Why me?


When we were in the car I was dying to ask Anna all of these questions. But I have a feeling I should swallow my thoughts.
“You’re probably wondering a bunch of things.” Anna broke the silence. “Like why my dad called me a whore, and the thing is I sleep over at my aunt’s house. She understand how my dad and my mom are when they are drunk so she told me go over there whenever I need too. So last night I went over to her house. But lately my dad and mom got it in their head that I have a boyfriend that they haven’t met so that is where I have been sneaking off to. So I that my aunt doesn’t get in deep shit with my dad I have been going along with it.”
“Anna that is not healthy how often does your parents get drunk like that?” I couldn’t resist asking.
“They get drunk 3 times a week. They get drunk like clockwork. Every time they don’t feel like going to work the next day they drink, they find out they won $500 they drink, they are pissed at someone customer they drink.” She seems very hopeless at this point like there is nothing left for her.
“Hey do you want to change the topic because there is something I have been sort a dying to tell you.” Lexi chimes in to change the subject.
“Yes please…… What do you want to tell us?” Anna asked.
“Well… umm… Matt and I are going out now!” Lexi blurted out.
“What!” I practically jump at her. “WHEN, HOW, WHERE! I KNEW YOU GUYS WOULD START DATING!”
“Today, we were working on our science project when we got really close and we kissed. He then told me he liked me and asked me to go out with him. This all took place at my house. AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY YOU KNEW WE WOULD START DATING!”
“Well come on even a blind person could see that you guy always flirt.” Anna says nonchalantly
“SEE! Anna could even tell! And she isn’t around YOU 24/7!”
All of us started laughing our asses off. On the way there I told Anna everything about why I am at her apartment and staying with Andrew.
“Wow intense.” Is all Anna can say to that?
“Hey guys we are here!” Lexi said getting all happy because she saw Matt’s car in the drive way.
Anna was looking out the window while we were pulling into the drive way. She froze for a moment with her eyes bugged out. She immediately tried to hide herself. When the car was in park she jumped out and ran to the front door of the house, the car wasn’t even turned off yet. She was standing still trying to hide herself as Lexi and I got out of the car and waked to the door. I looked over to see what she was looking at. She was staring at John an artist at the school.
“Hey Anna why are in such a rush to get inside?” Lexi asked as she unlocked the door.
“Umm you see John over there he is my ex I just broke up with him.” Anna said still trying to hide herself as we went in inside the house.
“BUT WHY?!” I exclaimed as the door shut behind me.
“But why what?” Matt asked as he walked over to Lexi and kissed her on the cheek.
“Before I say anything else I want to say congrats on finally getting together you guys!” I the made a group hug which included Anna.
“What do you by finally?” Matt asked one eyebrow raised.
“I know right that is what I said.” Lexi agreed.
We stopped the big group hug and went to the living room. Took a seat and relax while channel surfing Anna was just sitting there awkwardly. I was about to say something but then I noticed Adventure Time was on. Forgetting what I was going to say I was pulled into the awesomeness that is Finn and Jake.
“Hey so you still didn’t answer my question Raven. But why what?” Matt said pulling me way from the best television program on the planet.
“Anna do you want anyone else to know yes or no because I still want to know why.” I whispered to Ann who was sitting right next to me.
“Yeah about John I don’t care if people knew we were together and I really don’t care if they find out that we are broken up.” She said.
“Okay Matt the reason I asked ‘but why’ is the fact that Anna and John are broken up.” I told Matt.
“OH!!! Yeah so why did you guys break up?” He asked Anna also.
“Umm the reason what I broke up with John was because” All of us were giving her our full attention. “ He kept on wanting to meet my parents, and then when I said no he kept on pressing why I wouldn’t let him come over or meet my mom and dad, even though I met his parent .” Anna got quiet after that we all thought she was going to and more but we just sat there in the silent’s.
No one should live in a home where they can’t bring anyone over to just hang out. I can’t help but feel bad for Anna. I couldn’t imagine living with that kind of family, but Anna has to go through that every day.
“Why don’t you just bring him home?” Matt asked.
I looked at Matt and just shook my head slowly, to tell him not to say anymore about this. Anna didn’t answer his question. I tried to watch Adventure time, but couldn’t when I could feel the awkward in the air.
“OKAY THAT’S IT!” I yelled breaking the silence. “Lexi do you have any extra plan white Tee’s from when you made that band shirt?”
“Yeah, but why?” Lexi had one eye brow raised.
“Good. Now Matt do you still have paint and water balloons in your car from when you did that on splatter painting?” I was now pointing a finger at Matt.
“Yeah… Oh are you thinking what I am thinking?”
I smiled “If it is paint fight then yes.”
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