We're Gonna See the World out, I'll Hold You 'Til the Hurt Is Gone


John has always been a very gay, very proud man. He was proud to be gay he was proud he liked to act like a girl, he was proud. Zora had always liked John as a person for some reason she felt like she could talk to him, she felt like she could boss him around and take advantage of him more, the way she has been for the past three years. John had always been a lover, he never fought with anyone, he loved everyone no matter how bad they treated him.

So as John stood blocking the women's bathroom door the only thing he could do was squeeze his legs together from peeing himself as a very angry, very pregnant Addison stood in front of him demanding he move so she could go in there.

"I'm sorry, but Miss.Bishop is busy at the moment." John squeaked out. Addison's face grew more red as she grabbed Johns shirt yanking his face to hers. "Listen here you little fuck. That's my sister, so if you don't move I WILL destroy you." Addison whispered harshly in his face emphasizing 'will'. John quickly brought his hands in front of his face scared she'd hit him, at this fast action Brian was quickly in front of him with his hands on John's chest. "You will listen to my wife." The only thing John could do shake his head and watch Brian's angry face grow furious.

Zora sat on her knee's as she continued to vomit, the blood slowly turning into the food she ate on the plane, the food slowly turning into dry heaves as her stomach was completely empty. "Zora are you okay?" Sam asked as she held her hair once more. Zora only nodded as she stood up and whipped her mouth. Sam quickly handing her the mouthwash. As Zora stood in front of the bathroom mirror swishing her mouth to get the horrible taste out of her mouth, she couldn't help but notice the dark circles under her eyes, her collar bone sticking up, how skinny she has become, how sick she looked.

Zora only shook her head spitting out the mouthwash. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Sam asked concerned.
"Of course, it's money." Zora simply stated as she walked out to see the group surrounding her little gay assistant demanding he let them in.

"Excuse me, but can you not yell at my assistant I kinda really need him." Zora stated as she started to walk back where the photo shoot was taking place. John quickly pulling out her black berry and reading the e-mail's she had as he scurried after her.

Zora had grown bitter, she had learned to build up wall's, wall's she never knew she could have;she had them she had walls against everyone and every emotion there was except anger.

The only thing Addison could do was watch. "She won't even look at me." Addison whispered as she watched her sisters back walk further and further away.

Matthew Sanders had stayed quite up until this point. "We need to talk to her." he said as he watched the woman he still had deep feelings for. The moment Matt saw Zora it was like being drenched with ice water, everything he had once felt for her came back but harder. She had changed so much over the years, she was beyond beautiful, she always had been but now she had more mature features she was so different.

The whole photo shoot went as Zora picked out different outfits, Sam and John keeping everyone away from her every time they would try and walk up to her, the only time they heard Zora's voice was when she told the men how to stand or when she order one of her assistants around.


As Addison Haner walked out of the building her husband walking next to her listening to everything she had to say. "Brian, she wouldn't even let any of us talk to her. I just want to talk to her, I want my sister back." Addison said whipping the stray tears that fell as she got into the passenger seat of Brian's car.

"Well we never told her we supported her." Brian said as he got into the drivers seat. His wife instantly looking at him.
"But she should have never changed her god damn number." Addison said looking at Brian.
"I know baby." Brian agreed as he backed out of the parking space. "Maybe she'll be at Tonya's tonight for dinner." Brian said as he took a hold of his wife's hand. Addison shook her head as she looked out the window.
"Doubt' it." was the only thing the grown woman said.


As Zora went about her day she couldn't think about what had happened. It had been four years since she saw her sister, she always refused to dress Avenged, she knew California was a big state. Huntington a big city, so how could she possibly see her? Oh well maybe it was because her boss set her up.

At this thought Zora stayed in her car looking up at the house she knew all to well, she didn't see any cars but that was because there were many, many places to park around here. Maybe her aunt was setting her up?

Zora shook her head at this thought and finally got out of her black lexus, her car being driven here the same day she got here. She hadn't seen her aunt in years, she hadn't seen anyone in years. How could she tell her aunt? how would her aunt take it? She already lost her sister, how could Tonya deal knowing she could and possibly will lose her niece in the near future? The different questions running through her head.

Zora's eyes started to water as she thought about her life ending, she never knew how this could have happened, Zora always thought she was the healthiest person in the world yet she was so sick. Zora sighed and closed the drivers door locking her car as she walked up the brick path way, her knee high black boots making a soft noise with every step.

Zora could hear her aunts words repeat in her head as Zora nervously fingered the end of her shorts. Making sure her gray smiley face shirt was perfect, her some what messy bun in place, her purse holding all it contents, her jewelry perfect.

As Zora developed in the fashion industry she always needed to look perfect, even if she went to the grocery store. She had become very shallow and closed off.

Zora entered the house and bit her lip. "Aunt Tonya?" Zora called out as she walked towards the kitchen hearing laughter outside.

Addison sat by her husbands side as he held his hand firmly on her knee, her different colored dress clearly showing off her large baby bump "So how much do you think your child is gonna weigh?" Johnny asked as the laughter died down, sipping his beer he watched the couple who shrugged.

"A whole fucking lot?" Jimmy said from the lawn chair that occupied him and Lena. "I mean shit, look at her stomach." Jimmy laughed "Ow!" Jimmy looked at his wife pouting after she slapped him upside his head.
"It's okay Lena. I know he's gonna weigh a lot because I can feel his head pressed against the side of my stomach some times, or his ass, but its big" Addison said laughing, as everyone laughed with her.

"Zora!" Tonya said as she rushed out of the kitchen and into the entrance stopping Zora before she could see out into the backyard. Tonya started to cry as she ran a hand down Zora's arm, knowing for once it wasn't just her imagination making her think Zora was there, or it wasn't a dream, her niece was truly there. Tonya wrapped her into a hug tightly, "I've missed you so much." Tonya stated as she cried softly, Zora slowly wrapping her arms around Tonya, "I've missed you too." Zora whispered as she rubbed Tonya's back.

"I bet it's gonna weigh at least eight pounds." Zacky said as he slapped a twenty down on the table. "Nah man, its gonna be nine." Johnny said doing the same as his friend. "It's not an 'it' its a he." Addison stated watching the men as they bet on her son. after all the money was laid down Brian looked at his wife then pulled out fifty dollars.

"He's gonna be ten pounds." Brian grinned as the men watched him "Bri!" Addison screeched slapping his buff arm. "Don't bet on our son." Addison said sternly. "Alright boys." Gina said gathering the money as she put it in a white envelope. "You'll see this money the day that baby is born." She said handing the envelope to Jack who laughed. "You assholes are gonna lose." Johnny said leaning back as he put his arm around his wife.

"Jack, come here." Tonya called from the door way. Zora stood as she peeked out the window looking at the people who she used to love with everything she had, everyone laughing and conversing as she watched, her seeing them but them not seeing her. Jack heaved his hefty body up and walked into his house.

"Yes?" Jack asked, Tonya only smiling pulling him into the kitchen. "Zora?" Jack asked stunned and then soon rushing over to embrace his niece. "My god, you have grown." Jack said holding Zora.

After a moment Jack pulled away taking in his niece's features. "You still look like a mirror image of your sister. Your mother also." Jack said whispering the last part. Zora only nodding as she smiled weakly.


After a good thirty minutes Tonya walked out to the backyard. "Dinner's ready." Tonya said her smile never leaving her face as she walked around with a glow.
"Is your aunt okay?" Matt asked as he watched Addison get pulled up by Brian. "I guess?" Addison shrugged as everyone walked into the dining room, something was different. Something was off.

As Addison looked around she saw the mirror image of her self in the corner side of the table sitting. Addison could only gasp and pull away from Brian as the group stood stunned. Addison made her way over to her sister and pulled her up hugging her not once saying a word.

Zora stood there for a second as she took in everything that was happening, she never hugged Addison back, she couldn't she held to much bitterness towards her, she just couldn't. Not now at least.

Addison pulled away looking at her sister, noticing how sick she looked, how skinny she had gotten, how she looked like she hadn't slept in days. "Are you okay?" Addison whispered.
"What the fuck does it matter to you?" Zora snapped as she pulled away from Addison.
"I'm sorry Aunt Tonya but I can't do this." Zora said as she tried to walk out of the dining room. "Stop her." Tonya ordered.

The men instantly obeyed. The four years they have spent coming over here Tonya had become a mother to them, she treated them like her own and would always be there for her. So when Tonya told them to do something they instantly did it.

All five men blocked the two doors that led out of the dinning room "Move." Zora stated in a monotone as she tried to push pasts Matt's body. As Zora touched Matt's skin she felt the same feeling she felt years ago, that electric shock she always got the one that would make her feel so amazing. "No." Matt said as he looked down at the girl "You need to stay and talk." He said his eyes pleading with Zora.

"Fuck you all!" Zora yelled looking around the room, "You fuckers never once said how proud you are!" Zora yelled once more. "I would call every single day but you never once answered Tonya! you were to busy favoring her!" Zora yelled pointing an accusing finger at Addison. "Jimmy had my fucking e-mail but never once e-mailed me back." Zora said glaring at her used to be friend. "you had her god damn e-mail!" Addison yelled stepping towards the large drummer. "Well yeah, but she changed Addie, you don't even know." Jimmy tried to defend.

"I don't care if she changed,Jimmy. You watched every day how much I would cry." Addison said as she looked at Jimmy who only looked down. "Oh boohoo Addison don't act like a fucking victim." Zora crossed her arms.
"What has gotten into you?" Addison asked her sister as the tears welled up in her blue eyes.
"You hating me." Zora said. "And you know what Addison you hating me and saying that may have lost the last few years you could have had with me." Zora said as she looked at everyone's curious faces. "What do you mean?" Addison asked stepping towards her sister as Zora stepped back. The tears that always came when she had to think about what was wrong with her. "I'm sick." Zora whispered softly. The room that was quite grew even more quite and stiff.

"Sick? Sick like how Zora?" Addison pried looking at her sister.

Matt could only watch, what had he done? She hated him, he hated himself at that moment for letting the only person he cared about go all those years ago.

Zora looked down and then up as the tears kept streaming she couldn't even tell her sister, even though she wanted to dislike her so much she couldn't tell her, this was supposed be the best time of her life, she was pregnant. As Zora glanced down at her sister's over grown baby bump she smiled her sister had a life inside of her.

"Zora?" Addison said as she stepped towards her sister "How are you sick?"
Zora opened her mouth then closed it then opened it again as the words just came flying out "I have.."
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliff hanger! :D lol
I kinda really liked this chapter :D haha
Do you guys think I favor Zora? I think I do.
Comment please! tell me what you think
Addison's outfit
Zora's outfit

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Have faith in me