We're Gonna See the World out, I'll Hold You 'Til the Hurt Is Gone


"I think you're over reacting Zora, it was a misunderstanding" Tonya said putting the coffee mug in front of Zora as she sat across from her at the dinning room table. Zora only sighed running a hand through her hair before she picked up the mug and took a sip of the black coffee. "I know Aunt T. But they wouldn't even hear me out, its like anytime I want any of them to listen I have to yell"

Tonya sat her cup down that was full of tea "Well maybe you should just not think about it right now, I bet they all feel like crap." Tonya said smiling warmly at her niece. Zora only nodded her head as she looked up at the microwave clock before she stood up. "I have to go, I have that meeting with make a wish." Zora said. Tonya only nodded as she walked to the front entrance. "Don't worry Zora everything will get better." Tonya said as she hugged her niece smiling.

It seems like everyone was in on the plan except Zora.

Zora hugged her aunt back tightly before she walked outside pulling the sleeve on her long sleeve white shirt down, making her way to her lexus.

As Zora drove the long drive down the free way her head was still clouded with thoughts of that morning, Zora didn't want to move out of Matt's house if anything she wanted to stay there through everything. Hell she even wanted to marry Matt but now that's all going down the drain because of some moron's mistake.

Once the car was parked and shut off Zora grabbed her over sized purse and walked up to the forty six high building and walked in.

"Um, I have a meeting with make a wish." Zora said to the blond barbie looking secretary sitting at the circular desk in the middle of the lobby.

"Name?" The very fake looking woman asked looking at her computer screen.
"Zora Bishop." Zora said as she looked at the woman, who soon had a very devilish grin spread across her face.

"Ah, Bishop. Room 409 on level thirty." The woman said. Zora only nodded her head as she made her way over to the elevators.

Zora has always been claustrophobic so getting into that closed in metal elevator was the worst thing for her day.

Zora stumbled out of the elevator taking deep breathes as she reached her level. After composing her self Zora stood outside the door sighing, she wanted her family to be there like they said they were gonna be, but now they weren't.

Zora knocked on the door to only hear a very deep demanding voice "Enter" Zora shivered as she turned the cold door handle and walked in. The three men in business uniforms quickly stood smiling at the woman. "You must be Zora Bishop." the shortest one stated Zora only nodded her head as she shook all three men's hands.

"Well, lets go." The tallest and the heaviest one said as he started to make his way around the desk. "Go? Where?" Zora asked confused as she looked at them, the three men smiled sweetly at her as they led her out of the office and back to the screaming metal death trap they called an elevator. "Your friends already set up everything, they said you told them what you wanted?" The youngest looking one asked.

Zora simply nodded her head staring at them, it was true she told her sister what she was gonna wish for. But it wasn't enough for them to yell at her they just had to take her wish.

Zora stood shaking in the elevator as the three men stood around her. "These things make me nervous too." The shortest one said as he smiled at Zora, Zora smiled weakly back at the man.

As the elevator came to halt and stopped all of them stepped out and walked up three steps to only be met with a door that read 'Roof top'
"I get my wish today?" Zora asked nervously, she didn't want to have this experience without Matt, or Addison or Jimmy. The three men nodded smiling excitedly.

Zora sighed as they all walked out the door to see a big hot air balloon already blown up and a big picture of Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. Zora's all time favorite cartoon, she might have been a grown woman but that cartoon could take a hold of her attention and keep it for as long as it wanted.

If you want, play before you read, it goes along with this part

As Zora got closer and closer she not only noticed the man who would be flying the hot air balloon but she saw someone else. She saw the one man who has took a hold of her heart and kept it every day since she met him.

"Matt?" Zora questioned looking at the buff man as he smiled nervously.

"Hi, I am Jason and I will be your pilot today." The man joked as he helped Zora into the basket.

"What are you doing here?" Zora asked Matt who only kept quite with his hands in his pockets. Zora sighed giving up.

After a few minutes the balloon was up in the air and flying. "Are you gonna speak?" Zora questioned looking up at Matt who didn't utter a word.

Soon enough the balloon was flying over the beach. Zora looked down to see the sparking sea water, blue as ever as the sun beat down making everything seem so much better. Zora smiled closing her eyes smelling the air, it was a mixture of salt water and the smell of spring, it was amazing.

As Zora opened her eyes and turned around she was caught off guard to see Matt staring at her intently and felt the air balloon getting lower. "Zora, you know I love you so much right?" Matt questioned Zora only nodded her head and opened her mouth to speak. "Please let me finish." Matt asked quietly.

Zora only nodded closing her mouth. "From the day I met you, I only had eyes for you. I love you with every fiber of my being. You complete me. That may sound like the most over used line in the world but its true." Matt said taking a hold of both Zora's hands.

"I can be having the shittest day ever, but when I get home and I get to see you and hold you and kiss you its like every thing in my day that went wrong is forgotten because I have you. I know you may not have that long, but for the rest of the time I want to to be with you and only you. I cant picture myself with anyone else ever. "

Soon Matt let go of Zora's hands and was down on one knee as he pulled a small black velvet box out of his pocket and held it up opening showing off a the most beautiful ring she has ever seen. A big diamond with a silver band. Simple but beautiful the way Zora liked it.

"With that said. Zora Anne Bishop, will you make my life the most perfect life ever by marrying me and being my wife?" Matt asked looking up at Zora with hopeful eyes.

"You wanna marry me? and be with me? even though I'm going through this?" Zora asked as she felt the tears in her eyes.

Matt nodded his head looking at her. "Even when I bitch and complain? When I go to work when you don't want me to? When I have bad morning breath, or that I can't cook all that well and when I do its really bad? Or that I'm in my twenties and I still cry at Lilo and Stitch because I still have the child in me?" Zora kept questioning. Matt chuckled and nodded his head once more.

"Say fucking yes!" Zora all of a sudden heard Addison's voice, Zora quickly turned around looking over the basket to see her whole family standing there even little Ryan was there being held by his daddy, Addison mega phone in hand looking up at her sister smiling brightly.

Zora turned around smiling as the tears ran down her red cheeks. "Yes,yes,yes,a million and five hundred times YES!" Zora said Matt smiling slipping the ring on her finger as he stood up wrapping her in his arms holding on to her. "I love you Zora." Matt whispered.
"I love you Matthew." Zora said as she looked up at him. Soon his lips on hers kissing her very lovingly and not letting her go as Jason poked his head over the basket giving the family below a thumbs up.

Zora and Matt could hear cheering as they just smiled and didn't pull away from the kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
First I wanna say R.I.P Jimmy you will be greatly missed no matter what you were the best drummer ever, and I know a lot of hearts hurt over your passing, I know mine does.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I don't know if you guys still want Jimmy in the story, if you do tell me because if i don't have a couple people tell me he's gonna stop being here because it might hurt some people because Jimmy was a big part of this story. So if you guys don't wanna read about him anymore because it might be hard I understand so I'll have it he's in the last chapter though.

I bet none of you saw that coming huh? ;D ha ha

Zora's ring

I'm gonna try and update faster like I was before.