Status: Finished.

Poison Ivy

And I'm Open, And I'm Bleeding...

“What are you doing here, honey?” My mom bellowed from the door as I got my bags out.
“I need a place to stay for a while.” That was no lie, I lost my apartment after I picked up the job with Kevin.
“Well, come on in. Lunch is almost ready!” She smiled.
I unpacked my things into my old dresser and looked around my room at the random punk paraphernalia. Man I had problems back in the days. I sat down, same old leopard print bedspread laid out, and sighed.
“Lunch is ready, are you hungry?” My mom came in and sat down beside me.
“Not really.” I shrugged.
“What happened with those nice Jonas boys?”
I had to hold myself back from cracking up, “I just need some time to cool down.” I shrugged.
“Well, I’ll leave you to be.” She started to get up, but I stopped her for a second.
“Hey mom?” She turned back around to me, “why did you keep my room like this?”
“Helped me deal with you moving out. I didn’t want to think about my baby being out there on the mean streets of LA, alone.” She smiled and patted my shoulder.
This made me erupt in crying after she left the room. I cried for my past, I cried for what my present was looking like, and cried because I didn’t have anyone there to make me feel better. I yearned for Nick to be here with his caring arms wrapping around me. He really is the best best friend a girl could want.
I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at the screen. Text message from Nick. He asked if I was okay, and I told him where I was at. He sent a message back saying okay, and told me to call him if I needed anything. That wouldn’t be necessary though, my bank account has been pretty cushy since I started working for Kevin, and I’ve got all I need here at the parent’s. I might loose my sanity, but it’ll be okay.
I got up from my crying fit and washed my face before going into the living room where daddy was watching TV. I sat down and watched MASH till my eyes were about to bleed.
This time here is going to suck.

3rd Person POV

Kevin paced his room, refusing to answer his phone. He knew it had been three days since Josie left, but he didn’t want to be the one to cave in the battle. He sat down, feet growing tired.
He looked at the screen of his phone and saw one missed call. He slid the phone open and looked at the number. Stacy had called. She was the reason he was in this. He wanted to throw his phone across the room for even considering that he could have a normal relationship with someone.
He thought of himself as incompetent and a disgusting version of the male species.
“Kevin?” Nick, his brother, knocked on the door and made his way in. Kevin looked up from his hands and saw how distraught his brother was.
“Hey kid…” Kevin sighed and scooted over so the bed could hold them both.
“I want to…apologize.”
“What for?” Kevin was confused by his brothers intentions.
“I don’t know…I feel bad about all of this.” Nick looked to the ground.
“None of this is your fault though, it’s my dumb ass that’s causing all the trouble.”
“That’s for damn sure.” Nick laughed. Kevin glared at him, but Nick made no intention of apologizing. “I wish you would just call her and apologize.”
“She’ll never forgive me…I’ve hurt her too bad…like she asked me not too.” He whispered the last part, hoping his brother didn’t hear it.
“She asked you to what?”
Kevin thought back to the night Danielle had left and all the things Josie had confided in him. “Let’s just say, I know a LOT about Josie, things that I’ve repeated in her life.”
“Like what?”
“You have to promise to not let on that I told you these things.”
“I promise.”
Kevin spilled almost the whole story to Nick about Josie’s past. Nick was left there, in awe of what he was hearing.
“Why did she never tell me any of this?” Nick asked himself.
“Why did she tell me everything?” Kevin asked his brother.
“Weird. I think you seriously need to be the person to call and apologize. She did nothing in this, except gave you that cool bruise on your nose.”
“Ugh…don’t remind me.” He said, touching his nose. It was still tender, and he was afraid to step in the camera’s light because of it. “will it make you feel better if I tell you I’ll call her?”
“It would.” Nick said. Joe came in the room and plopped in the floor.
“Will you call Josie already?!” He groaned.
“I was about too!” Kevin yelped at his impatient brother. Nick patted his shoulder as he hit the send button on his phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter makes me un easy for some reason...maybe it's because I know Josie's and Kevin's futures?!?!!??!!?!?
