Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

First Date

Jacob lifts me and puts me on the other end of the couch in a second. I find my mask and hastily put it on.
“So purple huh?” I ask Jacob as the curtain flies open
“Huh?” he asks confused
“The plant that you were talking about. It gave purple flowers.” I make up a lie.
“Um yeah. Just water the plant with purple water and the plant will grow purple” he follows my lead
“Electra? What are you doing here?” asks Chelsey confused, and then beyond upset
“Um... talking to Jacob,” I say in a small voice
“WHY are you talking to Jacob?” she asks
“I asked her to” answered Jacob
“Uh huh. Tell me Jacob. How old are you?” she asks putting her hands on her hips, her latest victim forgotten.
“18.” He says smoothly
“All right then. Electra, don’t you have a job to do?” she looks at me
“Um-” I say
“Does she have to work tonight?” Jacob asks and we turn to him
“I’m sorry?” asks Chelsey
“I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me.” Answers Jacob honestly
We say at the same time.
“Why not?” I ask Chelsey
“Because I say so.” She says without a real reason
“Come on. Pleaseee. I never get to go out. I’m always stuck here with the girls and I don’t get a chance to be around people my age.” I plead doing my best puppy-dog-eye look.
She sighs. I got her. She can’t resist me.
“Fine. However, be back at one. No later. Of course you can come sooner, but that’s up to you.” She says jokingly and goes out to the bar to find another victim.
“Come” I say to Jacob as I take his hand and pull him through the bar towards the door hiding the stairs to my home. We go up the stairs and down the hall to my room. “So, where are we going?” I ask as I enter my room and Jacob sits on my bed.
“I don’t know. You take pictures?” he asked as I took off all my accessories.
“Yeah, but I can only take of cities since it’s where we are. I mean there is a beach close by but, I never have the chance to go.” I say
“I know where we’re going,” he said
“Dress comfy, you’ll find out”
I put on some shorts and a plaid t-shirt with my blue converse and some accessories.
“This ok?”
“Perfect. Oh, hey, bring you camera” he says walking out the door.
Confused, I take it and go outside to meet him.
“Ready. Oh wait!” I say going through the living room looking everywhere
“What are you looking for?”
“My phone. I know I left it here somewhere.” I say turning around.
“Is it that one?” he points to the table I’m next to.
“Hey! You found it! Thanks” I say
“You’re welcome” he chuckles and follows me out the door that does not make you go through the club.
“So how are we getting to the mystery destination?”
“Do you like adrenaline?”
“I live above a strip club”
“So, how are we getting there?”
“We ride my bike.” He says handing me a helment.
“Hold on tight,” he says over the engine
“Ok” I grab tighter to his middle, which is hard as a rock.
After a long time of waving through traffic like lightning, we finally arrive to what looks like a forest.
We get down from the bike and as soon as the helment is off my head, he covers my eyes with his hands.
“Do you like surprises?” he asks
“A wise man once said ‘the best kind of price, is a surprice’”
“Who said that?”
“Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”
He laughs and makes me walk forward
I can feel the wind lifting my hair and can smell the salt in it.
He stops and almost makes me fall backward, but he catches me.
“Are you alright?”
“Ok, ready?”
“Like I’ve never been before”
He lets his hands fall off my eyes, the view that I see its amazing. We are on the border of a cliff. The sea is blue and the moon is full. The stars in the sky make it look like twinkling lights, which makes me laugh because I remember Chelsey covered with glitter and sparkling like there was no tomorrow.
“What’s so funny?”
“Never mind. This place is amazing.” I say in awe.
“Yeah. The sun rises are to die for”
“No kidding”
“What do you mean?”
“Who would be on the edge of a cliff, just to see a sunrise?”
“We do it all the time”
“Whose we?”
“Um… my brothers and I.”
“Oh. That is nice. You have a family,” I say looking away
“What’s wrong? Why do you say that?”
“I never knew my mother.”
“Aw. Come here” he says hugging me.
“It’s alright. In the past. Can I take a picture of you?” I change the subject fast
“Um… ok. How do you want me?”
“Um… I’m not sure. Why don’t you try sitting on that rock and looking up at the moon.” I say taking out my supper awesome Nikon d3000.
“How’s this”
I look up.
“Perfect” I say at loss of words
“Thank you” he says in a cocky way.
He turns to look back at the moon and is as if she was speaking to him and he was listening with all the caution in the world to not miss a thing. The concentration and adoration he has in his eyes while looking up at the moon, makes him look like a wolf hauling to his lover, the moon.
I take the picture and then look at his face again.
“Jacob?” I whisper, too scared to ruin the moment.
“Hum?” he asks turning over and looking at me.
“You should go into modeling” I almost breathe.
He looks at me intently, then laughs, well more like barks, aloud.
I take my chance and take a picture of him; he looks so happy, so carefree.
I let him have his laugh and look around.
I take pictures of everything. The trees, the branches, the rocks, the shadows, the stars, the moon.
“We should go.” I hear Jacob suddenly say.
“Huh?” I lose my train of thought and concentration. I had forgotten he was even there. “Oh, yeah. Wow, thanks for bringing me here. It’s amazing.” I say and give him a hug.
“You’re welcome.” He says hugging me back.
The ride back home was quite except for the roar of the engine. When we get back to the club, I turn to say good night but he silences me with a kiss. But it wasn’t hungry and passionate like in the club, it was sweet and short; it was a good night kiss.
“Bye” I say quietly still shocked from the kiss.
He just smirked, got on his bike and left.
♠ ♠ ♠
SECOND CHAPTER!! comments, subscriptions, ideas of a better tittle... all is welcome in the land of oz....

here is Electra's Outfit=