We're Gonna See the World out, I'll Hold You 'Til the Hurt Is Gone


"Zora!" Matt roared running over to her. Zora had her hands wrapped around Jimmy's throat shaking him. "You fucking little cunt!" Zora screamed as her grip tightened around Jimmy's neck. Now Jimmy has always been a tough man, for being a drummer he had to keep his arms in shape, but at this moment in time it was like Zora became super strength woman and was choking the life out of him. As Brian pulled Zora off of Jimmy he could only watch the girl he once know become someone he didn't know at all. Never once had Zora laid a finger on Jimmy trying to hurt him but at that moment she just tried to kill him.

Zora thrashed around trying to get out of Brian's tight grip. "Let me the fuck go!" Zora yelled.
"No!" Addison yelled looking at her husband Brian only nodded his head as he held tighter onto Zora.

After a moment Zora calmed down as she watched Jimmy like a hawk "Why Jimbo?" Zora asked breathlessly. Jimmy only shook his head as he turned away from Zora.

Maybe for once Zora had screwed up bad, maybe she did need help. Zora shook that thought from her head as she looked at everyone and then her eyes caught someone else. "Dr. fucking Drew?" Zora questioned looking at the old man with glasses and white short hair who only nodded his head. "Sit her down." Addison spoke with no emotion Addison had lost all her patience for Zora.

Brian sat Zora on the love seat in between him and Matt the two strongest in the group making sure if she tried to get up she wouldn't go anymore.

As Zora sat there she could only feel betrayed she knew she had a problem but why didn't any of them care that she could drop dead at that second? Maybe its because every one had , had it from her.

"Now, Zora." Dr. Drew spoke slowly. "Your family and friends are worried about you. They know you have been shooting up." He continued. Zora opened her mouth and then shut it, maybe she did need help. Maybe it was time for her to stop acting like the victim and just face the fucking facts and get help.

"I have an in patient rehab that your family is willing to send you too, but we have also talked about you staying with your sister and-" Dr.Drew was interrupted. "No." Addison spoke.
All eyes were now on here. "She can't stay here anymore, I don't want my son around her at all when he comes into this world." Addison spoke as she looked anywhere but her sister.
"Addie.." Zora spoke softly looking at her sister. Addison only shook her head. "Maybe you should have never even come back." Addison spoke looking at the ground. "Addison!" Gena yelled looking at her best friend. "That's fucked up! she's your sister." Johnny spoke after her. Addison only shook her head.

"Alright then, your bags are all packed, and I'm taking you there tonight." Zora only nodded her head as she stood up as she kept her eyes focused on her sister. After a couple minutes all of Zora's bags were outside and waiting for her. Zora walked over to her sister kneeling in front of her as Brian stood by Addison's side protectively. "I love you Addie." Zora spoke as tears rolled down her cheeks. "And I'm so sorry. You're the best sister in the world." Zora put her hands on her sisters stomach, Addison flinched. "You're son is gonna be the luckiest boy ever to have you as a mom." Zora said breathlessly as she stood up and looked at Jimmy. "I'm sorry." She spoke and headed out the door. That was the last time she spoke to them. As Zora got into the all white van she didn't know if any of them would come visit her, she knew Matt wouldn't he looked so hurt and disappointed in her.

Zora could only hope she could get better and maybe not pass away in rehab so she could meet her nephew.
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short and sucky ): I know, next chapter will be great though :D i don't know when I should end this I have sooo many amazing idea's for it but idk lol.