Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

It's a wet cliff...

We got to the cliffs as the sun was going down. It was beautiful.

“Hey, you guys came!” ambushed Seth.

“Si” I smiled

“Cool. Are you gonna jump?” she asked

“Que? Jump? Are you insane? It’s a cliff! Don’t you usually die when you jump from a cliff?” I asked panicked at his question

“You only die if you jump off a dry cliff and hit the ground. This is a wet cliff. You hit the water, then come up and don’t drown. Then you swim to the beach and come back up.” He said like it was nothing.

“Wanna try it?” asked Paul

“Uh… I… this is all the clothes I have.” I thought of an excuse

“You can borrow some of Emily’s clothes” said Sam

“Um… who?”

“She’s Sam’s fiancée” said Embry

“You seem her size” said Sam

“Wanna jump?” asked Jacob

“Uh…” I turned and looked at the edge of the cliff. So tempting.

“She wants to jump” said Jared

“No I don’t”

“Are you going to fight again?” asked Jacob with humor on his eyes.

“I—n o” I said

“No what?” Jacob asks teasing

“No, I’m not going to fight again” I said putting my hands in my hips

“So is that a yes to the jump?” asked Embry

“Um…” I said looking at the edge again

“It’s a yes” said Paul.

“Now?” I ask nervously

“No, next millennia. Yes now” said Paul

“No need for sarcasm” I mumbled looking down

“Who said it was sarcasm?” he asked

“What?” I turned confused

Jared, who was next to Paul, slapped him in the back of the head really hard.

“You can jump with me if you want” said Jacob distracting me

“Oh… ok” I said shyly. I don’t want to jump off a cliff!

“Ok, come on” he said pulling my hand towards the cliff

“To the edge?” I asked

“Where were you thinking of jumping from?” he asked

“Oh, right” I said and looked away and saw my salvation “does it have to be from the edge?” I asked again

“You kind of need no ground from under you feet to be able to descend towards the water” he said

“I know. But I was thinking maybe we could jump off that tree” I said pointing to a tree that was coming out of the edge with some sturdy branches with no ground below them form we can descend towards the water.

“Sure. Come on” he said

I followed him to the foot of the tree. I took off my shoes and went for my top.

“What are you doing?” he asked shocked

“Um…” I looked down to check what I was doing and back up at him “taking off my clothes”


“To not get them wet” I said as if it was obvious

“But you can wear Emily’s clothes. She doesn’t mind, really” he asked almost begging that I would not continue striping down.

“It's ok, I’m used to not wearing much clothes in from of men. Have you forgotten where you found me?” I asked cupping his right cheek with my right hand. “Really, you remind me of a cute puppy. Isn’t that weird?” I asked going back to my shirt.

“Yeah, weird” he said as if agreeing with me but not really.

**God’s POV**

“Does it have to be from the edge?” asked Electra hesitating to jump

“You kind of need no ground from under you feet to be able to descend towards the water” said Jacob, he was in such a happy mood, and no one could bring him down.

“I know. But I was thinking maybe we could jump off that tree” said Electra pointing to a tree that was coming out of the edge with some sturdy branches with no ground below them form we can descend towards the water.

“Sure. Come on” he said pulling her over to the tree.

“Think shell jump?” asked Seth to Sam.

“I know shell jump” answered Jared looking towards the tree

“What makes you so sure?” asked Seth

He pointed towards the tree where Electra was taking her clothes off.

“Oh. Why is she doing that?” asked Paul looking at Electra taking off her shirt but Jacob stooped her.

“If you shut up we might find out” said Quil using his superhuman hearing

“What are you doing?” asked Jacob, knowing that the rest of the pack is going to see her too with their good vision and hearing.

“Um…” she looked down to check what she was doing and back up at him “taking off my clothes”

“Why?” he asked scared

“To not get them wet” she said in a voice that implied “duh”

“But you can wear Emily’s clothes. She doesn’t mind, really” he said begging that she would not continue striping down.

“It's ok, I’m used to not wearing much clothes in from of men. Have you forgotten where you found me?” she asked cupping his right cheek with my right hand. “Really, you remind me of a cute puppy. Isn’t that weird?” she asked going back to her shirt and putting it on her shoes so it wouldn’t dirty.

“Yeah, weird” he said as looking back at the pack knowing they were listening.

Electra took off her pants and folded them. She was suddenly glad she was so vein and liked to know everything she wore was pretty and sexy. Including her underwear, which nobody ever see's, but is like what people say about a bus and good underwear.

“Dam, I love Kim, but I wish I had an imprint that hot” said Jared looking at Electra in her lacy underwear.

“I know.” Said Quil “at least I can pretend to have a hot girlfriend while Claire grows. I’m sure she’ll understand in the future that she is now three and that I am tied to her for eternity. It’s a long time before she can be 16.” Quil said looking at Electra’s flat stomach and the pricing she had in her belly bottom.

“Guys, a little respect. Remember Jacob can hear you as well as we can hear him” said Sam, not at all affected by Electra’s body.

“I’m sure he’s enjoying the fact that we are drooling over his imprint” said Paul.

“Yeah, if he really didn’t want her to take off her clothes, he would have tried harder. He’s showing her like a trophy. Rubbing it in our faces” said Embry.

At this, Jacob smiled and barked out a laugh. Sam was right, he could hear the rest of the pack arguing and drooling over his imprint. Deep down he knew they were right. He was proud of the hotness of his imprint and shoving her in their faces. But she was his imprint and he still didn’t want the pack to see her like that.

“What’s so funny?” asked Electra at his random laugh and putting her hands on her hips

“Um—nothing. Come on let’s climb the tree and jump off before the night takes over.” He rushed her towards the tree, where there were lots of leafs to cover her from the packs view. Not that it would help.

The pack watched as Electra climbed the tree without a problem and how her almost-nude body would bend and stretch to climb the tree like a cat and not get scratched.

“wow.” Said Jacob “you don’t look like a girl who would climb trees.”

“And you don’t look like you could be 18, but here you are” Sais Electra back, finding a strong branch and coming out of the jumble of leaves. “are you coming?” she asks holding on to a branch with one hand and stretching her other hand out to the falling sun, as if she could grab it and prevent the ball of fire from falling in the sea and going off for the moon to brighten the night.

“Yeah” Jacob said taking off his shirt and leaving it on the ground. He isn’t uncomfortable with nudity since he became a werewolf.

He quickly climbed the tree and grabbed met her at the top.

“Ready?” he asked.

She nodded not trusting her voice. She had none after seeing his perfect chest.

“Close your eyes” he whispered his husky voice in her face.

She closed her eyes as tight as they would go. He grabbed her by the waist and brought her closer to him. Butterflies went crazy like a tornado in her stomach as she felt her skin press against his. She then realized: his skin was really hot. Like he had a fever. She then wondered if it was a good idea to jump into water when he might have a fever. But she didn’t have time to voice her concerns as she felt their bodies tilt at an angle away from the tree. She grabbed his neck with her arms at a force that should have choked him and buried her face in his chest.

He let go of the branch that was holding them.
♠ ♠ ♠
clothes of the last three chapters...
ps: thank you for the messages Cutie 0.0 Cucumber, they make me laugh...