Why me?


I woke up to "This is Halloween" From "Nightmare before Christmas" Blaring out from my alarm clock. I walk out of my room to be almost run over by my 6 year old brother Justin and my mom with his school clothes. I rolled my eyes and did my thing to get ready for school. Brush my teeth put on my clothes you the normal things. I walk down stairs into the kitchen to see my brother change and my mom resting her head on the table.

“How can your father do this every morning?” Mom asked turning her head to look at me.

“I don’t know probable with practice remember I was like that.” I said poring coffee into a mug for her.

“Yeah I remember.” She said as she grabs her coffee.

“Hey. Where’s dad?” I asked looking around.

“He had to leave early for a business trip. Didn’t I tell you?” Mom said with one eyebrow raised.

“Nope no clue. But I do know one thing I have to go to school right know.” I said picking up an apple and leaving.

I hopped into my car and drove to school with the old my chem. boys playing. Once I got to school I meet with my friends by my locker and their faces unusually happy. As I got closer it looked like they were about to wet their pants.

“What are you guys doing?” I asked as soon as I got in ear shout of them.

“Mr. Miller said that the captain of the Glee club gets to help him pick out the next school play!” They said very happy. If you didn’t know I was the captain of the glee club and was always in the school play.

“Really no way wait if I get to help choose can I still try out for the play?” I asked them think a head before I accepted the job.

“Raven who care if you in the play or not you finally get to help pick out so it won’t be totally gay this year.” Lexi said. She might be my best friend but she can be a little absent minded.

“WHO CARES?! Well I care I was in every single play so far and I’m not going to miss one!” I said with my fist in the air trying to make the moment seem important.

“Oh Raven there you are I have something to tell you.” I turn around to see Mr. Miller behind me with a smile.

“Oh Mr. Miller I already they already told me.” I said as I pointed to my group of friends behind me.

“So do you want to help me pick out the play?” Mr. Miller asked.

“I just have one question before I answer you. If I do help you pick out the play can I still try out for it?” I ask hoping he would say ok for me to try out.

“Yes you can try out but it will be harder for you to get a lead role like you did in the past.” He answered

“Oh then I will have my answer for you by the end of the day.” I said already thinking of pro’s and con’s.

“Alright see you then.” He said as he walked off.

I walked into class with a second to spare. I hated being late to class because all the good seats were taken it was so annoying. As I looked around for an open seat I found one but it was by the person I hated most. Noah. I sat in the desk next to his. Took out my stuff for class and waited in silences because even if I say anything to anyone around me and in ear shoot distances of him .He going to make a comment about it one way or another. So I just sat there not even glancing at him hoping no one would talk to me including him.

“Hey Raven why are being so quite today you are usually so happy go lucky and hoping around and stuff.” Joe said. He was sitting in the other seat next to me.

“Oh it’s nothing I’m just thinking about something.” I answered him.

“She is probably thinking of away to make herself attractive. But here’s the thing there is no way to make her pretty.” Noah commented. I rolled my eyes not evening going to give him the time of day.

“Oh come on your not even going to look at me? What did I do to you that was so bad that you giving me the cold shoulder for?” Noah said after a minute of me not paying him any attention.

I just kept talking to Joe as if no was there even though I was getting a head ach from his whinnying. Oh god can someone please just shut him up! Why was he such an attention whore and for only my attention? As I was just about to turn around and slap him. The teacher walked in. Thank god he finally shut up.

“Ok class listen up I will be partnering you up so listen up for who your partner is. Noah Andrews and Raven Baker.” Mrs. Wander said.

What I can’t be partnered up with Noah no way. After she said that I was thinking of ways to get out of working with him. But I played every one in my mind and how Mrs. Wanders would do and say to those Ideas. However they all ended in failure. Once class was over and I knew what the project was about I walked up to Mrs. Wander.

“Excuse me Mrs. Wander I was wondering if I could change my partner?” I ask in my cute sweet voice.

“No I’m sorry this project is to also get you closer with your other class mates and Raven you in 12th grade I’m sure you can handle it.” Mrs. Wander answered.

“Oh ok thank you very much.” I said trying not to seem disappointed.

I walk out of the classroom trying to forget about it and concentrate more on what to do about the play. Thinking about those two things the first half of the school day seemed to go faster then it normally does. Once I got to lunch, sat down with my friends and boyfriend my mind went free for a second.

“Raven are you free to night?” Alex asked.

“No sorry I have a project to do in social studies\ langue arts with my partner before this week is over.” I said rejecting my boyfriend.

“Really who’s your partner?” Matt and Lexi said at the same time.

“You guys are my two best friends and you both talk at the same time all the time maybe you should work on that.” I said trying to change the topic.

“That’s not going to work who is you partner?” Matt asked knowing when I try to change the topic.

“Fine it’s…” I started.

“Me.” Noah said cutting me off.

“What you got to be kidding?” Alex said his eyes with rage.

“No Mrs. Wander said that we can’t change partners. So I’m stuck with him until the end of the week.” I said trying to claim him down.

“Yup. She tried she even did her stupid sweet talking voice.” Noah said sitting next to me.

“Noah I’m going to see for the rest of the week. Do really need to sit next to me?” I asked annoyed.

“Yes because part of the project is to get to know your partner.” He said with a cocky attitude.

After that the rest of the day flew by too and I one more question for Mr. Miller before I answered him. When the bell rang I was surprised to see I had only my project to as home work. I went to my lock and grabbed everything I could for my project. Then I went to Mr. Miller office.

“Mr. Miller?” I said knocking on his office door.

“Ah Raven do you have your answer?” He asked.

“Almost I just need to know what you were going to pick for the school play.” I asked

“Beauty and the Beast.” He answered.

“Then I don’t want to help.” I told him.

“Ok.” He simple said.

I walked to my car and saw that Noah was standing right by mine. It looked like he was trying to act cool by leaning on the passengers’ door and his arm crossed.

“Raven!” I turned around to see Lexi running to catch up to me.

“What do you think about Noah?” Lexi asked holding on to my arm.

“I think he’s an ass.” I said.

“No I mean in the look department.” I said.

“Oh I think he is as gorgeous as Alex. They both are tall, they have nice tone bodies, nice dark hair, they do sports, nicely chiseled faces, and they have blue or green eyes.” I said with no problem.

“Wow so if Noah wasn’t an ass you would go out with him?” Lexi asked.

“Yup.” I simply said and walked to me car. When I got there Noah was still there.

“What are doing here?” I said as soon as I got to my car.

“Waiting for we are going to your house for the project.” He answered.

“Fine let’s go.” I said and hopped into my car.

I dove home with him trailing behind me. I blared my radio I didn’t think of him. But it didn’t help. Once we got to my house I saw that mom wasn’t home knew it was too early for Justin to be home. I hated the fact that I was going to be home alone with him for 30 minutes. I got out of my car and walked to the front door. I unlocked it and let both of us in.

“Nice place you got here.” Noah said as he walked into my house.

“Thanks come with my we are going to be working in the Family room.” I said walking to the family room.

“Were can I put my things?” Noah asked as soon as we got to the family room.

“Anywhere. We are going to be alone for only 30 minutes so we better get started.” I told him as I put my stuff on the table.

“So we are going to be alone for 30 minutes?” Noah said behind me as I grabbed my book out of my bag and put them on the table.

I turn and was about to say something but before I could Noah grabbed me and pulled me into him. The only thing keeping us apart are my arm ad I wasn’t about to move them. Even if I wanted to I couldn’t I was stone. Then all of a sudden Noah kisses me.
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sorry if you think this suck. And to my one subscriber thank you for putting up with all the changes.