Why me?

Painting is fun!

All of us got the supplies needed to make this happen. We put on the white tee shirts, got goggles from Lexis garage and filled paint in the water balloons. Then the fight was on. We divided into teams Matt and I, then Lexi and Anna. This is going to be awesome! Lexis backyard was huge in fact it was the best place to have something like this.
"On your mark! Get ready! Go!" Matt shouted declaring this war on. Matt and I ran up the tree house and started our airle attck on the enemy. You know it is nice to get your mind off of thins and just to relax every once in a while.
"Hahaha you can get you can't get us!" I taunted as they tried throwing things up at us and epicly failing!
"Fine I will just get to your level then!" Anna shouted.
Anna then started climbing a fairly large tree close to us and started throwing inside the tree house. Matt was on duty of trying to Anna and I was on the look out to see if Lexi made any sudden movements to ambush us inside the tree house. Anna actually got us a couple of times.
"Hey Matt I am going sown to ground level to get better aim at Lexi. You try to keep Anna aiming at you and in that tree." I told him.
"Your a brave solider Raven. Good luck out there." Matt said.
"And Matt if I don't make it out a live..... Tell my wife and kids I have alwayed loved them!" I said before climbing down the ladder onto the ground.
There she was my rivle standing there. We ready our selfs and started the attack on eachother. Sooner or later we all ran out of paint balloons and got tried. We were to lazy to declare a winner to we called it a draw. We sat in the tree house watching the sunset and waited for our clothes to dry. Wait.... It is already sunset! Shit I totally forgot to call Andrew to tell him were I was. I dig my phone out of my pocket and sure enough 2 missed calls. I really hope o didn't make him worry.
"Hey guy I have to make a call real quick I will be back in a sec!" I explained as I got up and started down the ladder.
"Owwoo. Let me gusse you have your new hubby!?" Lexi teased.
"Yes.....and don't call him that we aren't even married yet." I climbed down the ladder before she could say any thing else.
RING! RING! "Hello?" Andrew answered.
"Hey Andrew its Raven. Sorry for not calling you back I am at Lexi's we were having a paint fight." I explained hoping to god he wasn't going to yell at me for not calling him before.
"Oh okay I figured that is where you were. The reasoned I called is that Noah is over and you have to finish a project with him that got pushed back to Monday. And well he refuses to leave until you guys get this project done." Andrew explained to me.
"Oh shit! Yeah totally forgot don't worry I will be there in a sec. Bye." I said hanging up the phone to fast for him to say bye back.
"Okay! Okay I am coming down!" she yelled back
Lexi, Anna, and I were sitting in silence listening to music. Anna had decided to go back to her parents mainly because they would have been passed out or sobering up. And if anything got really bad she would just come up to my apartment and Spend the night with Andrew and I. We finally got to the apartment complex and went up to our apartments.
"Bye Anna remember apartment 206 if anything happens okay?" I told Anna as she left the elevator.
"Okay thanks again Raven."
"No problem anytime!"
I finally made it to my apartment. Ugh I don't want to work on that stupid project. Maybe I should just go back to Lexi's before anyone sees me. No I am already here plus I am to lazy to go back down stairs and dive my self to here house. I take a deep breath and let myself in. But it isn't what I expected to see.
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I am going to try to update more! And thanks a million time to my 2 subscribers! Also sorry if this chapter is really shity. :/ but subscribe and comment :)