Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

Im right, Your wrong...

The bike ride to Jacob’s house wasn’t that long.

He parked the bike in a makeshift garage.

“cool garage. Did u build it?” I asked

“yup. I spend most of my time here” he said looking around

“cool. Is that your car?” I asked

“yeah. It was a lot of work”

“you built it?”

“from scratch” he smiled

“show off.” I muttered “ I don’t believe you”

“fine by me.” he said “come on, maybe Billy is still here” he guided me outside around the front and into a door that was opening.

A man in a wheel chair rolled down a little ramp that I had not noticed before.

“Hello” he said looking up at me

“Hola” I waved next to Jacob

“Hey dad. This is Electra. Electra, this is my dad, Billy” he said introducing us

“Nice to meet you Electra” he said giving me his hand. I shook it and leaned down to give him a kiss in the cheek. He froze just as Seth had frozen. They are going to have to get used to it.

“Nice to meet you too. Jacob talks a lot about you.” I said

“good things I hope” he joked

“the best of things.” I smiled

“Good, good. Well I have to go. Gotta roll to Sue’s house.” He told us “A pleasure meeting you”

“the pleasure was all mine” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He rolled away from us.

“Aw, he’s nice” I smiled at Jacob

“do you kiss everyone you meet?” he asked

“yeah, I was raised like that. Chelsey is half Colombian, half Venezuelan. She taught me Spanish and how they behave” I told him

“oh. Well what do you want to do know?” he asked me

“you’re a bad host” I accused

“I am not”

“are so too”

“im not”

“are too”

“im not”

“are too”

“im not”

“are too”

“im not”

“are too and that’s final. You are not supposed to ask me what to do next. I have never been here before how am I supposed to know?” I asked putting my hands on my hips

“I guess your right”

“I am always right”

“not always”

“yes I am”

“no your not”

“am too”

“are not”

“am too”

“are not”

“am too”

“are not now stop it. Come on, lets go to the cliffts”


“you like to argue a lot”

“no I don’t”

“please don’t start. You fought with Seth, and you fought with me.”

“I just—”

“just want to always be right”

“hmp” I said crossing my arms in my chest”

“come on, don’t get mad”


“right. So lets go to the cliffs”
♠ ♠ ♠
this one really went with the last one and the next one but since i lost the whole thing, i have to remember what was going to happen...