We're Gonna See the World out, I'll Hold You 'Til the Hurt Is Gone


Jimmy could only wrap his tattooed arms around Zora as she fell towards him. It wasn't long before Zora came too, it was only a minute or two. "Jesus Christ, Zora, are you alright?" Jimmy questioned arms still wrapped around her.

Zora quickly pulled away from him glaring at him. "You're a fucking idiot Jimmy!" Zora yelled shoving him fighting back tears. "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I'm not addicted to anything." Zora yelled finally letting the tears loose as she fell onto a lawn chair holding her face. "I-I cant s-stop" Zora sobbed out as she held her head in her hands. Jimmy looked into the sliding glass door before kneeling in front of Zora. "Zora, you need help. You have cancer and your shooting up."

Zora only shook her head, "Please Jimmy, don't tell Addie,not until her baby shower is over." Zora whispered as more tears ran down her red cheeks. Jimmy only nodded as he looked at his once best friend. "How long?" Jimmy questioned. Zora only looked him and then her eyes met the ground taking interest at the earth below her. "Three almost four years." Zora replied as she cried more. "I don't even know how it started Jimmy. Please don't tell." Zora pleaded as she looked at Jimmy. Jimmy only shook his head as he stood up taking his jacket off. "You need help, and tomorrow after the baby shower I'm telling your sister." Jimmy responded handing her his jacket to cover up her arms. Zora glared up at Jimmy as she slowly put the jacket it on. "How did you know?" Zora whispered as she looked at down.

"I used to do that shit Zora, I've been clean now but I can still spot an addict a mile away." Jimmy stated looking sympathetically at Zora who stood up as.Zora curled her hands into fist's, anger now raking her body. "Jimmy, if you tell a soul, I will tell Lena how you were drunk at a show and fucked three girls." Zora said crossing her arms over her chest as she black mailed the drummer. Jimmy only stared in shock as he watched Zora soon he felt himself shaking his head slowly.

"Y-You can't, she'll leave me. You know that!" Jimmy hissed as he looked at the young woman. "Keep your fuckin' mouth shut and ill do the same." Zora responded smirking. "Zora, you need help. A lot of it." Jimmy said as he looked at his friend. Zora shook her head. "If you want to keep your wife, don't say fucking shit Jimmy. Act like everything is fine too when you walk back in there." Zora smiled manically as she slid open the glass door and walked in.

Addison watched as her sister and her friend walked back into the house. A bright smile gracing her full pink lips thinking the best friends everyone loved are actually speaking again. Addison was still pretty pissed off at Jimmy but slowly she was forgiving him.
Jimmy walked into the house trying to make it seem like everything was okay, but he couldn't he needed Zora to get help. Lena and him could work things out, he knew they could but this was a life and death situation right here and Jimmy knew exactly what he had to do, and he had to do it soon.


As Zora and Gena stepped into the ball room that Brian and rented for the baby shower they couldn't help but smile at there work. "High five." Gena spoke not looking at Zora, Zora only held her hand up slapping Gena's as she looked in awe. "We did an amazing job." Zora spoke lowly smiling brightly. It was the perfect baby shower, for all Brian and Addison's family and friends. Blue streamers hung from the ceiling, blue sign's saying 'It's a boy!' graced half the walls, sonograms of the baby boy were set up from the first one to Addison's recent one on the gift table. "She better like it." Gena spoke Zora only snickering and nodding her head. "Lets go get ready" Zora spoke turning on her heel and walking out Gena right behind her.

It may have only been the middle of September but it was pretty chilly out. As Addison walked hand in hand into the hotel where her baby shower was being held she couldn't help but roll her eyes at the reporters that bombarded not only her but her husband too.

"Mrs Haner! Is it a boy or girl!? a reporter screamed.
"Is it true that you two are getting a divorce and giving the baby up for adoption because of Brian's drug problem!? another screamed
"Is your sister really back, Mrs.Haner!? was the last on Addison heard as her and Brian finally made it into the lobby.

"Wow, Brian, you have a drug problem? Now we're getting a divorce and giving our baby up?" Addison teased looking up at her husband who only grinned.
"Oh you know it baby. Yep I'm gonna give up the perfect life for some drugs." Brian joked holding onto his wife's hand.

Addison laughed as she tugged on her long gray sleeved shirt, looking at her maternity pants. Holding her purse in her other hand as they made their way to the elevators. Brian finally noticed the necklace around Addison's neck and laughed while smiling brightly "Glad to see you wearing the necklace I got you." Brian spoke referring to the silver necklace that read 'Rock Momma' on it. Addison only laughed and nodded her head as they both stepped out of the elevator and was instantly met with cheering once they entered the ball room.

The couple smiled at all their family and friends and looked at the ball room in awe "Gena and Zora did an awesome job." Brian spoke holding his wife's hand still Addison could only nod as she kept looking around.

As Zora stood outside the ball room yelling into her phone at Sam she didn't notice Matt who was behind her. Soon Zora's phone was ripped from her hand and Matt spoke into her black berry. "I'm sorry but Zora is busy now." with that said Matt hung up putting Zora's phone into his front pocket and put his hand over her mouth before she could speak. "Nope, this is your sisters baby shower, your family is here and so are your friends. So you're gonna enjoy this and pretend to be my date." Matt spoke as he wrapped an arm around Zora's waist. Zora could only laugh and nod her head as Matt let his hand fall from her lips.

The night Matt stayed over, they both talked until 5:30 in the morning, about anything and everything. They both came to the realization they both still had strong feeling for each other but didn't act on them yet.

As Zora entered the ballroom in her long sleeved shirt with her scarf wrapped around her neck and her black skinny jeans, she couldn't help but smile up at the man who still had his arm wrapped securely around her thin waist. Zora smiled more, maybe for once things would go her way and go back to normal.

Yet Zora didn't know she would make that all come crashing down by herself.
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Alright! I don't know if Jimmy has ever done drugs or not so don't yell at me for saying he did in my story, its just a story alright? It's not real :) Thank you. That is all.
commmmmmmmmennnnnntttttttt. PLEASE :D
Addison's outfit
Zora's outfit