thing with black dots” she said thinking how he kept appearing and disappearing. Like a Cheshire Cat. He even has the smile.

“Electra? What is wrong with your head? Now I’m some kind of a cat? What is a Chewhater Cat?” he asked amused.

“A Cheshire Cat, is a grinning cat.”

“Cats smile?” he asked

“Yeah. Well I don’t know. Hey do you know how is a raven like a writing desk?” she asked her head still in somewhere that is not Earth.

“No, how?” he asked curios.

“I don’t know. It was just in my head, I wonder why.” She thought out loud.

“Have you been reading?” he asked

“Yeah, yesterday I finished Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland: Through the looking glass. It’s the sequel to the first one Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. OH! That’s why I’m thinking about the Bandersnatch and the Cheshire Cat!” she said realizing she was in Wonderland herself.

“So how is a raven like a writing desk?” he asked.

“I don’t know, The Mad Hatter never answered.” Electra said when Jacob came back with his cut off shorts.

“You think I’m a what?” he asked, he had obviously heard the conversation before.

“A Bandersnatch. Its imaginary don’t worry.” She said waving her hand and grabbing his and moving towards the door.

“So I’m a cat?” asked Ian again

“Well not really. You’re more like a Cheshire Crow” she said giggling

“You have to stop reading fiction, especially that kind. Is not good for your head” said Ian concerned for her mid.

“Aww, look who’s acting like a dad” she cooed

“Say that one more time and you will regret it” he said in a threatening yet sexy tone.

“What? You’re going to suck me dry?” she asked

“Who’s going to stop me?” asked Ian.

“I can call Uncle Paul” she said

“HA! Yeah I would like to see him try and stop me. Poor boy is too good; I still can’t understand how he can still be a live without so many years without human blood. All he eats are little bunnies in the woods. And he doesn’t even kill them; he leaves enough blood for them to survive. Pathetic” he said in disgust.

“What am I, chopped liver? I can stop him” said Jacob, his ego clearly hurt.

“Yes, honey I know your strong, but, it’s Ian. Only an Elder can defeat him” she said sweetly as if to a child that can’t have his cookie because he hasn’t had dinner. She climbed up the steps to the porch when the door open. “Hey Edgar” she said

“Hello Electra” he said

“Edmond, this is my father Ian. Ian, this is the other one Edgerton” I say introducing

“How many names does he have?” asked Ian

“One. Its Edward, nice to meet you” said Edward extending his hand.

Ian looked at it and decided to shake it. Well really to try and read Edward’s mind, he probably was getting very faint thoughts since Edward wasn’t human.

“So weird” said Ian “he is stone cold. And I can’t hear a heart beat except for yours or your dog. And the thoughts are very faint” he mused to Electra.

“Really?” she asked amazed, it take very little to amuse Ian and this was defiantly intriguing him.

Suddenly, Edward swayed a little, then stumbled down and finally fell to the ground.

“Ian!” screamed Electra.


“That was rude”

“I had to try. That took almost everything I could muster. I need blood” he said weakly.

Electra grabbed the pin she had on her bag and pierced her wrist. A drop of blood came out, so she squeezed until it was flowing a little.

“What are you doing?” asked Jacob really scared that his imprint was pricking herself surrounded by a bunch of vampires.

“Let me go!” she said getting out of his grip, she felt cold breeze ruffle her hair and cool her neck. The stuck her wrist in Ian’s mouth and he began to suck.

Ian had used so much of his power to nock Edward down that he took so much blood she couldn’t stand on her own two feet and she was getting scary pale and cold. He realized that and took her hand off his mouth. Then he bit deep into his wrist and stuck it into her mouth.

“What are you doing?!” asked Jacob about to yank his wrist off Electra’s mouth.

“She needs my blood to heal” Ian growled.

“You can bleed” said Carlisle amazed at a new discovery.

“Yeah, I am made different than any of you” he said looking down at Electra who started to warm a little and gain some color in her cheeks.

Electra’s eyes opened slowly slightly dazed and confused.

“Wakey wakey princess” Ian teased

“Don’t call me that” she mumbled

He just laughed and helped her up to her feet.

“What happened?” she asked

“I drank too much and you fainted” Ian said

“When was the last time you fed?” she asked in a motherly tone.

“Last week” he said

“Is that why you went to get Chelsey so fast?” she asked

“Yeah. I visited my brother last week and his lovely Nina” he said in a sour tone

“OH! How is she?” Electra asked

“Fine, if you consider she came back from the Other Side. She’s a spirit child; she has no gravity and the kind of power an angel has”


“Yeah” he said

“Hey Ian” she asked


“Tell me the next time you get hungry. I want to see if I can have some power”

“What are you talking about?” asked Jasper

“Oh, how rude of me. Cullens, this is Ian. My dad. Ian, these are the Others.” Electra said motioning to the others then walked inside.

“Um…” said Ian in the other side of the threshold

“You can’t come in?” asked Electra amazed

“No. Do they live here?” he asked

“Yeah, but they are all dead” she said amazed

“Thanks” said Emmett

“You know what I mean”

“Does at least one human live here?” asked Ian

“Bella lives here” said Edward

“Oh really?”

“Electra” said Ian irritated that he couldn’t come inside.

“Oh sorry. Come in” she said

Ian looked down and slowly put his foot over the threshold.

“What just happened?” asked Carlisle

“He can’t go inside a place where people live without being invited in first. Doesn’t matter who lives in it, it can be the neighbors, it can be anybody. As long as he is invited in, he can come in anytime he wants.” Explained Electra

“Wow” said Carlisle

“Yeah. Well, nice to meet you all but I have to go. I’m still hungry and I don’t want to faint Electra again” he said walking out the door.

“Wait, Ian. I want to know. Do they have Power?” asked Electra

“Not really” he said

“Then why did Edward drain you?”

“Because he is dead” answered Ian

“So are you”

“No, you don’t understand. What holds Power is blood. Human blood. He is dead, means drained of blood, of Power. When I was unleashing my Power towards him, his body drained it all. What makes a human live, their body function is the Power in their blood. Hi is in the lack of, therefore when his body got a glimpse of mine, it wanted it to make it work again. That’s why when I take blood from you, I need to give you some of mine for you to function faster again since I hold much more Power than you.” He said explaining.

“What Power are you talking about?” asked Jacob

“This Power doggie” said Ian becoming a crow

“Whoa!” said Emmett

“How did he do that?”

“He has Power. He can do cool stuff” said Electra smirking. “Wait till you can see what he can do with the weather”

Then Ian flew out the door and left a single black feather. “Show off” said Electra picking it up and putting it in her hair, wishing she could also transform.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry i made so many Alice in Wonderland references but i just came back from whatching the movie and am still a little hyped...
ok, so im coming up blank on how to continue the story and would very kindly apreciate if you could give me so idea on how to continue. please keep in mind the world of The Vampire Diaries that i am introducing to the story belongs to L. J. Smith and L. J. Smith only. Im just using the names of the actors in the show and not the characters in the book.

I know this chapter was lame but like i said before, I am coming up blanck. i will probably stop updating in a while to get back on my train.

Quote of the day:
If you shake a can of mixed nuts, the larger nuts will rise to the top
Brought to you by Snapple

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