We're Gonna See the World out, I'll Hold You 'Til the Hurt Is Gone


As Zora walked down the hall of their hotel she couldn't help but to think about what Addison said to her earlier that day, and how Matt still wouldn't talk to her. It was a simple comment and he was not blowing things way out of the water in her opinion. "Where are you going?" Johnny asked as he poked his head out the door.

"Um...uh." Zora thought as she looked the other way, sighing Zora turned back to Johnny who was now out of his room with his shoes and jacket. "I have chemo." She said truthfully as she ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm coming." Johnny said as he started to walk, Zora stood in shock for a moment before she quickly turned on her heel walking after Johnny, Zora had not told anyone about her chemo today she thought it would be best if she went alone.

"Johnny I don't think its a good idea." Zora said as she looked at him Johnny being a couple inches taller than her since she didn't have any heels on today. Johnny only nodded as he smiled down at her.

"I know we barley talk but i consider you like a little sister," Johnny stated as they both started to walk down the stairs. "And I thought it would be a good idea to try and spend time with you." Johnny stated as they got to the lobby everyone sitting in the lounge that was there. Zora quickly pulled her hood over her head tucking in the blond strands as she walked. Johnny only putting his head down noticing how she didn't want to be seen.

As the two walked out Johnny grabbed her elbow leading her to the car he had rented.

"It's gonna be hard." Zora said as she got into the car. "What is?" Johnny questioned as he started up the car. "Being in chemo with me." She said looking down as she played with her fingers. Johnny only nodded as she gave him the directions to the hospital where she would have chemo.

"I know." Was the only thing Johnny said as he drove the long drive.


"Bri." Addison whispered as they came into their hotel room Addison holding their child.
"What babe?" Brian said flopping on the big bed as Addison laid Ryan down in his packable crib. "We need to talk." Addison stated sitting next to him

Brian instantly going into panic mode as he sat up grabbing her hands. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked looking her straight in the eyes.

Addison only shook her head as she thought, soon coming to a decision. "I'm pregnant" She stated getting to the point not wasting anytime.

Brian only looked at her soon letting her hands go as he got up walking out of the room shutting the door behind him as he left. Addison sat on the bed shocked watching her husband walk out.


"Here is your medication your doctor asked me to give you." The elderly man said handing Zora a tall red bottle. Zora looked at it as the nurse pulled the needle out.

"Oh and um, they make you hallucinate." He said reading off his clip bored.

"How?" Johnny asked for her as he held onto her hand tightly as she squeezed from the pain "Well, its gonna make you think you have an alter ego. So she probably will end up talking to her self thinking its her alter ego or looking deep in thought as she talks to her alter ego." Dr. Smithers said.

Both Zora and Johnny looked at him shocked, "Isn't there something else?" Zora asked in a hoarse whisper.

The older man only shook his head, "With the type of cancer and the stage your in and your blood type there isn't. Maybe this could help slow down the process or even stop it-"

That little bit of information gave Zora all the hope there was in the world.

"But it might not, but for a fact it will help limit the pain and or make it so there is no pain." Dr.Smithers said as he gave her the intrusions and the bottle. "Nice meeting you Miss.Bishop." He said before walking off.

"I'm gonna go crazy,Johnny." Zora sighed as Johnny helped her up and a nurse giving her several vomit bags. "Thanks." Zora whispered putting her pills in her purse as Johnny helped her up.


As Addison tickled Ryan's stomach watching him laugh she couldn't help but smile even more, Addison wanted another child, Ryan was the joy of her life and having another one would make her life complete.

Addison didn't even know Brian came in let alone did she know he was standing there.
Brian watched his wife and his son smile. Brian sighed as he walked over to Addison wrapping his arms around her. "I'm young and a rock star. I have girls throw their panties at me all the time," Brian said as he kept a tight hold around his wife.

"I used to be a man whore, I didn't know what I wanted in life,fuck i still don't know, but I do know I want you and our son. And I want the baby that is growing inside of you. Ryan makes our lives so happy so maybe another one will make our life complete." Brian kissed the side of Addison's head as she smiled

"I love you Ad's with everything in me, I love our son. And I know for damn well I'm gonna love that baby too." Brian said putting his hand on her stomach.

Addison looked up at Brian kissing his lips gently smiling. "I love you rock star." She said as she pulled away. "Love you too, sexy groupie."
Addison looked at him shocked as she punched his stomach soon regretting it as she shook her hand trying to get the stinging sensation to go away.

Brian only chuckled as he sat next to his wife.The couple soon started to play with their baby boy, only feeling the anticipation and happiness as they knew they would soon be having another.
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anyways. Since i got a hundred comments tomorrow I'm gonna update like five or six times :D there is a lot more coming.
You guys will love how Zora acts ;p lol
COMMENT PLEASE! I love my new banner don't you!
My Chemical Jonas <~ Go read her stories! they are awesome! :D