We're Gonna See the World out, I'll Hold You 'Til the Hurt Is Gone


It had been four and half months since Matt's birthday and since Zora dumped all her pills down the drain. Every time she got a refill she would just dump the pills some where and leave them, she hasn't taken any of her medicine for four and a half months, and every day for four and some months Zora would lose color in her face, her once bright and lively eyes were now dull and lifeless.

Everyone thought Zora was using again but everyone was too scared to ask.

As Brian,Addison,Matt,Zacky,Johnny,and Zora sat around the kitchen table at the Sanders house everyone couldn't help but look at Zora's skinny figure and lifeless eyes.

"Zee,are you okay?" Addison whispered looking at her sister, Zora only stared at Addison before standing up. "I have work." Was the only thing Zora said before she exited the household.

"Addison, you need to watch this with me." Matt said pulling out Zora's video camera from a bag he had under the table he would use to put all the bands paper work in. "I've been waiting to watch it but i never knew when, but I think you need to see it too." Matt whispered. Addison nodded her head as she stood up, her now very swollen belly was there, her and Brian went to go find out the sex next week.

Everyone else also stood up as they all gathered into the living room as Matt hooked up the video camera and grabbed the remote soon pressing play after he sat on the coffee table Addison in the recliner, everyone else just standing up looking at the t.v.

Zora's face popping up with tears streaming down her face.

"I deserved too be saved, ...right?
Zora's raspy voice whispered as she looked at the video camera.
"I'm gonna die. Is anyone gonna remember me? It all hurts so bad, I haven't taken anything in such a long time but I needed Sunday to go away
Zora cried harder.
I just wanna live, I wanna watch the baby girl my sister is gonna have, Sunday told me it was a girl Zora whispered as she looked down.

I know I'm gonna die, but I am still so scared. Will Matt forget me? Will Jimmy remember me? Will Addison Miss me? ...Will anyone miss me Zora asked the camera as she cried harder.

Her eyes swollen her hair messy and her face pale.

Before another word could be said Matt turned the video off, Addison's sobs could be heard as she just looked at everyone.
"Did anyone know she stopped taking her pills?" Matt questioned, everyone just shook their head. "My sister is going to die." Addison whispered crying harder as she clutched onto her stomach, Brian quickly making his way over to his wife.

After that everything was just sat in silence, no one knowing the right thing to say. There was no right thing to say, as always Zora had lied and made people think she was getting better when she had just slowly been killing herself because she couldn't stand being crazy.

In the long run, either way with anything Zora did she was fucked.


As Addison sat on the sofa playing with her son who was now trying to learn to walk, she couldn't help but keep her thoughts on her sister. Who was Sunday? Why did they think she was going to have a baby girl? All these thoughts kept flooding Addison's head.


"Alright Miss.Bishop." The nurse who was in a bright pink scrubs spoke as she put the needle into Zora's arm. Zora only smiled weakly at the nurse who walked away with Zora's clip board.

"Hey." Zora looked up to see Brian. "Oh what the hell." Zora sighed as Brian pulled up at chair. "You know Matt found your video cam." Brian spoke getting straight to the point.

"What?" Zora asked breathlessly looking at her brother-in-law.
Brian only nodded his head, "We all saw it, even Addison."
Zora only stared at Brian before the tears came, "How much of it did you guys see?"
Zora asked putting her face in her hands. "Only the latest entry." Brian spoke rubbing Zora's back softly. "I'm gonna die Brian, no one can understand that." Zora said as she pulled her face from her hands, "My family is going to be planning my funeral soon." Zora said again, Brian's face going cold. "Why do you think that?" He asked emotionless. "I can feel it." Zora whispered.

Brian only shook his head as he stood up. "You know your being selfish Zora. Everyone has been busting their ass trying to make you happy, yet you cry everyday and you cant even try to live life. Your sister is having another baby, and this time your here instead of being a druggie in New York, so maybe you should think about your fuckin' sister instead your self, you selfish bitch." Brian snapped before walking out.

Zora only watched with wide eyes. Maybe Brian was right?
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woooohoooo! another chapter! comments would be awesome! the more comments the more chapters i put out! :D