Why me?

Family... god

“What! You live alone!” I said very angry.

“Yeah my parents move me out here. ” He said walking to the living room.

“This is too much I’m leaving for a bit.” I said grabbing my car keys and checking if I had my phone and I did.

“Wait you just got here why are you leaving?” He said putting his hand on the door holding it shut.

“Like I said to much happened today and I just need some fresh air.” I told him not turning around to look at him.

“You said you would tell me what happened later. If you tell me I will let you go.” He said an inch away from my face.

“Fine but let’s sit down this is kind of weird.” I said moving to the couch.

“Ok.” He said as we walk to the couch.

“First I get partnered up with a guy I hate for a project. Then we go back to my house to start our project and he kisses me. Later I find out I was engaged most of my life, I was going to live with someone I don’t even know, now I find out that someone lives alone and is a day older than me. That’s how my day went so I need to go outside for a bit.” I told him.
“Fine but be back before 7 pm my mom and dad visit on a weekly bases every Friday.” He told me.

“Kay.” I said as I walked out the door.

I got in to the car it was 6pm. I called Lexi to tell her I’m coming over.

“Hello?” Lexi answered the phone.

“Hi I’m coming over is Matt with you?” I ask wondering if they got picked as partners because they are in the same social studies/ langue arts as me but at a different time.

“Yeah we are partners. But why are you coming over what happened.” She said worried.

“I will tell you when I get to your house. By the way if haven’t told Matt what happened to me tell him everything now so when we talk he is not lost.” I said and hung up before she could say anything.
While I drove to Lexis’ house realized that Andrew apartment building is between were Lexi and I lived. I tried to think of more than one good thing that happened today but I couldn’t the only thing I can think of was Beauty and the Beast is going to be our school play. Wow I really been having a bad day and it is only 5 pm. Let’s see how’s the rest of the day is going to play out. When I got to Lexi’s neighborhood I wonder if she and Matt were over reacting like usual. Thank god they are my two best friends they will protect me no matter what even if I’m wrong. Before I knew it was in front of Lexi’s house. I pulled into Lexi’s drive way to see Lexi and Matt were waiting for me on the front yard. Got out of the car and they basically tackled me with questions. I lied down on the grass they did the same.

“So Lexi you got Matt up to speed with what is happening to me right?” I asked reassuring before I started explaining.

“Yes I did it was a joy to see his face like that.” Lexi said.

“Ok you know how I’m living with the guy I’m going to marry?” I asked again.

“Yes what happened?” Lexi and Matt said at the same time again.

“Well he is a senior at our school, A day older than me almost exactly, and he lives alone.” I told them.

“What you living alone with a senior who is two years older than you?!” They said that at the same time and sat up at the same time too.

“Yup I guess so. His parents come by every Friday to check up on him.” I told them trying to make it seem as bad as it was. But he being hot made it a little better but just a tiny bit.

“So…. How hot is he?” Lexi said looking right at me while I just laded there.

“He is super even hotter than Alex I hate to say.” I said with honesty.

“Wow I have to see him.” She said laying back down.

“Yup so there is nothing else but that I had a long day within a couple of hours. Hey what time is it?” I asked. It took me 20 minutes to get here.

“It’s about 6:30.” Matt said putting back his phone.

“What I have to go.” I said rushing to the car and checking my phone for the time.

“Where are you going you just got here?” Matt and Lexi said at the same time.

“I have to go because his mom and dad are coming over to his…. I mean our apartment. So I don’t want to be late meeting the people who are going to be my mother and father in law.” I got into my car and left in a hurry.

I got to the building to see Andrew standing outside waiting for someone. He looked so worried. He looked so cute like that. I got out of the car and walked up to him. He didn’t even notice that I was standing right next to him.

“So what are you looking at stranger.” I said looking in the direction he was looking at.

“OH raven you’re here. Stand here with me until my mom and dad got here.” Then he slipped his into my hand.

“Why do we have to stand out here and wait for your mom and dad to come?” I asked as I tried to slowly pull my hand away. It didn’t work his grip was too tight.

“Yeah they like it when I show them in. I’m sorry for holding your hand it’s just that I’m nervous.” Then he pulled his hand away.

“No it’s ok I’m nervous too.” I slipped my hand back into his and held on tight. But for some reason I fleet like I needed to hold something.

We waited there for 10 minutes. It was weirdly silent.

“So do you have any brothers or sisters?” Suddenly the atmosphere didn’t feel so weird once I broke the silent’s.

“Yes a younger sister who is about your brothers’ age.” Just then a car drove up and stopped.
Then a little girl popped out of the car with her arms opened wide she ran up and hugged Andrew. She was squeezing him so hard it looked like she was trying to make juice out of him. It only took 2 seconds for 2 other people to follow the little girl and squeeze the hell out of Andrew. There was a woman who looked about my height and a man who looked about an inch shorter than Andrew. I guessed they must be his family. It was kind of weird just standing there. I didn’t say anything because I figured they missed their son and brother.

“Hi I’m sorry. You must be Raven. I’m Andrews’s mom. You can call me Georgia. This Robert and Anglia. Andrews’ father and sister.” Georgia said before I could even think (wow she is a fast talker).

“Oh well nice to meet everyone.” I said giving them my sweetest smile and sticking out my hand so they can shake it.

“Oh stop being so shy.” Then she grabbed my hand and pulled my in to a huge. “Know shale we go upstairs?”

“Sure.” Andrew said grabbing the bags I didn’t even notice was there. I figured I would make a good first impression and help take some of the bags up.

“Oh sweetie I got it. You don’t need to help.” Georgia said.

“Oh no it is fine. I have no probable helping.”

“Why thank you so much.” Georgia said with graduated.
I followed Andrew to the elevator which was like before silent. It was the expected thing he did to me when we got to the apartment.

“Here is where you guys will sleep.” He said showing them the room he said was mine.

“Hey Andrew can I ask you something?” I asked pulling him aside. “You told me that was mine room so where will I be sleeping?”

“You will be sleeping-”

“You two will be sleeping together.” Robert said popping out of nowhere.

“What do you mean by together?” I said hoping he meant not in the same bed.

“I mean in the same room. In the same bed.” He told us. It seemed to surprise Andrew too.
“Oh… Okay.” Andrew said steadily trying not to seem surprised.

We walked into the living room. We just sat there it was kind of weird just sitting there.

“So Raven tell us about you.” Georgia said breaking the silences.

“Well I’m into the arts and a little sports.”

“Oh really what kind of arts?” Georgia asked.

“All of them. I’m in glee club, I am always in the school plays, I paint, scalped, read, write, and draw. Anything really.”

“Oh wow that is a lot. So did you have dinner sweetie?” Georgia asked.

“No I didn’t-” I started to say.

“Neither did we come with me to the kitchen and help cook dinner.” Georgia ordered me in a sweet voice.

“Um ok.” I said getting up and following Georgia to the kitchen

“Hey Andrew can you turn on the TV?” I heard Anglia say as we left the room into the kitchen.
We made dinner and talked about random things nothing important really. Then we set it out and we ate it together there wasn’t much talking we just sat there and ate quietly.

“Alright then I think it is a good time to go to bed don’t you think so Robert?” Georgia said standing up and grabbing everyone’s dishes.

“I can put mine away.” I said getting up with my plate and glass.

“Why thank you honey. Hey Andrew you can learn something from her.” Georgia said as we walked to the kitchen.

“Do you need help with the dishes?” I asked once in the kitchen.

“No there isn’t that much plus I’m not going to be here tomorrow and Andrew will do it.” She said placing the dishes in the sink.

When we walked out of the kitchen I saw no one around I figure that they were in the rooms. This reminds me I have to sleep in the same bed as Andrew. I wonder if he has another blanket then we won’t have to share one. I walk to our room and knocked on the door to make sure I didn’t walk in on him changing.

“Come in.” Andrew called through the door.

I walk into see him fully changed and ready to go to sleep. I walk to my suitcase and grabs my night clothes, tooth brush, and tooth paste. I leave the room and walk to the bathroom. I changed and brush my teeth. I bring my clothes back having no idea where to put them.

“Hey where do I put my dirty clothes?” I asked walking into the room.

“You can put them in the hamper in the corner.” Andrew said pointing to the corner.

“Ok thank you so much.” I said walking to the corner.

“You can stop the act Raven you do have to act nice in front of me.” He said of no were.

“What do you mean by act? I do this at my home all the time.” I said with honesty.
“You do?” He said stick with the attitude.

“Well yes I do stop giving me a hard time. So do you have a girlfriend?” I said think the news most be effecting his life too.

“Yeah I do. You know you make it really hard to pretend to be mean to you.” He said sitting on the bed.

“Thank you? Trust me I know what you are going to I have a boyfriend. I just have no idea how to tell him that I’m getting married.” I said sitting next to him.

“So I think we should go to bed.” Suddenly I got butterflies in my stomach.

“Ok. But do you have another blanket?” I asked.

“Yeah. Do you want to use different blankets?” He asked reading my mind.

“Thank you.”

He handed me the blanket then we got into the bed together. He was facing my back and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck then he wrapped his arm around me. The whole being in different blankets didn’t help. To make things worse he scooted closer to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you to all my readers. I am sorry bout the garment mistakes I started thins when I was a 8th grader so it is not that perfect. When you find mistakes tell me about it and I will do my best to fix them.