Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

A day in the Grocery Store

I put on some ripped jeans and green sneakers with a baseball-t that says ‘Slitherin’. I grab my wolf bag and put on some accessories.

When I come out Jacob is sitting on the couch.

“Ready?” I ask grabbing my phone and some grocery money from the cookie jar. We don’t eat cookies, we just use it as our piggy bank.

“Sure.” He says standing up and following me out the door.

“Nice shirt” he smirks as we descend the stairs

“Huh? Oh, thanks” I say looking down

“Harry Potter fan?”

“Totally. I really like the books, but the movies I’m still kind of iffy.” I say opening the door to get out the back door and not go through the bar.

He just laughs and warm and inviting laugh.

“Mom, I’m leaving!” I yell as we go outside

“So Chelsey’s your mom?” he asks “you don’t look alike” we were walking to my car.

“Well, she’s my self-proclaimed mother. My birthmother was a drunk. One night she was beyond wasted and came to the club. I have no idea how she got me inside the club, but she left me sitting on a table and went to socialize. She never came back for me.” we were now inside my 911 Carrera “I fell asleep on the chair, and woke up when Chelsey shook me awake. She was confused as to why a five year old was even in her club, but she could tell I was scared and lost. She gave me some food and then asked me to explain why I was in the club. I told her I came with my mom, but that she left me and I fell asleep. She has been my mother from then on. I call her Chelsey but sometimes I call her mom, or when I want something, she likes it when I call her mom.” I smiled at how my story got a somehow happy ending.

“She’s not the best parental example, but she’s the first one I’d pick if I had to choose who my mother would be.” I smiled and wiped a tear off my cheek.

“I’m sorry,” Jacob said quietly

“It’s ok. I like to think that she was meant to be my mother from the beginning but she couldn’t have me so the woman who gave birth to me brought me to her.” I said off in my world.

The ride was silent from there. I parked in the supermarket and got out. The automatic doors opened and the cool air rushed out. I got a cart and went on my mission to get the groceries.

When I was walking down the isles, little kids looked and stared at me. I laughed “What’s so funny?” asked Jacob

“I dunno, I just find it funny how every time I wear merchandise form a movie or a book, everybody just stares at me like I’m an alien.” I laugh putting in the cart some boxes of pasta.

“Well, I mean, Slitherins are kind of hated everywhere.” He said matter of factly.

“Well, if you must know, I happen to like Slitherin precisely for that reason. Well I also like Hufflepuff but I don’t have any shirts with their name on it.”

“So you like outcasts? Interesting” he smiled at me

“I guess you can say that. I also like Sirius an Lupin because they can become dogs.” I say grabbing tomato sauce.

“So you like freaks too” he joked but it didn’t reach his eyes. It was as if his statement had a double meaning.

“No, I just like them because they can become canines. Well I like Sirius a little better cuz he’s funny, but still, I like him because he becomes a dog at will. I think that is the coolest thing ever.” I say trying to reach the parmesan cheese in the top of the shelf but I’m too short.

Jacob grabs it and hands it to me. His face is in deep thought.

“You okay?” I ask

“I’m perfect” he then says with the biggest smile in the world.

“Alright then. Lets continue.” I say slowly. That was very weird

We were now in the produce section and am filing a bag of tomatoes.

“Hey, there’s going to be a bonfire tonight where I live. You can come if you want.” He said hopefully

“Where do you live?” I ask

“In La Push. It’s an Indian reservation.”

“I know where it is. Chelsey used to take me there on weekends when I little. She said I was too pale and needed some sun. We drove about an hour or so an were right there on the beach.” I said deciding between trays of grapes.

“So can you come?”

“Um… I don’t know, I have to ask Chelsey. We have a sweet sixteen tonight and she needs my help,” I said guilty

“Well, you can ask her when we get back and maybe I can take you earlier so you can meet my friends.” He said pleading

The truth is, I really wanted to go. I can’t explain it but, I wanted to know more about him. Its ridiculous because I just met him yesterday. But I had this feeling, as if I could, I would jump in front of a bus for him.

We talked about random stuff. Like music, cars, movies, books, you name it.

We soon finished and I paid the groceries. He carried most of it to the car. Actually, he carried all of it. I was eating grapes all the way to the car. I don’t know how but he was like super strong, I mean I had the whole cart full and he carried the bags like it was nothing.
He put the bags in the trunk.

I gave him a grape and then patted the top of his head as he leaned down to grab it.

“Good boy” I said as if he was a dog.

“I’m not a dog,” he said protesting

“Uh huh” I said popping a grape in my mouth and opening the driver’s seat and turning on the ignition. He got on and we left. I put some music and we drove home singing.

We got home with me singing the glee version to ‘somebody to love’.

“Chelsey I’m home!” I yelled as I got some bags before Jacob could grab them all again.

“Did you get everything?” she yelled from the club

“Yeah” I yelled chewing on a grape

“Are you eating my grapes?” she asked. She knew how much I liked grapes

I froze and spit the grape I had in my mouth, I hadn’t bit it yet. “No!” I yelled as I rinsed it and put it back on the tray

“Liar!” she yelled. She knew I was eating them from the moment I paid for them.

Jacob was laughing

“What’s so funny mister?”

“That was gross”

“Is not like I’m going to get mono from eating her food. I eat from her plate all the time, she gives me a hard time about it, but I still do it anyways. Where family, that’s how we show our love for each other.” I said starting to put the things we bought away.

I finished quickly while talking to Jacob who was leaning against the counter that divided the kitchen from the living room.

When I was done I decided I would ask Chelsey if I could go with Jacob.

“Come on, let’s ask Chelsey.” I say going around and going down the stairs

“Hey Chelsey I have a favor to ask” I say approaching her as she was decorating the poles with pretty flowers.

“Shoot” she says concentrated

“Wheel, there’s going to be a bonfire tonight at the reservation where I live, and I was wondering if Electra could come.” Asked Jacob politely.

“Where do you live?” she asked still not looking at us. She didn’t care, looks like I will be going to the bonfire tonight.

“La Push. It’s about one hour from here.” He answered with so much hope that the meanest father would have said yes to him.

“At what time is it?” asked Chelsey getting more flowers and putting them around the poles.

“Around 8. But I was wondering if she could come now to meet my friends and dad.” Jacob answered.

“Um… sure. Just don’t get home too late.”

“Great. Thanks Mom.” I said hugging her.

“Uh huh” she said focused on the flowers on the poles.

I race up to my room and grab some stuff.

“You should change,” said Jacob from my door,

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing now?” I asked

“Nothing, is just that it usually lasts a while and it’s gonna be pretty late when we come back. You should wear something more comfortable, like sweat pants or something.” He said unsure of himself.

“Ok, sure. Thanks” I said turning around and going to change once again. Took a shower to wash off all the glitter I had on. I was wearing cameo lose pants and a blue tank top that hugged my curves and made my boobs look big and sneakers. “This okay?” I ask coming out of the room.

“Perfect” he smiled a big grin. I melted right on the spot. He is just too CUTE!!

“You know what you remind me of?” I ask looking at him in deep thought

He smirked but answered “what?”

“A cute puppy.” I said after a while of making the comparisons. He stared and then burst out laughing like the world was going to end and he thought it needed more happiness in it.

“What? What’s so funny?” I ask embarrassed.

“Nothing. Is just nothing. Come on, you’ll love my brothers.” He pulled my hand and went down the stair.

“Chelsey I’m leaving!” I yelled getting my keys that hung next to the door.

“OK, HAVE FUN!!” she answered. We came out the back door and he guided me towards his bike.
“Here you go.” He handed me the helment .

“Thanks.” I said putting it on and mounting the bike behind him and hugging his mid-section. The bike ride went by fast. It didn’t even feel like one hour. When we got there, it took me a while to get my valance back.

“Whoa, you okay?” he asked putting a hand behind my back and holding me up

“Yeah, just fine. Is just that someone likes to drive like a maniac.” I said accusing him. He just laughed. He looked like a little boy on Christmas Eve, and finding out he got that bike he asked Santa for. Nothing could bring him down.

“Come on, I want you to meet my friends.” He said guiding me over to a little cute house.

His arm still behind my back, even though I didn’t need it. Not that I minded either. We got closer to the little house, we right in the front lawn when out came 8 humongous guys, like wrestlers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finishes with one half of the school year. now off to winter brake!! HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A MERRY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!