‹ Prequel: Purple Hearts


The Party - 5

Billie was late for the party.

He couldn't help it, he'd been sorting things out, he'd got his airline ticket and he'd been packing. He had a huge bag packed with all the stuff that he wanted to take with him on his trip.

He didn't really want to go to the party and have to explain to everyone but he would. He'd do it for Hope because it was her birthday and she wanted him there.

When he arrived at Franky's he suddenly felt emotional because it was the house that they'd bought for themselves and had done it up before they were due to get married. He didn't want to think about that now because he wanted to think about the future, not the past.

It was time he moved on, he'd waited for Franky for so long. He couldn't do it anymore, it was killing him.

The front door was ajar so he walked in, the music was blaring and he could hear laughter and voices coming from the garden so he decided just to walk on through.

The first person he saw was Ramona and Joey, talking close, their heads together. They were laughing and joking as usual.

"Hey Dad," said Joey hugging him. "I'd like to introduce you to someone. My fiancee, Ramona," he said then smiled widely, the smile that Billie had loved on his boy, it made him happy knowing he was happy with Ramona and it was about time. He'd finally seen sense.

"About fucking time, Tre and I had this bet one time, years back, yeah, Tre owes me big time," said Billie smiling his toothy grin then kissing Ramona. "I'd like to say welcome aboard but we've always been like one big happy family anyway," he said. "I love you both, you know that, congratulations." He said as Joey handed him a drink. "I'd better go and mingle, catch you guys later."

"Hey Billie!" said Adrienne as he turned away from Joey, "I thought you were never going to get here," she said as her ex husband, her one time lover bent and kissed her cheek.

"Hey, I see Joey has told you about him and Ramona, isn't it just wonderful." She said, her cheeks glowing with happiness. There was something else about her too, she seemed more content than he'd seen her since...since Charlie had died.

"Its fucking great news, about time those two got together. That's gonna be some wedding," he said turning to look at them and drinking from his beer at the same time.

"You're not going to believe what's been happening here this evening, where have you been?" She said almost squealing at him.

"I was a little busy, so, what's been happening round here then, what gossip have you to tell me?"

"I think you should talk to Tre very soon and he'll let you know. You also need to speak wth Hope, she keeps asking me where you are and there's somthing else you should know, but it wouldn't surprise me if Charlotte has already called you up, you know what a big mouth she has." Adrienne said then laughed.

"What's that?" Billie said wondering what on earth had been going on here and what news his ex wife had to tell him.

"I'm going out on a date. With Gerard."

"Gerard huh." Billie said slurping once again from his beer.

"Yes. I know you and he...well, a long time ago you didn't get on but....,"

"Hey, its fine Adrienne, he's cleaned his act up, he's a good guy underneath it all." Billie said putting his hand out on Adrienne's shoulder. She deserved some happiness. After all they'd been through he still cared for her, she was still a part of his life.

"Thanks. I just wanted your approval for some reason."

"He's a good guy, like I said, you'll have fun with him. Hey, is Jake here?" Billie said glancing around.

"Yes, he is and he has some news for you too."

"Oh, what's that?" Billie responded.

"He's been seeing someone, someone we know." She said. She was teasing him. "You know, I really thought Jake was going to end up gay or something," she said then laughed, not realising that Billie had had a conversation when Jake thought he was gay years ago.

Billie just laughed.

"So, who is this 'someone' that we know?" This news was intriguing him.

"Its Millie. She's so good for him, don't you agree?"

Adrienne didn't notice Billie's face change slightly. "Um...yeah, yeah, she's great for him," Billie said drinking down the rest of the beer and placing the empty bottle on the kitchen worktop.

"He's outside in the garden if you want to see him."

"Yeah, I'll do that." Said Billie going to the fridge for another beer. This would be his last he thought, he had the car outside, he wasn't planning on staying long, just a few hours to see Hope and explain what he was doing.

"Right, I'll go and find Tre, can I get you a drink Adrienne," Billie asked.

"No, its OK, I can get her one," a voice said. Gerard.

"Hey, good to see you," said Billie and shook Gerard's hand. "I'll catch you guys later."

He turned and watched them together. He had to admit, they did look good.

"Billie!" Came the familiar voice. "You made it, where on earth have you been, I thought you weren't coming." Hope said taking his arm and leading him out into the garden. "Dad's been looking for you, he's with Mike right now, he has some news for you, in fact, its all been happening this evening, everyone seems to have news. Did you hear about Ramona and Joey, isn't it great?"

Billie had to smile for she'd hardly taken a breath.

"Its great news, something that we were expecting. Your father owes me. I bet he conveniently forgot the bet we once had that they'd get together."

"You bet on Joey and Ramona getting together!" She said.

"Course we did, years ago. It was obvious back then too."

Hope just shook her head. "Listen Billie I want you to do something for me, I'm going to give you this envelope," she said handing him the white envelope with his name on, "but don't open it until I tell you, a little later, OK?"

"Yeah, if you like," Said Billie. "Now, point me in the direction of your father."

Then Hope remembered something else that she was desperate to tell him.

"Oh yeah, Billie, I forgot to tell you, I've been asked out."

"Hey, that's great, anyone I know?" It has to be Eddy thought Billie.

"Yes, you do know him and you've known him for years. Its...Jared."

"Jared? Well, of course now I think of it. You and he, you remind me of Ramona and Joey years ago. But I thought....for some reason I thought you liked Eddy." Billie said. I think everyone did, they got on so well the last time he was over, Eddy was definately looking at Hope most of the time he was here.

"Everyone thinks that. Eddy's great but, he's not really my type. I've realised that now and of course I've said yes to Jared. He opened his heart to me earlier, I couldn't believe it Billie."

Billie pulled her to him for a hug. "I'm so pleased for you sweetheart, I hope it works out. and you'll be happy together. He better make you happy!"

"So do I, now, you need to speak with Grandpa Tre, he has some news for you."

"I'd better go find him then. Catch up with you later Hope."

Hope watched him go, she wanted to talk with him some more, like they used to do. They'd not been together for ages now. She loved it when he and her mother were having one of their 'together' times but they had got fewer and fewer over the years and she always blamed her mother. She was an idiot.

She couldn't believe the earlier conversation she'd had with Jared. He'd approached her looking nervous an anxious and she wondered why, She worried then that he was ill.

"Are you OK?" She'd said to him. He wasn't looking at her.

"No, I'm not OK, I'm shitting myself here." He said.

"What the hell is it Jared, what's wrong? Please tell me, I'm worried." She said and he saw the concern written all over her face.

"Hey, no Hope its no like that its, just listen. I want to ask you first about Eddy."

"Eddy? What about Eddy? Isn't it great that he's here? He's such fun."

"Um...yeah, great."

"So...what did you want to ask about him for?" Hope said. What the hell was wrong with Jared?

"How do you feel about him?" Jared said staring at her.

"About Eddy?"

Jared nodded.

"I...like Eddy, I really like him, he's good fun. He was telling me earlier that he's moving here, how great's that?"

"Yeah, great," said Jared.

"Look Jared, what is it you want to say about Eddy? I have guests here and I need to talk to people."

"Yeah, I know. Its not really about Eddy, its really about me." Jared said then glanced away again.

What the fuck was wrong with him?


"Yeah, me. Well, me and you, thats what I really mean."

"Me and you? Jared, what are you saying here?"

"I'm talking about me and you, together. I...I want to see you, properly see you, like boyfriend and girlfriend, I've wanted to see you like that for so long, I've felt like that for so long, so, what do you say, I understand if you don't want to, we've been friends for ages and I wouldn't want to spoil anything...."

"Its a yes." Cut in Hope but Jared wasn't listening, he just carried on talking.

"...because we could just leave it as we are really and if Eddy is moving here then things might happen between you and him."

"Jared I said yes,"


"Jared. Yes. I will go out with you now will you stop talking about Eddy just for one moment because I think he likes Charlotte and she him."

That shut him up.


Billie finally found Tre talking with Mike.

"Hey guys, here you are." Billie said then noticed Tre's face. "What is it man? You OK?"

"Not really, I've just had some news, I've just been told about a long lost son I never knew I had."

"Fuck off, I thought you were done with the long lost kid thing with Franky," Billie said then laughed instantly realising that Mike and Tre weren't laughing along with him.

"Its true Billie." Said Mike.

"Who the fuck's your kid now?" Billie asked.

"Its Eddy. Hannah and my son from years ago. Remember?"

"Fucking hell man, yeah I remember. Shit, she kept it from you for all those years? The bitch."

"Yeah, apparently it was her way of getting back at me for letting her down."

"Fucking high price to pay, I always thought she was a nutcase. The poor kid, how is Eddy, did he know all about it?" Billie said.

"No. He's just found out that good old Ed isn't his father after all and that its me."

"Fuck. How is he?"

"He's OK, apparently he didn't get along all that well with Ed. He's pretty happy about the situation really which is hard to believe because we were concerned that he liked Hope, we were sure he liked her the last time he was over."

"Whose 'we'?" Billie asked.

"Franky, Franky was sure that he wanted to get with Hope but it seems like he doesn't after all. Weird."

"Are you OK though, really OK?" Billie said putting his arm across his friend's shoulders.

"Yeah, think so. Its going to be weird though, kids sprouting up all over the place." Then he realised what he'd said and remembered Franky's news. By the end of the day they'd all know who Hope's father was.

Shaking these thoughts away he changed the subject. "But good old Mikey here has some good news, haven't you Mike."

"What man, tell me for fuck sake," said Billie.

"I'm going to be a Dad again."

"At your age, dude, congratulations man. How's Emily?" He asked knowing how good they were together.

"She's well and the best thing is, she's made up with Julia hasn't she Tre?" Mike said turning to his old friend.

"She has, the pair of them couldn't be any happier."

"Team hug?" Billie said thinking that this could be the last time in ages that they're together, a little pang of guilt pulling at his heartstrings leaving these guys behind but he had to do it, he couldn't stay round here if he couldn't be with Franky.


"So you found Granpa Tre?" Hope said to Billie a little later.

"I did. Jeeze Hope, this is some 18th party." He said smiling at the beautiful girl.

"Isn't it? But its not over yet, listen Billie, I need you to come with me now, there's something you need to do. Come here, in this room," Hope said.

In the dining room sitting at a table were Gerard and James, sitting there with white envelopes in their hands, just like the one he had been given earlier.

"Please sit down, I need to talk to you all." Hope said.

Billie felt weird, what the hell was all this about? What was in those white envelopes?

"You're probably wondering why you're all here so I'll get straight to the point, its to do with something that happened years ago, 18 years ago to be exact," Hope said. She felt confident, one of these men at this table was her father and she desparately wanted to find out but she also wanted them to know about each other. She felt they had to as part of the reason for her mother not having told them.

The men turned as the door opened and in came Franky, white faced.

Billie stared at her just like James and Gerard did, she was so beautiful he thought, as beautiful as she'd always been and he was going to miss her when he went but he had to do this. She didn't want him, that was obvious and he'd given her so many chances.

He was moving on and he was ready but looking at her distraught face he wondered what was bothering her.

Then what he heard next was like a punch to the chest.

Franky spoke.

"One of you is Hope's father. Its true, one of you is her father and the envelopes contain the truth. Tre and Julia had DNA tests done years ago and...I have never opened them, I've never found out but now, its time and I'm only really doing this for Hope's sake."

She looked at all their faces, James was gobsmacked, his mouth open wide, staring at her, unbelieving. Gerard was staring at her too, eyes wide with shock and Billie, well, she couldn't see his reaction as he had his back to her. What did he look like? What was he thinking?

None of them spoke but suddenly James started ripping at his envelope, ripping it open to find out the news. Could he be a father? He could, this could be his chance.

He read the words on the paper, the room in total silence as they watched him.

"Its not me," he said his face sad. He'd never be a father now. "I'm not Hope's father."

Gerard began to open his envelope, his long fingers shaking as he did so but then Billie stood up and spoke, shocking them all.

"I can't handle this fucking shit," he said, pushing his chair back and without looking at anyone, walked out of the room.

They heard the front door slam moments later.

Billie had gone.