We're Gonna See the World out, I'll Hold You 'Til the Hurt Is Gone


As the days carried on so did Zora's video entries, each one different. Some of them having tears some anger, some longer,some shorter.

It was now Friday aka Matt's birthday, everyone had been tip toeing around Zora but all anxious and waiting with anticipation on what was going to happen. "Matt!" Zora yelled down the stairs as she held onto the dresses she was trying to choose from.

"What?" Matt yelled back looking up the stairs at his fiance, a smile creeping onto his face like it always did every time he looked at her. "Call everyone and make sure they are here by 11:30, if they're late they're being left out." Zora said as she walked back into the bedroom to see Sunday grinning at her.

"Oh, he is going to love you forever. And go with that dress, makes you have some curves to that boyish body." Sunday said looking at the dress in her left hand. Zora just rolled her eyes. "Go away, Sunday." Zora said as she laid the dress out Sunday had told her to wear.

"Oh no, Zora. I will not go away, I am going to be with you forever, well until you die." Sunday shrugged as she laid back on the bed, her fiery hair spear out all over. "Wanna bet!?" Zora challenged as she walked into the conjoint bathroom and grabbed the pills grinning at the teenage girl.

"You're stupid if you do what I know you're gonna do." Sunday said sitting up. "Zora you can't," Zora raised an eyebrow as she popped the cap off and dumped all the pills down the drain and watched them go. "You're gonna be gone soon enough." Zora whispered walking past the girl.

"Brian, stop fucking your already pregnant wife and listen." Matt said as she spoke into his cell phone. "What?!" Brian said aggravated. "Zora, said for everyone to be here by 11:30, no later or you will get left." Brian let out a frustrated sigh "Yeah,yeah." Was the only thing he said before he hung up to go back to his wife's needs.

Matt just rolled his eyes as he made the rest of the phone calls.


As Addison got ready she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She knew tonight she couldn't drink or anything like any other time they have gone out when she was pregnant. Her stomach had started to swell just a little but not enough for anyone who didn't know her to know she was pregnant.

Brian walked in seeing his wife ready. "Tonya came and picked up Ryan already." He said walking behind her wrapping his arms around her resting his hands on her stomach and his chin on her shoulder.

"You know, people probably think your a selfish,ignorant,pig headed,asshole sex machine ; I know better though." Addison said as she smiled at him through the mirror, Brian only rolled his eyes kissing her cheek. "You changed me." He whispered against Addison's soft skin, "We gotta go, I have to see what your sister planned. My bet is a strip club." Brian chuckled as Addison just rolled her eyes grabbing her clutch.

"This might be the last birthday she spends with him Bri." Addison whispered as they walked down the stairs. Brian sighed once they got to the bottom and turned around hugging his wife. "She's gonna be fine." Brian whispered trying to look at the brighter side of things.

Addison only nodded her head as she pulled away from him, "Lets go babe." She said mustering up her best fake smile as she grabbed his hand walking out of their home.


As Zora put her necklace on she smiled, Three and half hours ago she had to take her pill but she didn't and since then she hasn't seen Sunday, so what if there was a slight pain here and there but still she couldn't have been happier. Tonight was her man's birthday and it was gonna be an amazing night.

"Zora, Addison and Brian, Jimmy and Leana are here." Matt called from downstairs. "Kay!" Zora yelled back smiling at herself as she sat at her vanity fluffing up her hair she stood up smiling. Zora danced in the mirror a little before laughing softly. "Man! I feel like a woman." Zora wiggled her hips a little as she strutted out of their master bedroom and walked downstairs.

"Addie!" Zora hugged her twin smiling brightly. "I saw you yesterday, Zee." Addison breathed out laughing a little. Zora didn't say anything as she hugged her sister then bent down kissing her little stomach. "Hi baby." Zora whispered. Soon Leana had her arms wrapped around Zora hugging her. "I'm excited for tonight, even if its not my birthday." Leana laughed Zora giggled softly pulling away from the small woman only to be in a bone crushing hug from Jimmy.

"Hi Zoro," Jimmy said into her hair, "Hi Jimbo." Zora whispered.

Everyone sat in the living room waiting for the others. A half an hour later everyone was at the Sanders house.

"Zora, where are we going?" Lacey asked walking along with everyone else to the awaiting hummer limo

"You will all see." Zora said as she entered the limo with the help of her fiance fallowed by the rest of the girls.


As the limo pulled up to the lit up building every conversation stopped and everyone peered out the window.

"She did!" Brian yelled laughing as he was the first one to hop out.
"We're going to a strip club?" Addison whispered.
"Oh no, I rented out the strip club so its just us." Zora stated proudly as Matt hopped out wrapping an arm around his fiance's shoulders.

"This is the best birthday present ever." Matt chuckled as everyone walked into the strip club.
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I haven't been getting that many comments, I'm gonna post another chapter because you owe you guys that much,but if i don't get that many comments it doesn't really help inspire me to right lol.

Addisons outfit

Zoras outfit