A Very Jonathan Cook Musical

Jimmie decided that we should throw a party that will be totally awesome.
And what she meant by that is: we should all dress up like characters from A Very Potter Musical and chill.
The best part? I'm Ginny.
And the boy I'm totally in love with-Jonathan- is playing Harry Potter.

Hey, you, if you haven't seen A Very Potter Musical yet, I suggest you go on youtube and at least part up until Act One Part six, and you can skip part five. Because otherwise you won't understand why it's funny. Thanks.

And, this was only supposed to be a one shot, then I got to page six and was like "Man. that's way too long" so I made it into one story.
Yes, it only takes place during one day.

Oh, by the way, Liz totally owns Jonathan. They're doin' it right now. Same for Caleb and I [;
  1. 001
  2. 002
  3. 003
  4. 004
  5. 005
  6. 006
  7. 007
  8. 008
    The End