We're Gonna See the World out, I'll Hold You 'Til the Hurt Is Gone


"Mr. and Mrs. Haner, you two are going to be having a healthy baby boy." The doctor announced as Brian squeezed Addison's hand. Addison looked at her husband with the most loving eyes as the doctor whipped away the goo that was now on a Addison's belly. "I can see you popped over night, Mrs.Haner." Dr.Stevens said smiling,Addison let out a quiet laugh as her husband helped her sit up.

It has been four and a half years since Addison saw her sister, Addison cant help but think about Zora every second of everyday, she wants to know if shes okay, she wonders if she's still her over hyperactive self.

Addison and Brian got married over two years ago in a court room on a whim. Addison and Brian promised each other a big wedding once there baby came, which should be very soon considering Addison was six months pregnant.

As the doctor exited the room Brian pressed his thin lips against Addison's pink plush ones smiling. "What are we gonna name him?" Addison questioned once Brian pulled away, a smile from ear to ear on his face.

"We'll figure that out soon, but now you have to call Gina, she's been blowing up my phone." Brian stated as he helped his wife off the doctors table and out of the office.

Gina had become Addison's best friend since her sister left, Addison would cry almost every day after her sister left so Gina came to Addison's side to help her with everything. Addison told Gina anything and everything that happened. Gina was there when Brian cheated on her, she was there when Zora never called, she was there when Addison first found out she was pregnant.

Addison quickly dialed the number she knew by heart as she climbed into Brian's black escalade. Sitting in the passenger seat buckling up Addison waited until she heard the all to familiar voice. "What is it!" Gina said excitedly into the phone. "Do not tell me to calm down, Zachary." Gina said sternly to her fiance. Addison only laughed and smiled. "Well Mrs. soon to be Baker you're gonna have to wait for that answer until tonight. We're having a BBQ so tell everyone,and you better be there." Addison said laughing slightly.

Gina and Addison continued to talk all the way home, Addison denying Gina every time she asked what Addison was having soon Addison and Gina hung up as Brian pulled up to their five bedroom four bath house on the beach. Brian immediately helped Addison out of the car once he was out.

Addison laughed at her husband and waddled her way up towards the front door. Ever since Addison got pregnant and started eating everything in sight, she no longer made fun of Mark, because now Mark had things to retort with.

As Addison walked into the house she was met with the two barks of their dogs. "Hi Pinkly, hi Duchess" Addison said to their little ball of white fur and their tiny yorky, Brian got Duchess for their two year anniversary. "Did Daddy feed you two today?" Addison said as she looked at Brian the whole time who groaned. "It's your turn though." Brian whined.

Addison only raised an eyebrow as she glanced down at her stomach. "If I fell over do you wanna pick me up like a turtle on its back?" Addison said and then held up her hand knowing her husband all to well. "Don't respond to that." Addison laughed as she saw the famous smirk Brian wore that she loved so much.
As everyone entered the Haner house barring all sorts of food Addison couldn't help but to smile watching everyone. She knew someone was missing but she didn't know if she would see that someone anytime soon so Addison just brushed it off her shoulder. "Tell now?" Gina asked bouncing on her feet. Addison only shook her head laughing "We gotta wait for my aunt and uncle to get here." Addison responded as she walked into the kitchen.

An hour later the door bell rang, Addison instantly waddling as fast as she could to get to the door ignoring the laughs and jokes that were thrown her way. "Aunt T!" Addison said excitedly at the old woman as she hugged her tightly, well as tight as she could with the big belly that was in their way. "Hi Addie." Tonya said as she kissed her niece, Jack fallowing suit.

Tonya made her way into the house holding a big bowl of pasta salad knowing all too well that's what Addison has been craving since the day she got pregnant. Addison eyed the bowl and tried to take it out of Tonya's hands. "Nope, I know before dinner even starts it will be gone." Tonya stated smiling at her niece as Addison huffed.

As everyone sat around the big wooden table waiting the news of what the Haner's had "So!" Gina spoke up eying the couple smiling. "Alright." Addison laughed as she patted her mouth with napkin. "We're having..." Brian started looking at his wife as everyone waited anxiously on the edge of their seats. "A boy!" Addison and Brian said together.

As everyone congratulated them Tonya spoke the question that she has been thinking since she got into the car, the question that she always asks when she sees Addison "Does your sister know?" Tonya said, a uncomfortable silence instantly came over the room as Addison's smile faded. Addison shook her head.

Tonya shook her head frustrated. "Addison Marie." Tonya said looking at her niece sternly. "What the hell do you want me to do! she changed her number. No one here has her e-mail, she dropped off the face of fucking the earth Aunt Tonya." Addison said, the mood swings soon back as Addison stood up and stomped her way upstairs.

Addison sat in her room she shared with her husband until everyone left. Brian made his way up the stairs after saying bye to everyone. "Babe?" Brian questioned as he bent down in front of his wife looking at her.
"She knows I miss her, but I don't know how to even talk to her." Addison said as she laid on the bed. Brian right next to her hand on stomach as he kissed her temple.
"I know babe." Brian said into her hair.
"I miss her so much Bri." Addison said letting a few tears fall.
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Sequel! :D Zora's part is gonna be so weird, you guys are gonna flip.
It's been four years ): my little girls grew up faster than I could go to my sisters then home. lol
anyways! comment please! subscribe!
The only reason I posted this was because my faithful commenter's! lol Tell me what you think!
Addison all grown up