So Wrapped up in You


With Alex's help I found a seat between him and Kenny. As all the rest of our friends found seats around the makeshift table I looked up at Alex with puppy dog eyes "Babe, could you get me something to drink?"

"Spencer, don't be lazy." He said not looking at me.

"Pretty please Lex?" I asked as he turned to look at me.

We stared at each other in a pretty intense staring match before he complied. "What would you like?"

"Oh I don't know just a soda, Mt. Dew or something." I smiled sweetly up at him before turning around to face the table again.

"You have him so whipped." Jared said from across the table. I blushed and laughed with him.

Alex returned just as Kaiden and Paul walked onto the bus. They were met with a round of applause, everyone having overheard the news of their engagement.

With everyone sitting Garette, who was sitting on the same side Kenny was but across the table from us, stood up and cleared his throat. "It kinda feels like we should say something…"

Jared looked up at him and laughed. "Like what? A prayer?"

"Well not exactly, I mean it doesn't really have to be a prayer I guess, but just…something." Garette mumbled looking embarrassed as he sat back down. I glared at Jared for a moment, why did he have to be such an ass when he drank?

Kaiden was the next to speak, looking down the table at Garette. "I get what he's saying. Like on Thanksgiving, it doesn't necessarily have to be a prayer; just some words, how we're all thankful and everything."

"Spencer, that is Thanksgiving." Alex called down making everyone around us laugh. I slapped him lightly on the leg.

"I know that." She said defensively, looking as if she'd be slapped in the face.

"I think they're trying to say that we should be thankful to be here, for the food, and how far we've come; that this kind of marks another year of success. And, that not everyone does the whole religion thing, so it'd be a bit rude or inconsiderate or maybe even uncomfortable for them to sit through a prayer." Rian stated calmly coming to her defense. He continued to look at her as if seeking her approval, but found no reassuring look for she had already looked on to Johnny who had stood up to speak next.

The toasts continued as we began our meal, everyone from the bands thanking each other loudly and cheering for one another. It was Alex's turn next. He stood up and looked around at the room of people with their eyes on him. "Well hey everyone." His voice was loud and full of excitement. "I can't say anything more than what everyone else has said; so thank you, Spencer you're sexy and I love you more every single day. So Happy fucking Christmas, get drunk and get laid." I was laughing loudly with the others as Alex sat down.

"Alexander, you are such a vulgar human being."

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close, pursing his lips and attaching them to my cheek in order to give me a rather sloppy wet kiss. "And you love me anyways."

"Only because you're a rockstar." I said taking my fork and eating more of the food I'd help prepare.

Once dinner was done and everyone was sitting around feeling rather full I turned towards Nina who was sitting between Pat and JohnO. "Should I go and get the desserts?"

"That'd work, we can serve them up as everyone sits around." She said momentarily pulling herself from a conversation.

"Alright, Lex are you going to help me?" I asked standing up.

"Do I get the first piece?" He questioned seriously sitting in his place.

I stood still eyeing him up with a serious stare. "I suppose you can." I said finally smiling at him.

"Wonderful!" He cried happily standing up so quickly the chair fell over. His mouth opened slightly in the shape of an 'o' before laughing and picking it up. "Whoops."

"You're such a klutz!" Jack said loudly, laughing with food in his mouth."

"And you're a pig." Zack responded quickly. Jack's face turned into a pout as he turned towards Kaiden who hadn't been paying any attention. I wondered briefly what was going on with her lately before being jerked by Alex towards the bus filled with goodies.

Before we reached the bus however Alex had taken my hand and raised it above my head twirling me like an unsteady ballerina so that I was facing him. "Hello." He murmured when I was pressed up against him.

"Well hey there stranger." I responded giggling. "What're we doing?" I asked looking around after a moment.

"Just wanted to say Merry Christmas."

"You already said that." I said quickly as his face leaned in closer to me.

"Well then how about, I love you?"

"Oh that one's getting old." I said quickly as my breathing began to get quicker.

"Well you are quite beautiful." He said leaning in to where his lips were almost attached to mine.

"Lies." I said quickly turning my head slightly so his lips only touched my cheek.

"Not even close, Spencer." He said as I turned my face back towards his. In an instant his lips were on mine and we had continued, as promised, the kiss we'd started earlier. This time though there was a stronger need, more desire in the kiss as it intensified he pushed me back against the bus, my hands now pinned above my head. After going as long as we possibly could without breathing, he finally broke away and started kissing down my neck, biting lightly as he knew turned me on.

I let out a small moan as he pressed himself against me, allowing me to feel just how badly he wanted me. I frowned and it took all the willpower I possessed to say, "Alex, we can finish this later."

"What? Why?" He asked quickly looking up puzzled.

"Because we need to get desserts, everyone's expecting us back in there, it's Christmas and it's freezing out here." I said as my breathing was still ragged.

"I can warm you up." He said kissing near my ear.

I giggled and let out a content sigh. It took me a few moments to regain control again and ignore my own need for him. "Later, Alex." I said the words with what I hoped was finality.

"Fine." He said sighing heavily and giving me room to step away from the bus. "But you're finishing this later." I laughed and agreed before I allowed him to take my hand and lead me into the bus.