Status: in writing

Beauty and the Beast (a Jacob Black FanFic)

That's not my Name

I walked in the direction of the Cliff where my clothes lay. When I finally got to the tree, there was a big, red, dog in front of my clothes.

“Really God? Are you kidding me?” I asked the sky.

I looked at the dog. It didn’t quite look like a dog, more like a wolf. It was staring at me.

“What are you looking at?” I snapped at it. It whined. “God, I know I don’t talk to you often, and if I tell you I will do it more often if you help me it would be a lie. But are you really sending me a dog as a sign that I should stay?” the dog cocked his head to one side; it has humor on its eye. Don’t ask how I know that but the eyes don’t look doggy.

“Are you laughing at me?” I ask

It barks

“This is crazy. Look dog, wow that sounds mean. Listen Albert, I need to get away from here. I’m not welcome here, I don’t want to go but I’ll do it anyways because I’m stubborn. I need my clothes. Do you understand?” I ask it. “Omg I’m going crazy. I’m talking to a dog as if it could understand me.” the dog moved to one side. It looked at me. Turned around, grabbed my clothes with its mouth, and brought them to me.

“Thanks” I said rubbing behind his ears.

It whined

“You know Albert, if you weren’t so big, I would take you home. You’re cute. Can I tell you a secret?” I asked him and he dipped his head down really quick as if nodding. “Wow, you’re really smart. You won’t go tattle telling on me are you?” I ask and it “shakes” its head. “Well, you better. If I find out you told someone my secret, I would be mad, then scared the hell out of my life that you can talk to tell anyone the secret. Well, here it goes. I met a guy yesterday. He is smoking hot. Literally, like he has a fever. He has really nice eyes, and is very funny. I really like him, but it’s just a day. We are really just strangers. When I joke he laughs. He reminds me of a puppy. And when I tell him that, he becomes even happier, just like a puppy. But when he jokes about being a puppy, it’s like he means it. Omg what if he’s a dog trapped in the body of a man?” I ask. Then snort “wow, I need to get drunk. Anyways, I think I love him. But again, it’s just one day and we are strangers…” I trail off sitting on the edge of the cliff with “Albert” cuddled next to me. I lean on him and he is really warm. He smells like Jacob. Wow. Ok that’s called obsession. I gotta get out of here.

I got up and put my clothes on. “Well, you’re a good listener Albert. Of course you are, you’re a dog, and you can’t interru—”

I was interrupted by a bark

“Huh. I guess you can interru—”

He barked again.

“Ok, now that is just showing off.” I said putting one hand on my hip and pointing a finger at him with the other one. Sigh, I’m going crazy. I’m scolding at a dog for interrupting me. “I have to go” I said rubbing his head and walking away. He whined. “Ok, come with me. But you can’t come home; you can protect me for a little while.” I said and he “nodded” again. I’m going crazy.

“Come on” I said walking off into the forest, the way I came with Jacob. I had a hand on top of Albert’s head while we were walking. I walked and he walked in silent. While we were walking, I was remembering the times I spent with Jacob sine yesterday. How we kissed in Chelsey’s corner. How he took me to take pictures of the night sky. How we went to the market and had fun. Who would of thought you could have fun grocery shopping? A tear ran down my cheek, I took the hand on top of Albert’s head and whipped it off. He whined when I took it off and whined some more when she saw I was crying. I laugh a little. “You're so sweet. I wish I could take you home” I said lowering my hand. He liked it. “You like tears? Me too, I think their kind of salty. It’s gross of course but who is going to find out? You can’t talk” I said and he barked “human talk” I said and he “nodded” again. “You are very smart for a dog. I knew they were smart but dam!” I said laughing a little.

By now, we were on the street that went from La Push, to Forks, to Taholah. We walked for a little more. When we were about to enter Forks, I stopped and turned to Alfred. “Well my friend, this is where we part. I really wish I could take you home. You are very smart. Now that I think about it, took smart. It would be so creepy having a dog this smart. Plus you are huge and look like you could eat a lot. I don’t have the amount of money to feed one your size. I would still love you as a dog though. Thanks for comforting me. Yep I’m crazy. I was comforted by a dog. Well, no time to go back now, by Alfred” I said waving at the dog. I walked away.

A car was coming this way, probably towards La Push. It went away. A little later, it came back but this time it slowed down and the passenger seat window rolled down. A really hot guy with greasy hair leaned over to the window.

“Need a ride?” he asked

“Obviously” I said sarcastically

“Would you take one from me?” he asked

“So you can rape me? No thanks. I’d rather abuse my feet a little longer” I said still walking

“Where are you going?” He asked

“In that direction” I said pointing forward

“A lot of places are in that direction” he said

“Which is why I can lie to you and tell you a place in that direction that I won’t be going to tonight” I said annoyed. Didn’t he get the message?

“It's dark and cold”

“I know, I can see it” I said

“Come on, I’ll take you wherever you want to go” he said

“I don’t take rides from strangers” I said

“I’m Edward” he introduced

“And I’m not telling you my name” I said back

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t know you”

“Then get to know me”

“Fine. My name is Mary.” I said


“Like the Virgin. Have you heard of her? She’s pretty famous” I answered back

“Is that your real name?”


“Is that the best I’m going to get?”


“Then nice to meet you Mary”

“Nice to meet you Edmund”



“Are you going to get in the car?”


“I promise I won’t rape you. Or sale you. Or slave you. Or kidnap you.” He said

“You forgot kill me”

“Or kill you”

“Your oath”

“Will that get you to come in the car?”


“Then you have my oath.”

“What will get you to shut up and leave me alone?”

“A ride to you.”

“Ok, fine” I said. Opening the door and getting in the car. My feet were really tired.

“Where to?”


“You were going to walk to Taholah?”



“Because I can.” I said

The ride was quiet. I told him where in Taholah and he dropped me off.

“Thank you Edgar” I said

“Edward” he corrected

“I know”

“You're welcome Mary.”

“Electra” I said

“Electra” he repeated

“Bye” I said waving through the window.

“Goodnight” he said and sped away

I turned around to open the door to the apartment and I see Jacob.
♠ ♠ ♠
this one is short because i am tired but tomorrow is monday and i have to got to school. so ill update around wednesday...

rate. comment. love the story.