‹ Prequel: Made To Be

New Beginnings


By the time I was finished getting ready Tora and James were already standing by the front door waiting for me. I smiled when I seen them and how they got dressed. I fixed their appearance slightly, made their hair look nice and then waved them out the door ahead of me. We got in the car and once all seatbelts were fastened, we left for the restaurant.

It was silent the whole way except for Tora occasionally asking what Kryce’s daughter was like. I just told her I didn’t know because I haven’t met her either. That got me a few more questions but I just kept answering them the best I could.

We arrived at the restaurant and before we even exited the car, I told them to behave or they would be in trouble later on. They seemed to take it serious, but then again they’ve been known to fake it. I spent another five minutes emphasizing my point on the matter before they seemed genuinely ready to behave.

Walking in, I looked around and didn’t see Kryce right away, but I figured I’d ask a waitress if he was here yet.

“Excuse me?” I asked the lady at the reservations counter.

She looked up and nodded to show she was listening.

“Is there reservations here under either Evans or…ok I don’t know his last name, but his first name is Kryce.” I felt odd telling her I didn’t know his last name, and by her expression she thought it was odd too.

“Yes, follow me.”

She led us to the far corner by one of the many windows. It was a nice spot in all honesty. But what made it even nicer was the man who was sitting there already. I smiled and waved the lady off until we were ready for anything.

“Hello Kryce.” I said smiling.

“Shy!” he exclaimed smiling as he stood up. We hugged then he pulled away and gestured to the young girl sitting with him. “This is my daughter Maseera.”

“Hi.” she said shyly.

“Hi Maseera, I’m Shylar. These are my kids Tora,” I gestured to her. “And James.” I gestured to him as well.

“Hi.” Tora and James said in almost unison.

Maseera smiled and greeted them in return. We all sat down, the kids on one side, my and Kryce on the other, and called a waitress over for menus. Ten minutes of friendly bickering, suggestions, and opinions later, we all decided on what we were getting.

We gave our orders to the waitress, along with mine and Kryce’s drink orders. I was getting a simple glass of wine, and he wanted a margarita. I smiled a his choice then went on to asking his daughter a few questions.

“How are you doing in school?” I asked before taking a sip of wine. It was a rich, slightly sweet, red wine.

“Pretty good I guess. I’m having some problems in music though. The teacher says I have no beat, unable to keep up, I can’t do anything.” she said with her head slightly down.

I laughed a little and started smiling. She looked up when she heard me laugh and gave me a glare that made me think that she took it as I was laughing at her. “No, I don’t mean to sound like I’m laughing at you, it’s just I could help you bring your music grade up.”

“I doubt it. It’s not easy stuff.”

“Any form of music writing or playing is beyond easy to me.” I said smiling again.

“What do you mean?” she asked curiously now.

I stopped so the waitress could set our orders in front of us. Once she left, I continued talking in between eating. “Well, you know the studio downtown, across from the little hobby shop?” I asked her.

“Yeah, I know it.” she said after taking a drink of her pop.

“I work there. Well, sometimes. I used to be signed under that label, still am, but as of currently I just help out other bands in need.”

Her eyes went wide and her mouth hung open slightly so I couldn’t help but smile. “Really?”

“Yes really. So would you like me to help you?” I asked still smiling.

“Yes! That would be great.”

“Alright, get your dad to bring you over Monday after school and I’ll help you out.”

We finished eating then sat talking for a little while longer. It turned out that Kryce and Maseera and walked here so I offered to give them a ride home when we left. It was funny when Kryce said he didn’t want it to be a bother. In no way would it be a bother, I’d get more time with him, in my opinion, it would be a good thing.

So after arguing on who paid the bill, me winning and getting into the car, we were on our way to Kryce’s house. I gave him a brief kiss on the cheek when we went to get out of the car and made him blush. We bid our goodbyes then me and my kids were on our way back home.
♠ ♠ ♠
More will be up later today if I decide to stop being lazy and keep writing, lol

And please, could i get at least 5 comments before i post the next chapter, lately it's been basically the same 2 people commenting all the time, what happened to the other people commenting?? That makes me sad.....

Anyways......thanks Hayley_Horizon for commenting

Comments anyone???