We're Gonna See the World out, I'll Hold You 'Til the Hurt Is Gone


Goes along with the story

"Where the hell is Zora?" Gina whined as she laid across Addison's couch who held her baby girl. "I don't know, Lacey try calling her again." Lacey nodded as she dialed the all too familiar number putting it on speaker.

After the forth ring Lacey was gonna hang up until she heard Zora's raspy voice. "Zora, where are you? We all were gonna go shopping an hour ago." Lacey scolded her as if she were a child.

"I'm not coming." Zora whispered in a raspy voice once more. "What do you mean you're not coming? What the hell Zora." Gina yelled snatching the phone, Zora never answered she just hung up.

As the young woman stood in front of her mirror towel wrapped around her thinning body she couldn't help but cry more. It had been four months since she had returned home with Matt and her health issues had only been getting worse.

Zora pulled the last of her hair from her head before she grabbed the shaver and started to shave her head. She would be damned if she had random bald spots on her head. As soon as Zora started she was finished, her hair was gone, it was all gone. Zora sat on the floor and cried, she couldn't handle the pain anymore, she couldn't handle any of this anymore. After a while she got up and threw the towel in the hamper as she put on a black sweat pants outfit and pulled a beanie over her now bald head.

Zora grabbed her car keys before kissing her dog on the head as she headed out the door and towards her car.


As Zora sat in the chair across from her doctor she could only stare blankly at him. "Two months?" She whispered not understanding to the fullest. "Mrs. Sanders. I am so sorry, we were all praying for you. You don't know you could still make it." Zora only smiled and shook her head as the slow tears rolled down her face. "It's okay." She whispered and stood up.

Zora sat in her car and cried, how was she going to tell everyone? She just couldn't, but she had too. Grabbing her phone Zora only sighed.

79 missed calls

25 voice mails

89 un read text messages

Zora only shook her head tossing her phone into the back seat before driving off towards her and her husbands house.

As Zora got closer she saw all the cars there, even Tonya's. The tears in her eyes welled up once more, she had to tell them now.

Zora slowly walked up to the front door and opened it to hear all the voices that once were talking stopped, her husband came from around the corner looking very pissed off. "Zora where the-" He soon stopped seeing the look on her face. "Baby, whats wrong?" He whispered, all the anger he was feeling left his body as concern took over his large body. Zora only shook her head. "Everyones here?" She whispered and Matt only nodded. "Are they mad?" She whispered once again. "No, we were all worried." He said wrapping his arms around her kissing her lips several times like it was the last thing he would ever do.

"We all need to talk." Zora whispered pulling from Matt's grasp as she grabbed his hand walking into the living room with him where everyone sat. "Zee, where the hell have you been?" Addison asked concerned. Zora only shook her head sitting on the sofa that was unoccupied pulling the beanie from her head. Everyone only stared.

"Zora, where did all your hair go?" Tonya asked looking at her niece, Tonya knew the answer but she just needed to hear it.

"It fell out." She whispered as Matt sat next to her wrapping his arms around her.

"I need to tell you all something." She whispered and everyone only sat quietly waiting for the young woman to keep going. "I'm being admitted into the hospital tonight, They're giving me barley two months." Zora said looking down at her shoes getting straight to the point.

Addison only shook her head as she handed Zoey to Brian as she walked over to her sister and pulled her up hugging her, both sobs could be heard from the twins as Tonya was held back Jack and just cried, one of her girls was being taken from her. First her sister and now her niece.

Addison clutched onto her sisters small body scared if she let go she'd be gone right then and there. All the women in the room were being held by their husbands as they cried even the men had some tears slip from their eyes, the girl they had all come to know and love even through the hardest of times. No one could deny they didn't love Zora because they all did.

Matt sat stunned, the tears he didn't even know about came down his cheeks as he watched his wife, the love of his life was gonna die. The reality had hit all of them so hard in the face it was like Mike Tyson him self knocked them the hell out.


Two weeks, three days, and five hours.

That's all it took for Zora to go from bad to worse. Everyone every day for two weeks had come to see her, no matter how hard it was, and it was hard.

As Zora laid in bed with breathing tubes up her nose she couldn't help but feel tired as Matt held her hand and Ryan sat on the bed giving her kisses on the cheeks and forehead.

Zora's once tan glowing skin was now pale and almost life less. Her sparkly eyes were now dull. The only thing that made people think she was a live was her smile, the one no one could deny. Her bright and happy smile always came when she saw her family walk through that door, or her smile would light up the room when she opened her eyes and saw her husbands sleeping body right next to her.

All hold on a tour or album has been stopped for a moment because of this tragedy. Zora's funeral arrangements were made already.

As Zora took a deep breath she felt something she never felt before but she knew what it was. Zora turned to her husband as the tears ran down her face. "What's wrong?" He asked alarmed looking at her, Addison quickly stood up Brian next to her holding Zoey in his big arms.

"It's time baby. I'm so tired, I'm sorry baby." Zora whispered as the overwhelming feeling of sleep took over her body more. Addison shook her head ." No Zora, it's not time. Not yet." Addison begged as she picked up Ryan putting him on the floor as he walked towards his father. "Please, not yet." Addison sat on the bed grabbing Zora's other hand.

Zora shook her head. "Addie, I'm sorry." She whispered crying more. "I can't do it anymore."

"We have to let her go Addison." Jimmy spoke through his tears holding his wife as she cried into his chest. Tonya on the other side other Zora's bed rubbing her arm up and down crying.

Addison only nodded her head kissing her Zora's head for several long seconds. "Tell mommy and daddy I love them." Addison said as she held onto her sister not wanting to let go. Zora nodded smiling. "I love you Zora so much. "Tonya whispered kissing her head. "Aunt T, thank you for everything." Zora said looking up at her as her eyes started to get heavy sleep wanting to take over. "Matt, baby. I love you more than anything. But please, don't dwell. You're amazing, and someone will love you not as much as me but they will love you so much." Zora whispered kissing the top of his hand. Matt nodded his head crying as he pressed his lips to her hand not pulling away.

"Jimmy I love you, you're the greatest best friend ever. You and Leana are gonna have the perfect life together. Zacky, don't change or let anyone ever change you. Brian, I will scare you as a ghost if you hurt my sister in any way, you're an amazing husband and she loves you so much." Zora whispered her breathing becoming ragged.

"Johnny,don't let them tease you, beat the shit out of them every now and again." She smiled at all the guys standing before her. "I love you all."
"Girls, You're all amazing, I don't know what I would do without you all."

"Uncle Jack, take care of her. I love you so much."

As Zora took one long breath she looked at Addison who's head was rested on her chest, Zora ran a hand through her hair smiling. "Addie,through everything I never once hated you. You're my back bone.Through everything I don't know what I would have done with out. I love you sissy, more than life its self. And you're babies are so lucky to have a mom like you." Zora whispered before closing her eyes.

"I love you guys." She whispered, Zora's breath was ragged and as her eyes closed and she relaxed she let darkness take over.

The loud beep filled the room as Zora took her last breath. Two nurses came rushing in at the sound and everyone looked at them wearily. One nodded her head as she walked over and un pulled the monitor that kept track of her heart letting the family spend time with the now lifeless body of Zora Anne Sanders.

"I love you, so much. So, so much." Addison whispered as she kept a tight grip on Zora's body.


The funeral was sad to say the least. Everyone Zora had ever worked with came, her boss and two assistants were there. Even the bands manager was there. The once small predicted funeral turned into a huge one.

Matthew Sanders had to turn around from the front row every now and again to look. All those people were there for his wife, she was so loved and she loved so much.

Zora, he couldn't put it into words but she had made the biggest impact on his life, and the request she asked him to do he was gonna do it. He was gonna live, for her, because she couldn't.

Addison held her little girl in her arms as she cried. Her sister was gone, twins are supposed to die together not apart. But she wasn't in pain. That kept repeating in Addison's mind ; she couldn't help but feel a big piece of her gone, it would never be filled again because the girl who she called her sister was now gone and she couldn't come back.

But she would see her sister again one day.

Jimmy sat with sunglasses on looking at the closed coffin. His best friend was gone, the only other girl he loved with his whole heart was gone. But he could feel her watching them.

And it was true Zora watched each and everyone of them pushing them in the direction she knew would be best for them.

Zora would always be right there for them.
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It's done and over with people ): sad I know! D: one last chapter coming up and I don't think any of you will expect what will happen next :D