Why me?

What the hell just happened

Today I woke up to a loud beeping. I opened my eyes to see that I was not at home I sat up in panic for a second. Then I saw Andrew still sleeping like the alarm didn’t affect him. I rolled my eyes knowing what it was like.

“Andrew wake up.” I said shaking him.

“Huh what?” He said as he slowly got up.

“We have to go to school.” I just realized how weird that is to say in the morning.

“Can I go skip going to school today?” He said covering his head with a pillow.

“No. You can’t your mom and dad are here anyways and they wouldn’t want you to miss school.” I said lifting up the pillow from his face. Then he looked straight at me.

“You know that is a good point.” He said sitting up.

“Thank you.” I said walking to my suitcases to get my clothes.

“Know what you seem calmer than I thought you would be.” Andrew said with honesty going to his closet to get his clothes.

“Oh no I’m freaking out, and I feel weird but it is just I have awesome acting powers. But except when I am surprised. However I act like my normal self all the time. So don’t worry. Okay.” I said walking out of the room to the bathroom.

When I got to the bathroom I did my usual. I didn’t hear anything like it was to quiet. As I left the bathroom I went back to ours. I walked in to see Andrew was already dressed. I put my clothes into the hamper and walked out of the room. Andrew and I went to the kitchen to find a note on the counter.

Hi honey today we had to leave early so don’t worry that we are not there. Take care see you next week.
Love Mom.

“Andrew I think this note is for you.” I said as he walked into the kitchen. He looked at it and said nothing. But he looked sad. I just figured that he would miss his family. I know I do even though it has been barely a day. But I miss the loud noises in the morning. I drank a glass of milk then looked at the time. It was time to go school.

“Hey I think it is time to go to school.” I said breaking the silences.

"Yeah. So should we ride in the same car or go into different cars?” He asked looking right at me.

“I think that we should go into the same car that we use less gas.” I said think ahead that people will find out one way or another.

“Umm….. Okay what car should we take?” Wow I never thought this far.

"Let’s take mine.” I said walking to the door getting my stuff together.

“Okay let’s go.” He said leaving the apartment and locking it.

We walked into the elevator. On the second floor the door opened and there was Anna. She is my super good friend from glee club. I totally forgot that we could bump into people from our school shit I hope she doesn’t say anything to anyone. Even though she is the quiet type.

“Oh hi Raven what are you doing here?” Anna said getting into the elevator with us.

"It is along story and please don’t tell anyone about this. I will tell you later. Okay.” I said as the doors closed.

“Okay I trust you.” She said with a sweet smile and voice.

Thank god no one else needed to use the elevator too. We walked out of the building. Anna went the other way. We got into my car. I started it and Lady GaGa started to play. I lowered the volume. I looked at Andrew and it seemed he didn’t mind the music. The car ride was quiet. We got to school suddenly I got butterflies in my stomach. As we got out of the car people started to look at us. Also since our lockers were by each other we walked together when we got there I saw that Lexi and Matt were by my locker. I walked to my locker trying not to look at them because I know what they were going to say.

“So this is who your parents think should be your Mr. Right? Well they did pick a hot one.” Lexi said to me.

“Wow nice to know that’s all you think about is looks Lexi.” I grabbed my books from my locker.

"Well I’m glad it is him. He actually really nice I know this because he is one the football team with me. To tell you he never cheated once he was always the one to get cheated on.” Matt said trying to make me feel better.

"Wow thanks.” I said.

“So why did you come to school with Andrew?” Alex said coming up from behind me.

“I can’t tell you right now I will tell you after school.” I said not being able to look him in the eyes.

“Why can’t you tell me know what happened? What did he do to you? If he did anything I will beat him!” Alex said getting anger.

"He did nothing I just want you to be mine for one more day.” I kissed him long then walked to my first class.

I walked into class to see the only seat was next to Noah again. Why me? There is too much to be going on to have him involved too. With no other choice I sat next to Noah. He seems to have been thanking god when I sat next to him. I didn’t want to know or ask.

“Raven look I’m sorry about what I did yesterday I really want to do the project together. I also promise never to do anything like that again.” Noah said.

“Noah right know I have bigger issues than the kiss so leave me alone.” I told making eye contact.

“What happened Raven?” He asked. It was kind of weird that he was trying to be nice.

“Nothing that you can help with I’m sorry but I just need time to think.” I said putting my head on my desk.

“Okay I’m here for you.” He said.

The rest of the day I didn’t really care for I just didn’t know what I should do at lunch. Should I just spend as much time with Alex as I can or just go eat in the bathroom? I will spend time with him as much as I can before the end of the day.

“Hey what’s up Raven you have been acting weird all day?” Alex said as I got to the table.

"Yeah I am but I can’t tell you until the end of the school day.” I put my head on his shoulder.

“Does it have to do with Andrew?” He then looked down at me.

"Kind of but he didn’t do anything.”I said assuring him.

"Fine whatever you say. So in the morning what was with the whole I just want you to be mine for one more day thing?” He asked. I get to practice me acting know.

“Secret.” I put my figure over my lips and winked at him.

"Okay but as soon as I get out of class at the end of the day you have to tell me.” He had such a worried look on his face. I love him so much I don’t want to get married.

“Alright I will.” Which reminds me when am I getting married?

The rest of the day we didn’t get homework. It was like the gods were watching me or something. But I took it as a sign. Once the bell rang I took out my cell phone and called my mom right away to find out when I’m tying the knot with Andrew because I didn’t ask and no one told me.


“Hi mom?”

“Yeah what is it I’m in the middle of something.”

"When is the wedding date?”

“November 6th. Why?”

“What do you mean why I have to know the date of when I get married? This also brings me to my next reaction. What do you mean 6th that is only a month? Will only get to enjoy the life as an adult for month?”

“Well honey we don’t want to wait any longer. We were going to put the date on November 5th. But we figured not to. Oh sorry I have to go know talk to you later.”

She just hung up on me. Oh god I really don’t want to go to my locker know. I took a deep breath then walked out of my classroom. Walked to my locker as slow as possible but it didn’t help. When I could see my locker I saw Alex leaning on it waiting for me. I walked up to him slowly thanking god it was the weekend so school won’t be weird.

“So what has been bothering you all day?” he looked me dead in the eyes I wanted to look away but couldn’t. I opened my locker without a word trying to think of away I could tell him. I got my things and we went back to what seemed to be a staring contest. I put my arms around him and kissed him soft and long one last time.

“Alex….. I’m getting married.” Tires started to well up in my eyes but I blinked them back.

“What? You’re joking. Right?” it looked like I had my hand around his heart and I was about to pull it out.

“No I’m not……… Andrew is my fiancé…….this was planned like right after I was born so I have no right to say……if I fight this will not turn out well I know it won’t.” butterflies in my stomach started to flap their wings even harder.

“Raven…. I have one thing to ask you when will the wedding be?” He wasn’t making eye contacted anymore.

“November 6th. In a month.” I looked down at the floor.

“So I take we should break up?” I saw the way he was blinking back his tears.

“Well not now we can wait out the month?” I knew I was bringing up false hope for both of us.

“NO. If we do wait it out then when it comes time to actually brake up it will just be harder for both of us.” I wanted to scream why did I even give up that on the fight that day. I can’t change the past.

“I know. Can you at least walk me outside?” He took my hand and pulled me into him and he kissed me deeply. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I then he broke the kiss and lead me outside. I couldn’t stop looking at the back of his head and thinking about the good times we had. I have tears welling up in my eyes again. There is too many to blink back.

“Raven don’t start crying until I’m out of sight.” I pulled out my handkerchief and brushed away the 2 tears that were already streaming down my face.

We walked in silence to the doors that lead to outside but. Even though we walked as slow as we could it was not slow enough. We walked outside and it was pouring buckets. Alex let go of my hand and walked to his car. He didn’t look back not once at me. I looked up at the cloudy sky. All of a sudden a big rain drop fell on my face. Before I knew it, it was rain cats and dogs. I then looked around to see if anyone could see me or if Alex’s car was around. There is no sight of anyone or Alex. I tilted my head back and let tears stream down my face. I didn’t let my facile expirations change. OMG this is like a scene from a bad romance movie!

“Hear you look like you need this.” I open my eyes to see Andrew looking down at me holding out a handkerchief.

“Thank you but I have my own.” I put my hand in my pocket to only have a soaked handkerchief.

“I think you might want to step over here were it is dry and use my handkerchief.” I steeped over to him and wiped my face off with his handkerchief and gave it back to him.

“Thank you. I think we should go home now.” I smiled then started to walk to the car.

“You don’t have to fake being happy in front of me you know.” Then he took my hand and spun me around.

“What are you talking about I’m not faking.” I looked at him dead in the eyes.

“Yes you are.”

“No I’m not.”

“Then tell me why your eyes are all red and you have a runny nose?”

Okay I know this is a bad time to add to the list but I have to. Nice and caring 2 more. Wow he is on a roll in just 2 days he got 4 more than Alex did in a month (now back to the story sorry got off topic).

“I’m getting sick that’s all.” I’m now looking at the floor trying not to make eye contact.

“Liar I saw tears streaming down your face from your eyes.” He pulls me into and hugged me. “It’s okay to cry I won’t tell anyone.”

Just as he told me that I started to pour my eyes out. We just stood there too. I hugged him back not wanting to let go. (RAVEN:OMG WRITER PERSON STOP MAKING US HAVE THESE STUPID MOVIE SECENS AND JUST GET ON WITH THE STORY D=<!
ME:TIMES UP BACK TO THE STORY!^_^)Then he picked me up and carried me to my car.

“Do you want me to drive?” He asked setting me down in front of the passenger door with his arm out.

“Yes please.” I gave him the keys and we got into the car. I stopped crying but know felt guilty by bringing Andrew into this.

The drive home from school was just like before quiet and with music in the back ground this time it was fighter. Wow this song is old. Before I knew it we were home. As we got out Andrew held an umbrella over me and put his coat around me since I was soaking wet from before. We ran into no one as we went up to our floor. He opened the door to the apartment. We went inside.

“I’m going to go take a shower.” Then I left for his room as he followed me.

“Do you need a towel?”

“I have everything I need right here with my other stuff.” I walked to the bathroom and started the shower. I got in and started to sing. I don’t know what it is but water always makes me feel better. I stayed in there for 25 minutes before I got out. I put my cloths in the hamper then walked into the living room to see Andrew channel surfing.

“I’m going to make dinner.” I said walking into the kitchen.

“You don’t have to I can do it.” Andrew got up and looked at me.

“No I want to make it. Is it okay it I use anything?”

“Yeah no problem.” He sat back down.

I looked around and found beef, bun, and other things to make burgers with. I started up and cooked 2 burger patties. Then I started to toast the buns. Just when I finished toasting the buns Andrew walked in.

“Burgers. They smell good. I can tell you that much. I still have to try them.” He leaned over my shoulder as I sliced the tomatoes.

“Well then you have to leave to find out how good they are.” I said leading him out of the kitchen.

“Okay.” A few minutes later they were done. I walked out of the kitchen into the living room. To see Halloween was on and just started. Oh I cannot watch a horror movie without feeling that I cannot go to sleep.

I gave him his plate and took the spot right next to him on the couch. We watched the movie. I glanced over to him to see his reaction it looked like he was bored. While there is I circled in a ball hiding my eyes at the scary parts. When I was over I didn’t want to move. Andrew got up and up our plates away. I got up and slowly walked to my bedroom. I lay there not being able to sleep. So after 2 hours of just starting at the ceiling I grabbed my blanket and walked to the door his room and knocked.

“Yes?” I opened the door to see he was sitting there playing on his psp.

“Do you mind if I hang out here for a while? The movie scared me.”I bite on my lip hoping he will say yes.
“Sure if I knew you don’t like scary movies I would have no put on the movie.” I was he was playing Final Fantasy 7.

“OMG I love ff7!” He looked at me like I had just said the magic words into his heart.

“Almost everyone I talk to have no idea what final fantasy is.” He sat up and looked straight at me.
“I know me too you would think in a small town like this people would know. Also I love Kingdom Hearts.” I was getting very happy we finally have something to talk about.

“Me too that is mostly the reason I bought a D.S. to play 358/2 days.”

“No way have you had it when I heard I could reserve it I did the second I could. My favorite is Riku, and Sora. But mainly Sora.” I was like a mortar mouth.

“Mine too.” Before I knew I we had talked for 2 hours about video games and I was watching him play ff7. Last thing I remember was seeing Cloud running up stairs in the Shinra building
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tell me how it is