We're Gonna See the World out, I'll Hold You 'Til the Hurt Is Gone


As Addison sat on the plane gripping the handles she tried to concentrate on what her sister was telling her. "So I like the red dresses for your wedding, don't you?" Zora asked looking at her sisters pale face, Addison only nodded her head slowly.

"Addie, are you sure you're okay?" Zora asked "Oh yeah, you know plane rides they-" Addison didn't finish as she quickly got up running to the bathroom at the back of the plane and closed the door as she leaned down letting all of the contents in her stomach come up into the toilet.

It was 5:46AM as the whole band with their wife or fiance, were on the plane going to the U.K and as usual Addison was having panic attacks, she hated flying like always but she never threw up.

Brian watched his wife run back as he handed Ryan to Johnny "Here, hold him." Brian said in a hushed whisper not wanting to wake his son up. "What? What the hell am I supposed to do? I've never held a baby!" Johnny said as he began to panic. "Just support his neck." Brian stated as he got up walking to the back of the plane knocking on the bathroom door.

"Baby, are you okay?" Brian asked softly. Addison leaned against the wall.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Can you just get me my purse?" Addison responded as she held her stomach tightly. Brian only nodded his head knowing all well that she couldn't see him.

"Awe! Look at my little man holding a baby!" Lacey cooed as she got her camera and looked at Johnny who had a nervous expression on his face, he looked extremely uncomfortable and scared. Lacey quickly snapped a picture laughing at the weird smile he gave.

As Brian knocked on the bathroom door once again Addison quickly opened it snatching her purse from his hands giving a weak smile. "Thank you baby." She whispered kissing his cheek. "Whats wrong?" Brian questioned.

"Nothing." Addison said in a monotone as she closed the bathroom door locking it. Addison set her purse on the counter next to the sink as she started to dig through it, finally coming across the pink box that read the all to familiar "Pregnancy test" across it in big white letters.

Addison pulled one out biting her lower lip as she unwrapped it.

"Hey." Matt said as he sat next to Zora who was on her mac book "Hi." She said looking up at him giving him a quick kiss on the lips smiling.

"Listen, Zora. I don't want anything big this year for my birthday." Matt confessed as he looked at his fiance. Zora only laughed shaking her head as she grinned. "Too late." She said in a sing song voice as she closed her mac book. Matt only groaned rubbing his huge hands down his face.

"Fiiiiineee" He said in a whiny voice as he pulled the handle up that separated them and pulled her to him kissing the top of her head. "I love you little girl." He said grinning as Zora laughed. "I love you too big boy."


"Jimmy! I'm not seventeen anymore you cant do this!" Zora complained as Jimmy sat her on top of his shoulders.
"So? You're still as little as a you were when you were seventeen." Jimmy said grinning. Zora gasped and smacked the top of his head. "Am not!"
"She's as tight as a seventeen year old." Zora heard Matt whispered to Brian who started laughing. "Matthew Charles Sanders!" Zora yelled looking at him Matt only grinned up at her shrugging.
"Don't drop her Jimmy." Matt said as Jimmy walked into the hotel earning looks from other people.
"Wont,captain Sanders." Jimmy said as he held onto Zora's legs.

Addison walked behind everyone pushing the stroller as she looked down at her son, her face was white as a ghost. "Hey, are you okay?" Gena asked looking at Addison who only shrugged.

"Room keys!" Zacky yelled as he held up all the room keys. Jimmy quickly grabbing his and Leana's as Zora tried to stay balanced. "Down! please, I want down. I'm scared." Zora asked her eyes wide.

"Alright Jimmy you know what to do." Matt said from behind. Jimmy only nodded his head as he quickly grabbed Zora's legs pushing her back. "What the fuck!" Zora yelled as Matt quickly caught her. Zora's breathing heavy as she looked around.

"You people will kill me before the cancer does." Zora whispered, Matt only tensing up "Don't say that." Matt said harshly as he set Zora down and grabbed their room key walking away from her. Zora only sighed as she shook her head.

Addison put her hand on Zora's shoulder, "Zee, can I talk to you?" Addison whispered in a quite whisper that was barley audible.

Zora quickly nodded her head as she turned away from Matt's retreating back side. "Whats wrong Addie?" Zora asked in a concerned voice as she saw her sisters even paler face.

As Zora and Addison walked away from the group Addison leaving Ryan with his dad. Both girls walked outside standing in the cold.

"Well um, I-" Addison started as she closed the gap between her and her sister whispering in her ear as a truck honked its horn really loud.

Zora only stared wide eyed at her sister the only word that she could come up with coming out of her plush lips. "Holy fuck!"
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You guys like the new banner?! :D I do! It was by My Chemical Jonas, such an awesome girl. Go read her stories! they are soo good! GO,GO,GO! READ THEM!

I have a new story out too :D its not a fan fic though ): boo. But its good! so you should read it.
Two is better than one Yep go read it!

Comment,comment,comment! :D if I get at least three comments today I'll put two new updates out :D yep. That's how its gonna work from now on.