Why me?

why does everything happen to me?

It took me a second to realize what he just did. After I realized what he did I pushed him as hard as I could. I wanted to say something but couldn’t. If he liked me like this then why did he annoy me this whole time? It wasn’t making any sense. He also knows I’m dating Alex why did he kiss me.

“You’re wondering why I kissed you.” Noah said breaking the silence.

“Yes I am. You know I’m dating Alex. Why the hell did you do that?” I ask finally able to from words.

“Well I like you and when I was about to tell you I found out you and Alex are going out.” He replied.

“So why did you annoy and make fun of me?” I ask trying to clear my head.

“I annoyed you and made fun of you because it’s cute to see you mad.” He said with a grin.

“Can you leave?” I said closing my eyes.

“But what about our project?” He asked walking to the door.

“I will do it myself.” I said opening the door for him.
“What. The teacher will know that I didn’t help with the project.” He said walking out the door.
“So I will do one half and you will do the other. Also the project is on Greek mythology.” I told him before slamming the door in his face.

I stood there for a little bit before I started looking up things for the project. I sat at the table and listen to my mp3. The only thing that really helped me at a time like this was listening to music of any kind. Once I was done I immediately pick up my phone and started to text Lexi. I told her about everything that happened and she seemed just as shocked as I was. I still had my music going and pretty loud too because I didn’t notice my mom came in the house with Justin until she tipped me on the back and I screamed.

“MOM! You scared me why the hell did you sneak up on me like that.” I said pulling off my head phones.

“I thought you heard me come in. Well any ways I have someone I want you to meet.” She said steeping aside to show me someone who was hot. But somehow he seemed familiar.

“Hi nice to meet you I’m Raven. You seem familiar have we meet before?” I asked extending out my hand.

“Yes I go to the same school as you. I’m a senior.” He said shacking my hand back.

“Oh yeah I remember your locker is by mine.” I said stupidly.

“By the way mine name is Andrew.” He said finally introducing himself.

“Honey there is something I have to tell you.” My mom said cutting in.

“What is it?” I asked confused.

“Andrew is your fiancé.” Mom said in her serious voice.

“You’re kidding right?” I said not believing my mom.

“No honey I’m not kidding and from this day forward you are going to be living with Andrew.” Mom told me.

“Mom how could you! You know that I hate this kind of thing and you knew that I have a boyfriend!” I yelled

“Sweetie not in front of company.” Mom said trying to be polite.

“Want to know something I don’t care. When did you plan this huh last week?” I ask in a sassy tone.

“To tell you the truth your father and I planned this years ago when you were first born.” Mom confessed.

“So what. How come I have never heard of this?” I asked.

“We wanted you to live a normal life without the worry about being married when you got older.” Mom Said trying to make it seem that dad and her were only thinking of me when they did this.
“Well you could have let us meet when we were little.” I said.

“Honey imagine what it would be like if you two had a brother sister relationship. Also to answer the other question you have we never motioned Andrews parent is because you would have found out earlier that way. But don’t ask how you would have found out.” Mom said before I could say anything else.

“Fine but why am I getting married to him?” I asked her accepting defeat.

“We wanted to join companies Andrew’s parents said that when we pass that it would be hard to pick who gets the company so we decided to get Andrew and you married off.” Mom explained.

“Wait I thought that your company got closed down because it wasn’t doing so well.” I said.

“That was a lie that company is doing very well and the only reason you father is traveling so much is because he wants to open another building in Texas.” Mom said.

“Is there anything else you’re hiding from me or is that it?” I ask making sure nothing was left out.

“Nothing else.” Mom said reassuring me.

“Then I guess I will go up stairs and star packing.” I said as I started walking up the stairs.
When I got up in to my room I opened my closet and started packing my things in suitcases. I put on my head phones and started blaring my mp3. Then finally texted Lexi back about what just happened. She told me if anything happens I can go to her house. I love her so much. I also will miss my room and checking for monsters for Justin. Which reminds me I wonder how Justin is doing about me moving out? I stopped packing and walked across the hall to Justin’s room.

“Hey how are you doing?” I asked as I walked into Justin’s room and sat on his bed next to him.

“I don’t want you to move I will miss you and who will check for monsters at night?” He asked in a very sad tone (Justin and I are very close).

“Mom will check for monsters.” I told him.

“But she doesn’t scare the monsters away like you do with you scary face.” He said trying to copy my scary face.

“Hold on one second I will be right back.” I said and ran back into my room and ran back to his.

“Why do you have your teddy bear?” Justin asks seeing me holding it.

“Oh because I’m going to be gone Captain Know It All will protect you from monster. I can tell you he protected me when I was your age.” I told him handing him the bear.

“Really he will protect me.” Justin asked unsure.

“Yes he will and all you have to do is love him and take care of him. Can you do that?” I asked.

“Yes I can do that.” He answered.

“Ok.” I said kissing him on the head and walking away to my room.

When I walked into my room I saw Andrew was staring out the window into the back yard. He was really handsome and well that all I got on him for right now. I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder which made me realize he’s very tall. I mean taller than Alex and he was the tallest person I knew until know.

“Oh I didn’t notice that you came in.” Andrew turned around.

“So what were you looking at?” I asked looking out the window

“Nothing are you ready to go?” asked then grabbed my bags before I could touch them.

“I’m sorry about what happened earlier.” I said

“I had the same reaction when I found out.” He said turning to me.

“I’m still against this whole thing. But I had to much happen today to fight back.” I told him.

“What happened today?” He ask with curious tone.

“I will tell you later.” I assured him.
“Okay.” He said walking off.

I ran up to him and try grabbing the bags from him. “I can carry them.”I told him.

“But I want to carry them.” He said giving me a sweet smile.

Okay sweet and charming two to add to the list. I thought in my head. When we got down stairs my mom and said good bye to each other. Andrew and I left I went in my car that had all my things and fallowed Andrew to some apartment buildings. We got out of the cars and I only let Andrew take half of my bags in. We got in the elevator and went up to the 3rd floor. It was quite in the elevator I didn’t’ know what to talk about. It felt like a year before we got to his floor. When we got to his floor we stopped at the first door we saw. He unlocked it and lets us both in without a word. But he was giving a sweet smile.

“So this is where you live.” I said looking around.

“Here let me show you to your room.” He said leading me down a hall way with four doors.

“This is your room and this one is mine so if you have anything to ask you can always come to me.” He told me.

“Thanks so where are you parents room.” I asked looking around.

“So how old are you?” he asked trying to skip what I just said.
“I’m 18 who old are you?” I asked back.

“I’m 18 my birthday is October 3rd. When your birthday?” he asked think I forgot about what I asked before.

“It’s October 4th.” I said

“Oh so we are the same age.” He said.

“Wow. So where is your parents’ room?” I asked again.

“Here’s the thing Raven I live alone.” He said trying not to look at me.
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