Status: Just getting started!

Slipping Into the Water


When Tia came out of the shower, she stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself. She hadn't seen enough people to know if she was pretty or not. Ana always called her beautiful, but she could just be saying that. She sighed and sat on the edge of the tub, wrapping her towel a little tighter around her. She had kissed Weston. She hated Weston, didn't she? He was so aggravating, and yet when he wasn't annoyed with her he was pretty funny. And from what she knew, he was attractive. But he was a lot older than her, that she knew. He stopped kissing her, so he must not have wanted to do it. She resolved to be mad at him again, and she wouldn't speak to him.

She pulled on the actual pajamas she had brought, which consisted of a pair of short shorts and a tank top. She hadn't thought men would be transporting her, so she didn't pack anything more concealing. She squeezed the extra water out of her hair and brushed it a week's worth of knots out of it. When she was finished, she hung up her towel and opened the door. Weston was in the corner of the room, calling someone. When that someone didn't pick up, he swore and threw the phone back in his bag. He saw she was out now and looked over at her, letting his eyes slowly trail up her long legs to her waist and up to her face.

He stopped looking at her and walked over to the closet, pulling out two extra blankets and a pillow and placing them on the ground. Once Tia had settled into the bed, he shut the lights off and went to lie in his makeshift bed.

The darkness startled Tia, as she was used to the light from the stars and the moon, even in her own house. She rolled over in her bed and looked at Weston's form on the ground. She was fighting the urge to get up and go over. She eventually lost that fight, and ten minutes later she crawled out of her bed and over to Weston on the ground.

"Weston?" She asked, still standing.

"Yes?" He responded, rolling onto his side.

"It's so dark," She said, her voice cracking.

"Come here," he muttered, holding his hand out.

She took it and laid next to him, her face directly in front of his. He took a deep breath to say something, but instead kissed her again. He knew it was wrong for him to be doing this, but he needed to. It was something he couldn't resist. He grabbed her waist and rolled on to his back, pulling her on top of him. She straddled his waist, bending her head down to kiss him. His hands gripped her torso, but he let them trail up and down her body, slipping them under her shirt and up her back. He suddenly flipped her over so that he was now in the position she was. He kissed her neck, biting the little patch of skin near her collar bone.
He let his lips trail down her neck, stopping right where the shirt ended. He didn't know how far he should take it. The girl was 16, after all.

"Tia... should I stop?" He asked.

"No," she whispered, pulling his head back up to her lips again. He was glad she said that, but he would just kiss her for the night. But he didn't know if he would be able to control himself in the future.
♠ ♠ ♠
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