Status: completed

All for Love

All for Love

Once upon a time there was a little kingdom named Stornia.
Stornia was a very small and pacific place. There you
Could see the big mountains rise at the top of the kingdom
And the great castle where the king Harold lived with his son
Phillip. Stornia was like paradise in earth!

One morning the king took his son camping at the Solitarie
Mountains. There the poor little boy was captured by a
Group of enemies of the kingdom. They took him away from
Beloved father and taught him to be a criminal.

Years later the prince became the worst criminal in the kingdom.
When the king investigated who was that criminal he was informed that
He was the son he had lost 20 years ago. The king was so happy to
Know that his lost son was alive even though he was causing so much
Destruction in the kingdom. He sent people to look for him and they
Brought him to the palace.

One afternoon the king went to visit his son. When he was at the place
His son was captured he asked, “Do you know that you are my son?”
“Yes that’s what they say”, the criminal answered.”Do you know that I gave
A great reward to the person that brought you into custody and that tomorrow
morning you will be executed?”,asked the king and left. The criminal went near
the bars of the jail and found out that the king had left the door open.”What a silly
old man”, he thought and escaped. The next morning a group of soldiers entered the
prison and took the prisoner that was inside. The prisoner was executed. You know?
The king was the prisoner they found in the jail. He gave his life so his son could live.
And he did it all for love