Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

You went to a STRIP CLUB?

We fell



We broke into the cold, cold water. Jacob pulled us up into the surface and I took a huge breath.

He had a huge smile on his face. “So?” he asked

“So what?” I ask

“Did you like it?” he asked

“It was a total rush” I answer and gave him a kiss

We broke apart “that doesn’t answer my question” he accused

“So?” I ask in return

“Nothing. Let’s get you out of the water before you catch a cold” he said

“That reminds me. Your hot” I said I hung on his back like a piggy-back ride while he did all the swimming

“Thank you. You’re not bad-looking yourself” he said with a cocky tone. But also like he had been wanting to say it.

“Thank you. But that’s not what I meant”

“So I’m not hot?” he asked playing disappointed

“No, I mean, you are. But I was saying your temperature says you should be burning in flames” I said putting one of my cold hands on his hot cheek as if to prove my point.

“Well… not everyone has the same body temperature” he said but it sounded like a lie

“Oh. Ok” I said. If he didn’t want to tell me, fine with me. We only met yesterday, is not like he has to tell me everything. We are practically strangers.

We made it to shore but I didn’t let go. So he was carrying me when I could have touched ground and walked to the beach myself.

“Aren’t you going to let go?” he asked reading my thoughts

“No” I said

“Why? You’re not exactly a pound of feathers” he teased

“Are you calling me fat?” I asked “offended” I know I’m not fat

“Yes. Yes I am” he said

“That’s not nice” I said

“I know” he teased smiling

“Put me down” I said


“PUT ME DOWN” I said


“Fine” I said letting go of his neck and untangling my legs from his waist. But since he grabbed my thighs for me not to fall, he didn’t let go. Instead, he managed to flip me and lay me across his shoulder and now he was carrying me like a sack of potatoes. “Put me down” I said again

“No” he said walking into the beach

“PUT ME DOW!!” I yelled kicking and hitting his back with my fists.

“No, now please stop kicking” he said

“HELP! HELP! He’s kidnapping me!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs

“Don’t waste you pretty little vocal cords, nobody comes to this side of the beach. Besides is getting dark and if anybody were to come, they left already” he said walking into the forest

Sigh “fine” I said stopping and crossing my arms. “Where are we going?”I ask noticing we weren’t going back to the top of the cliff

“To Sam’s house” he answered

“What about my clothes?” I asked

“The guys will bring it. Plus, his house is closer than the top and you need to get dry before you get sick.” He said

“Yes mom” I said sarcastically

He laughed.

We walked out of the forest, but since I was looking at his back, I didn’t know where we were going. He climbed into a porch, walked a little, knocked on the door.

“Hi Jacob.” Said a female voice “Who’s that?”

“Hi Emily. This is Electra” Jacob said turning around so I could look at Emily.

“Hi Electra” she said

“Hi Emily, nice to meet you” I said. “I like your shoes” I said looking down (up for me)

“Thanks.” she said insecure

“Um—Jacob?” I said feeling lightheaded

“Yes?” he asked not seeing the problem

“Can I be upside down again? I’m dizzy” I said the last part came in a whisper about to pass out

“Oh, right” he said putting me down. A little too fast maybe. I swayed and almost fell if it weren’t for his arm around my waist.

“Oh my god. Come on in” said Emily “sit her in the couch” she said going into a little hallway

“Sorry” he said sitting next to me in the couch

“You will be” I said really low coming back to my senses.

“Here you go sweetie” said Emily giving me a blanket, I was probably still wet and shivering.

“Thanks” I said wrapping it around my body. It was soo warm

“Jacob” said Emily

“Yes?” he asked, sounding a little scared

“Would you like to explain me why she is wet and in her underwear?” she asked angry. She sounded like a mom

“She’s the one who took off her clothes” he said defensively

“I don’t care. Why is she wet?” she asked again

“Because we jumped off the cliff”

“Are you mad?!” she screamed

“Yes” I answered

“Why did you let her take off her clothes?” Emily asked ignoring me, outraged that he let it happen

“Because he wanted to see me without clothes” I said

“What’s wrong with you?” she asked

“A lot of things” I answered

In that moment, the rest of the guys came in. they were wet too.

“Where have you been?” she asked

“At the cliffs” answered Jared

“And you let this happen?” she asked Sam

“Uh—” he said, he had nothing to say

“What is wrong with all of you? Why did you let her take off her clothes?” she asked Sam, they were like a married couple, the parents, and the rest were their children.

“Because they all wanted to see me without my clothes” I answered again

She turned to me “you off to the shower. You’re going to get sick”

“But I don’t have any clothes” I whined
“You will wear some of mine”

“Yes 'mam” I said getting up. The blanket opened and showed me wet and in my underwear. I’m sure they saw me when we were on the cliff. But now they got to see closer. I walked past them but stopped.

“Um… where is the bathroom?” I asked

“Down the hall, second door at the end” she pointed

“Thanks” I said and went down the hall, and opened the second door at the end. I went in and closed the door behind me. Turned the water on, but instead of going in, I kneeled down on the floor and put my ear next to the door. I have very good hearing.

“Who is she?” asked Emily

“My imprint” said someone who I figured was Jacob.

“Are you sure?” she asked after a while. Like she couldn’t believe it finally happened.

“Yes.” Answered Jacob

“How—how did you find her? She’s not from here is she?” asked Emily

“No, she’s form Taholah”

“What the hell were you doing in Taholah?”

“I had this feeling I had to go south, so I went south. I was riding as if with a blindfold. I turned the streets but I didn’t know where I was going. I stopped at a club and went in. when I saw her I felt it. But she had a mask. I took off the mask and I knew it was her. I have no doubt about it.” Jacob said as if admiring something

“Jacob?” she asked


“What type of club?” she asked slowly

“A strip club” he answered

“You went in a strip club?” she asked outraged and confused

“What does it matter Emily? I found her!” Jacob said, but he sounded a little hurt and angry at what she was saying.

“And I’m happy for you, but a strip club?” she asked

“Again. Does it even matter? The fact that I found her means I will forget about her and her leech. I can move on and not hurt. I can live and not care. Emily, I love her and could care less where she came from. She could have been living under a bridge. She could have been in a mental hospital. It doesn’t matter to me. She can have three eyes and flees. I want her anyways.” Said Jacob really angry now at her.

I couldn’t listen anymore. I took of my under wear and got in the shower. I just warmed up under the hot water but didn’t touch anything else. I wasn’t feeling welcome anymore. I got out and put my steam-dry under wear back. I got out of the little bathroom and went down the hall. When I entered the living room again, everyone stopped talking.

“Thank you for the blanket.” I said to Emily handing it to her.

“Aren’t you going to wear the clothes I put out for you?” she asked

“No, I mean, I didn’t see them. Anyways, I need my clothes back” I said hugging my body.

“Oh, we left them at the cliff, sorry.” Said Seth. “I can go get them for you” he said standing up.

“No, it’s ok. I have a good sense of direction. I’ll go get them” I said smiling at him. He as so sweet. I started to walk to the door.

“But you can’t just walk around naked” said Emily outraged. I didn’t like her attitude.

“Why not?” I asked back a little mad myself. Why was she discriminating me? I don’t even know her!

“Because you’ll get sick with the cold air” she said after thinking of an excuse

“Then I’ll get better with medicine. I have to go” I said opening the door. “It was nice meeting you” I said smiling at everyone except Emily.

“You’re leaving?” asked Jacob coming towards me

“Yeah. I have to go back to the club and help Chelsey set up for the party.” I said and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. I really like him, but I am not going to be where I’m not wanted.

“What about the bone fire? You have to stay” he begged

“Sorry, but I really have to go.” I said going down the steps

“You’re going to walk all the way to Taholah?” he asked

“No silly rabbit. I’ll walk to Forks, then I’ll get a cab that can take me to Taholah” I said smiling. I turned around and walked towards the forest we came out from.

“Let me take you home” he said coming over and walking with me

“No, it’s ok. Really. I’ll find my cloths, and then I’ll walk to Forks and find a cab. It’s no problem really. I’ve walked more than 15 and half miles.”

“At night?” he asked

“No. but you never know until you try”

“You’re not serious are you?”

“Yes I am. No please let me go.” I said since he had grabbed my arm to stop me.

“Electra… please, don’t go” he said with so much sorrow he could have burst into tears any minute.

“I’m sorry. I’m obviously not welcome here so why stay?” I asked about to cry myself. I didn’t want to go but I have dignity and I want to keep it.

“I want you here” he said really low

“Your only one person” I said lower and turned around, going into the forest.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter was a little sad. but it will get romantic, i promise. and i know Emily is not that mean but she wasn't really being mean. well she was but there is a purpose to everything...