So Wrapped up in You


"Knock knock." I called into Boys Like Girls' bus as I walked up the stairs.

"Hey Spence!" Nina called form the kitchen area.

"What's going on?"

"Just cleaning off some counter space." She said lifting the sponge in her hand from the counter to emphasize.

"Need some help?" I asked pulling off my coat, Alex and Zack hanging in the back awkwardly.

"Uh, I need Alex and Zack to go round up some of the other boys to clean this room." She said still scrubbing at some foreign red sticky goop that was stuck to the counter tops.

"Well go on boys." I said looking behind me.

"Come back over when you're done with this, kay?" Alex asked wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close.

I nodded my head, tipping my head up to look at him. "I'll see you soon." He leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"Where'd we put the tables, babe?" John O asked as he stuck his head in the bus, letting in a gust of freezing wind.

"They're in the back room I think…" She said finally looking up from the stubborn blob on the counter.

"You need any help with that?" Zack asked, pushing himself off the back wall.

"Yeah there are like five of them." John said as the two boys retreated off the bus.

"I'll go see if they need help." Alex said kissing me once more than leaving.

I watched as he left taking in his grey skinny jeans, unoriginal red plaid shirt, and his signature grey beanie, I sighed once the door closed; I always irrationally feared that he'd disappear once he left my sight, like I'd finally wake up from my dream.

"You two are really quite cute together." Nena said smiling at me, breaking the silence.

Jumping a bit I looked at her. "Thanks; so are you ready to start making Christmas dinner?" I asked enthusiastically, moving towards the fridge.

"Honestly, I'm a bit nervous…have you ever made Christmas dinner by yourself?"

"Well no, I've always had help but come on have the stuff is easy peasy." I giggled and started pulling out the food we'd bought the day before.

"But Spencer, I don't cook." She said flatly. "I bake, I can't do much else…"

"No worries, love there's three of us, we'll get it done." Just as I finished saying this Kaiden arrived with Martin in tow. "Kaidy!" I said happily making my way to embrace my newest best friend.

"Hello Spencer." She said with less enthusiasm then normal.

"Merry Christmas bitch." Martin said pulling me into a hug.

"Merry Christmas Martin; must you be so vulgar?"

"Yes, I must." He said smiling.

"Martin, clean this place up." Kaiden ordered gesturing to the random clothes, video games, and other things that cluttered the floor.

"Bossy much today, Kai?"

"Only because I know you wont do it if I don't tell you to."

He stared at her a moment, looking insulted, then shrugged. "You're right."

Nena and I both laughed at them. "Hey Kai."

"Nena." She said smiling hugging her. "Merry Christmas."

"Not if we ruin dinner." She said gloomy.

"We are not going to ruin dinner!" I told her laughing. "Spencer take your coat off already slowpoke we need to get dinner started!"

She laughed, halfheartedly. "Alright, hold your horses."

As the three of us gathered around the ingredients we remained silent. "Alright well let's get started?" I cracked my fingers.

"I'm really not the greatest cook…" Spencer said nervously.

"No worries, we'll figure this out." I said confidently as I thought of the various dishes we'd have to make. "Okay well to start off with how about Nena, you start the mashed potatoes, and Spence, how about you start with the stuffing."

"Oh, I do actually know how to make really good potatoes!" Nena said happily. "Did we get real potatoes?"

"We did actually, guess someone was thinking ahead." I informed her handing them to her. She took them happily and then searched for the new potato peeler, that we'd bought the night before, and sat down at the table to get to work.

Kaiden looked nervously at me as I looked for the stuffing stuff. "Spencer, you know I'm terrible at this…"

"Oh hush, it's stovetop; it's the easiest thing ever, just follow the directions." She nodded and grabbed the three boxes from my hand and searched through the pile of new pots and pans we'd also bought last night.

"And I'll start making get the ham started." I pulled it out of the fridge and prepared it to go into the oven.

"Kai, how about turning on some tunes?" I asked, referring to the ipod dock that sat next to her.

"What'd we want to listen to?" She asked reaching over to scroll through the music.

"I'm feeling a bit Saving Janeish." I said looking up at them "How about you?"

"Sounds good." Kai said turning it on and heading towards me to use the stove.

"Oh, I'm going to need a burner too." Nena said, getting up with her pot of potatoes and water.

"Oh boy, we're going to need some more room."

"There are two other buses." Kaiden reminded me.

"Very true." I said putting the finishing touches on the ham and sliding it into the small oven. "Oh we're going to need to use the other oven for anything else." I said worrying just a bit.

"Why are we making all of this so early? We're eating at like six tonight." Nena asked covering her pot.

"Well then when dinner comes everything will just need to be warmed up." I said smiling, remembering how my mom did it every year.

"Oh, good point." She said smiling. "Now what?"

"Uh, there's corn and green beans that need to be made." I said handing her at least seven cans.

"Why so much?" Spencer asked absently as she stirred her mass amount of stuffing.

"Well we kind of have three bands full of boys coming to eat…" I said chuckling, thinking of the amount of food All Time Low ate in a week, alone.

"Good point; are you sure we have enough?" Nena asked laughing.

"Honestly, I'm not entirely sure…" I said checking the settings on everything.

Over the next few hours the three of us laughed and joked as we made the various dishes. When we had finished all that we could do at the moment we collapsed at one of the tables.

"Shit that was a lot of work." Kaiden said leaning against me.

"You're telling me." I responded.

"We still have to warm everything up and make the desserts." Nena reminded, earning groans from both of us. "We don't really have to start the pies though for a while, they can be left for last actually."

"But then they'll be cold when we eat." Kaiden complained.

"Not if we put them in the oven while we're eating." She said smiling.

"Sounds good to me." I said keeping my eyes closed.

"Crap, I have to get going…a few presents I still have to get." Kaiden said awkwardly as she rushed to grab her jacket and get out of the bus.

I looked at Nena after the door closed to see the same confused look mirrored on her face.

"Well I should get back over to my bus for a little bit to wrap the rest of my presents." Nena said getting up.

"Alright, I'm going to finish straightening up in her a little bit." She nodded and left.

"Spencer, where's the booze going to go?" Kenny asked as Martin, Bryan and Pat followed him up the steps carrying various beverages, thankfully having some soda with them.

"Oh Pat they recruited you too?" I asked shocked that innocent little Pat was a part of the alcohol raid.

"Just helping carry." He said smiling.

"Oh good. Well, I think it's all going to have to go in coolers or on your bus." I said as I looked at Kenny.

He nodded, "Sounds good."

I followed the boys out, continuing my walk to All Time Low's bus.

"Lex?" I whisper-yelled, not knowing if one of them were sleeping.

"Spencer!" Jack squealed running up to me, wrapping his arms around me and throwing his body at me.

"Jackie! Why are you attacking me?"

"Because it's Christmas!" He responded like it was obvious.

"Oh god Jack why are you wet!?" I asked pushing him off of me.

"Because I took a shower." He said proudly.

I laughed. "Did you want a gold star for your accomplishments?" I teased him.

"Yes I would, please." He responded seriously, holding out his hand.

I highfived him and laughed. "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

"You interrupted that."

"How did I do that?" I asked confused.

"You walked in the door and naturally I had to come say hi."

"Well hello Jack, now go put on a shirt!" I laughed as he turned back towards the bathroom.

"Oh wait!" He said running back up to me and hugging me again. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Jack. Now let go!" I said pushing his, still dripping wet, body off of me.
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