Status: Complete

Lips of an Angel


Adele moved quietly into the pitch dark closet and shut the door gently so she didn’t make any noise. She knelt down and felt around on the floor till her fingers touched the soft material of the towel she was looking for. She pushed it against the bottom of the door, blocking off any escape light could sneak out of. She reached up and felt around the wall for the small plastic light switch, and when finding it she pushed it upwards.
She waited for her eyes to adjust to the light before reaching down into her pocket. She pulled out a small locket, the chain no longer intact. When she opened it she was greeted by a familiar face; Bryan. Adele reached up and with the edge of her hoodie sleeve wiped her lips carefully. She was suddenly thankful that black didn’t stain.
The sudden creaking of the bed froze Adele in her movement, a silent prayer leaving her lips. She didn’t want to wake up Conrad. Thinking of him reminded her about one thing she forgot: to lock the door. She leaned up again and slowly turned the lock on the knob till she heard the quiet click signifying that it was locked. It’s funny how just that small sound could lift some fog of fear from her.

She glanced back down at the locket and without even telling her body to do it; she was tapping out a series of numbers on her cell phone...

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I was pulled from my thoughts when my phone started ringing loudly; drowning out the sound of the movie Danielle and I were watching. I smiled apologetically to her before hitting the button on the side to silence the ringing. I looked at the screen to see who was calling and instantly stood up, “I have to take this.”
I walked out of the living room and past the kitchen straight into the dining room. I sat down at the table and hit the answer button.
“Adele,” I breathed out in barely a whisper.
She was silent, but I knew she was still there; I could hear her light breathing.
“Adele, why are you calling me so late? It’s kinda hard to talk right now, my girl’s in the next room...” I looked through the open door way to see Danielle still curled up watching the movie.
I heard the muffled sounds of her crying and instantly forgot about my girlfriend.
“Honey, why are you crying? Is everything okay?” My tone was worried but I kept it quiet. I’ve got to whisper because I can’t be too loud or Dani will hear me.
“I dreamt about you.” She sniffled. I tried to overlook the fact that she was whispering too, meaning she had someone to hide this conversation from also. It was completely irrational of me, I have a girlfriend. I shouldn’t be jealous of some other guy.
I got up and moved again, out to the back porch. “I dreamt of you too,” I admitted. There was no use in trying to lie to Adele; she could read me like a book. I tried to change the subject before I said too much, “Does he know you’re talking to me?”
”No,” Was her only answer.
“Will it start a fight? If he knew that is.”
”Probably,” she paused. “Does she know it’s me?” Her voice was quiet and sad.
“No, I don’t think she has a clue.” At the mention of Dani I turned around again, looking into the house.
We stayed silent for a few more minutes before her voice rang out again, “Bryan,”
A small warmth filled me up at the sound of her saying my name, it sounds so sweet.
”I still love you,” She finished so quietly I barely heard her.
“You make it hard to be faithful,” I breathed out, rubbing my face with my free hand. The trembling of my hand made me realize how weak those words made me feel. I was glad I wasn’t standing, or else I probably would have fallen.
“I have to go,” She said in a hurry. “Conrad’s waking up.”
“I never wanna say goodbye,” I clutched the phone in my hand tightly. Who knew when we’d be able to talk again.
“Than don’t, just say ‘see you later’” Adele told me. It was the same thing I used to tell her when we would leave for a tour.
“See you later,” I repeated.
“See you later.”
I hit the end button on my phone and stared down at it.
What was I doing? Dani was amazing. She was beautiful, smart, caring; everything I could ask for in a girl.
But she’s not Adele.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I shut the phone and shoved it deep into a pile of clothing before turning out the light and kicking the towel away. I opened the door silently again and made my way to the bed. I slipped into it without Conrad waking. His arm went around me instantly, and I pretend it was Bryan; something I did a lot. The only difference was instead of Bryan’s spicy scent I got a nose full of the stench of alcohol. The smell reminded me of my newly busted lip, and the bruises that were surely covering my body in a morbid array. I knew that tomorrow I would be showered in love, attention, and probably even some gifts, depending on how bad the damage was. I’d tell him that I forgive him, but in truth I don’t. I’ll remember this set of bruises like they were scars, just like all the others he’s inflicted on me. I’ll flinch when he touches me. I’ll even stop breathing when kisses me. He’ll promise not to drink again, and by the end of next week I’ll be covered in another set of bruises.

The next morning I woke up from another dream of Bryan. In my dream he told me he loved me last night after I told him I still loved him. He told me I was too good for Conrad and to stop submitting myself to his abuse. He promised he would be waiting when I left him.
My dream (and the lack of Conrad in bed with me) gave me the courage to do the thing I should have done after the first time he came home drunk and hit me.
I got out of bed and went to the kitchen, grabbing the box of garbage bags. I looked at the dozen of red roses setting on the table before walking back to the room. I pulled a bag loose and began shoving my things into it. I did it as quickly as I could just so I could make sure Conrad wouldn’t return home before I could get the hell out of here. He’s never hit me when he was sober, but I didn’t want to take the chance.
When I finished loading my things into the Altima Conrad bought me after sending me to the hospital with two broken bones, I walked back into the kitchen. I grabbed a few bottles of Jack Daniels from the cabinet and grabbed the roses. I arranged the roses and poured the Jack.
I dropped the now empty bottles onto the ground and pulled a pack of matches from my pocket. I flicked one and set the others on fire before tossing it onto the whiskey soaked ground. I got into my Altima and pulled out of the driveway, looking with a satisfied smile at the message in flames.


I don’t know where I intended to go until I pulled up into the driveway to a small house in Las Vegas. I didn’t bother grabbing any of my things, because honestly I had no clue if I would be allowed to stay. I guess that depended on if his girlfriend was here or not.
I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. I couldn’t stop smiling, I was so happy to be out of California and away from Conrad.
When the door opened the smile left my face. I stared into the face of a beautiful girl that was un-doubtly Bryan’s girlfriend. She didn’t look too happy to see me either.
”You’ve gotta be Adele.” She scoffed.
I stared at her in wonder, “How do you know?”
She didn’t answer me, only opened the door wider and pushed her way out, a bag slung over her shoulder. “Have a nice life, Adele.” She spat out at me.

I turned back towards the house and was met with a sight that brought tears to my eyes. I ran the short distance and wrapped my arms around Bryan.
“Honey, why are you crying?” Bryan ran his fingers through my hair, his arms wrapped around me also.
“I missed you!” I cried into his warm chest.
“I missed you too,” I felt his lips press against the top of my head.
I pulled away just enough to look up at him, “Was that your girlfriend? Why was she leaving?”
”You made it too hard to be faithful, “ he gave me a smile and leaned down some. “With the lips of an angel.” He pushed his lips against mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Nelly.