
I'll Be There When Your Heart Stops Beating

"Ryan! How could you!" I screamed at him.

"Ugh! I needed it!" Ryan yelled back at me.

"Needed it!? Ryan, one of these days you're going to overdose and no one will be able to save you!"


"YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, tears streaming down my cheeks. He glared.

"Not everyone dies on overdoes! I know when to stop!"

"Do you!? Last week you slapped me! Now I know why!" I yelled back.

"Why do you have to make this so fucking difficult! You may look older on the outside, but inside you're still the same fifteen year old kid!" I stood there, my eyes wide.

How could he even think of saying that?

I felt arms pull me back and I realized it was Gerard. I could see Spencer wrestling Ryan back into the bunk area, "You okay?" Gerard asked me. I shook my head, sobbing.

"Babe, you know Ryan wants to quit. He needs time. These kinds of things don't happen over night." He explained.

"It's been two months. He hasn't even improved!" I snapped back. He sighed.

"Just give him another chance...Face it., Brandi fucked him up and now it's up to us to undo it." I was about to answer him when there was a crash and Ryan ran out of the bunks. He stopped in the doorway, staring at me.

I couldn't help it.

So I got up and ran. I ran out the door into the cool night, "CLARISSA!" I heard him yelling, but I kept running. I heard him running behind me, and I knew very well that he would catch up to me sooner or later.

He was taller than me and had longer legs for that matter. I still kept running though. I didn't want to be around him. Sure, I love him to death, but with the drugs he just isn't himself, "Clarissa! Fuck! Just stop!" He yelled, out of breath. I felt him barely touch my shoulder, but I kept running.

We were in the forest now, about twenty-feet in. The lights from the last venue were slowly fading into the black and grey leaves. I was pushing through vines and trees, but common sense had caught up to me.

I knew he would catch up to me, but I didn't stop.

We tumbled to the ground and landed hard. I felt the back of my head hit the trunk of a tree. I could see Ryan groaning in pain, but he had only landed on his arm. I felt tears of pain sting my eyes as a burning and stinging sensation filled the back of my head.

He looked over to me and quickly sat up, "Baby, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to push you." He said softly, pulling me into his arms. I tried to pull away, but he was too strong.

I felt weak and dizzy from the hit. I'm pretty sure that isn't normal.

"My head." I sobbed. He sat me up against the tree and pulled out his cellphone to use it as a flash light. He ran his fingers through my hair, trying to get a good look at the damage.

I felt so tired all of a sudden. I felt my head tilt to the side onto Ryan's shoulder, "Oh my god!" I heard him say, "Baby, do NOT fall asleep!" He urged me.

I knew I shouldn't fall asleep, then again, I knew he would catch up to me when we were running.

"So sleepy." I whispered.

He quickly lifted me up bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck, "When did we first meet?" He asked me, walking quickly back towards the buses.

"When you nearly overdosed in the bus bathroom." I answered sleepily.

"When is our anniversary?" He asked.

"June 27th." I replied.

"What happened when I first kissed you?" He asked.

"I died," I replied. I could feel droplets of something falling onto my neck. It didn't take me long to realize that he was crying, "Don't cry, Baby. I love you." I whispered, my hand running through his messy hair. He sniffled.

"It's all my fault." I heard him say barely.

"No matter what, Ry...It will never be your fault. It's never anyone's fault. No one except Fate." I didn't realize what I was saying but I was becoming pretty woozy.

"Gerard! Call and Ambulance!" I heard Ryan yell.

"What the hell did you do!?" I heard Gerard yell back.

"We were running and we fell. She hit her head, now call!" Ryan ordered.

"It will take too long. Get her in the car."

I slipped my eyes shut as I was slid onto Ryan's lap in the rental car. I felt someone buckle the seat belt around both of us and I clung onto Ryan tighter, pain filling my head.

I felt a hand holding mine as I was put onto a gurney once in the hospital. I knew it was Ryan. I had become so familiar with those strong bony hands. He held my hand tight, as if to tell me he was sorry.

He did that last time.

I ignored my comments and just held onto his hand. But I felt it being pulled away. I could hear Ryan yelling to stay with my, but his yells faded away too. All I could hear was the paced beeping of my heart-monitor.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, well, well.
Whaddya know?
An update!
Sorry, some recent comments forced me to update. I'm thinking only two or three more chapters then it's done for good.
As for the vampire story (I can't even remember what I titled it) I'll think of posting more chapters =D
and for non-religious people... HAPPY SPRING BREAK!