We're Gonna See the World out, I'll Hold You 'Til the Hurt Is Gone


As Zora ran out of the room the only thing Addison could do was repeat what she had just said, Addison looked around. Tonya was in the corner as Jack held her, sobbing her eyes out. Matt stood shocked with confusion, everyone else had the same face.

Addison shoved past the two men blocking the door as she waddled after Zora. As Addison walked outside she caught up with Zora grabbing her arm before she could get into her car.

"How is that possible?" Addison questioned watching as her sisters eyes looked any where but at her. "I don't know." Zora whispered.

Zora had a disease, a disease that couldn't be cured. She was in stage three of ovarian cancer. Zora had treatment as much as she had work which was every day. the only reason her hair got shorter was because it was breaking off and dying. Addison hugged her sister crying.

"I'm so sorry." Addison whispered. Finally all the bitterness and anger Zora held against her sister was gone. Zora wrapped her arms around her sister as she cried just as hard.

"It hurts so much." Zora whispered as she cried harder. "I'm so scared Addie." Zora said as she pulled back from her sister looking at her as she whipped her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Zora said as she looked at her sister. "I'm sorry I haven't been here, I'm sorry for all the mean things I've said. I'm just sorry." Zora said as Addison shook her head.

"No Zee, I should be sorry, I should have supported you, I should have been there. I could have been there when you found out." Addison said as she hugged her sister once more. "Please come in, I think you need to talk to everyone about this." Addison said. Zora only nodded.

The twins put their arms around each others shoulders as they began the walk back up the brick path way and into the house.

For once Zora felt like she wasn't alone, her sisters arm held firmly around her shoulders as she looked at Addison, she hasn't hugged her sister in so long and hugging her then made everything disappear. It made the horrible feeling her stomach got before she threw up go away.

The back pains and the stomach aches that made her curl up in bed at night and cry her self to sleep seemed to fade away.

That night Zora never went to her condo, she never left her Aunt's house. Zora stayed there and talked to her family she was gaining back. She stayed there with her sister, she slept in the same bed she did all those years ago with her pregnant sister, she was there.

Addison and Zora both felt complete once again. They had each other again, they had their tiny family once more. Addison held her sister that night as she cried as the stomach pains worsened.

Addison promised her sister she would never leave. Zora promised Addison she would be there for her and her nephew until her very last breath.

At the thought of Zora having her last breath taken soon sent Addison over the edge she couldn't imagine her life with never seeing her sister again, it was worse before but she knew Zora was a live she felt it, but now knowing Zora could possibly die made everything worse for her.


As Zora snuck out of the house in the morning to go back to her condo and change for her dreaded doctors appointment.

Addison woke up that morning without her sister by her side immediately she dialed the number her sister gave her last night.
"Hello?" Zora's tired voice answered.
"Where are you?" Addison demanded as she sat up in the bed.

"Doctor's office. I'll be at yore's and Brian's house tonight, don't worry." Zora reassured her sister as she sat on the brown leather coach until a nurse walked out calling her name.

"I have to go Addie, I'll call you later."Zora spoke before hanging up not even giving her sister a chance to answer.

Addison only sighed as she got out of the bed and walked down the stairs to only see her husband in the kitchen sipping a bottle of water.
"There's my beautiful girl." Brian smiled as he stood up wrapping his arms around Addison kissing her lips softly. "Hi baby." Addison smiled kissing his lips once more.

"Come on, I know you probably wanna go home and change." Brian said. Addison only nodded as Brian escorted her outside.

The only thing Zora could do was look at the doctor as she sat on the examination table.
"You're kidding right?" Zora asked letting the tears fall. "But my other doctor told me there was a possibility I could have the surgery and be fine!" Zora said as her voice started to raise.

The elderly woman with the gray blond hair raised her hand to silence Zora.
"I know this. Miss.Bishop, but your doctor clearly missed something. The surgery is to risky." Dr.Verna spoke.
Zora put her head in her hands as she silently sobbed. How could her fucking doctor miss something this god damn important? Zora thought as she looked up not caring if her make-up smudged or not. "How long?" Zora whispered.

The doctor sighed as she flipped through the papers on her clip board.
"Well if you do the chemo and take all the right pills, you could live longer." Dr.Verna spoke looking at the young woman sympathetically.

As Addison lifted up her black tank top to rub the lotion on her belly so she couldn't get stretch marks she couldn't help but to wonder what her son was gonna look like. Would he have Brian's amazing chocolate eyes that always captivated her? Or would he have Addison's bright blue eyes that always held some type of hope.

Would he play the guitar like his daddy, or maybe he would want to be a director like his mother. Either way this baby came out Addison was gonna love him with everything she had. He was a combination of her and Brian. At that thought Addison smiled brightly.

"Alright, what about without that?" Zora spoke slowly.
Dr.Verna shook her head. "I'm saying about ten months." The doctor whispered. "Maybe even with the chemo it could be ten months or less." She continued. Zora only shook her head as she got off the table and stalked out of the room slamming the door.

Once Zora was in her car she couldn't help but rest her head against the steering wheel as she sobbed loudly, holding her head. Zora was gonna die, she knew she was gonna die and there was nothing she could do about it.

This disease was like a murder on a killing spree that no cop could catch. It had taken so many lives, it had taken: mothers, daughters, sisters,aunts,grandmas, it had taken a lot of women and now it was after Zora and it had cornered her and was killing her slowly and painfully. Zora couldn't stop it either.

Zora was gonna die, soon
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Alright three things!
One, if you do not like the way I write my stories, don't read them then. It wont hurt me, I write because I like to do it and its something that takes my mind off other things. So don't message me saying I should write my stories in first person point of view. No I wont do that, I like to write in third person.

Two. I looked up ovarian cancer on a lot of different medical sites. I'm not a doctor I don't know how this effects people, it can effect a lot of people in many different ways so please, please don't yell at me if I do get somethings wrong, its just a story.

Three. Read my newest story! :D Have faith in me I like it so far. lol

Comment,comment,comment! :D tell me what you think