Status: Finished.

Poison Ivy

Pink Drinks Seem To Get The Best Of You.

“Kevin Jonas. Party of two.” I said to the host. He scanned the list and found Kevin’s name.
“He’s not here yet, but you’re welcome to sit there till he gets here.” He smiled at me and I took the seat.
For some reason Stacy was still gnawing at my head. I know she’s probably just a friend, and he can have friends that are girls, but Stefani sometimes can be a little blind. She didn’t notice I was blonde till I had to tell her not to touch my hair’s color.
I looked out the window and saw Kevin in his car, valet waiting on him. He wiped his cheeks and got out of the car. Was he wiping lipstick off?
I stood up so he could get the full effect when he came in and gathered some composure. When he walked in he looked around the restaurant and I cleared my throat.
“Oh, wow.” Was all he said. His mouth was dropped and he was giving me an up and down.
“Stefani got a hold of me.” I shrugged. I all of a sudden felt very self conscious in the tight clothes and high heels.
“Remind me to thank her for that. You look absolutely amazing.” He gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. I felt like the kiss was burning through my cheek like acid after he turned and asked the host for our table. I wiped my face while he wasn’t paying attention and it made me feel better.
“So, how was your day?” I asked as we sat down.
“Tiring.” He smiled.
“What did you do all day?” I knew if I pressed hard enough he’d tell me everything.
“I went to the coffee shop,” I was surprised his coffee-getter wasn’t broken. “I went and met up with my friend Stacy, and we hung out all day.”
“Stacy?” I knew the slut. Whoa, making conclusions too fast.
“Yeah, she’s a good friend.” He smiled.
“How good?”
“Look, if you’re going to get weird about me having friends that are girls, then stop now.” He got defensive a little too fast and it made me wonder.
“I’m not getting weird, and don’t raise your voice in public. I just…I’ve been played bad in the past and I don’t want a repeat of history. I need a promise you’re not playing me.” The waiter put down some water and took our order.
“I’m not playing you. If I was, we wouldn’t be where we’re at now. I didn’t threaten Danielle’s life because I kind of like you. I did it because I like you a lot and I don’t want her ruining what might be between us, okay?”
I was shocked at his words and didn’t know what to say.
“Now, you look amazing, I’m hungry, and I’d like to have an unforgettable evening with the girl I’m totally crushing on.” He jabbed his finger into the table with every demand he made.
“Fine.” I smiled and let out some nervous laughter. “You’re scary when you’re hungry and lusting.”
“I know…I need red meat and kisses.” He laughed a little and it made my shoulders loose a little more tension.


“Hey Fiona.” I answered my vibrating cell phone from the table.
“Hey kid, how’s the week going?”
“Good…I went out to eat with Kevin on Monday, Tuesday was a peaceful day, Wednesday was quiet too, today is turning out to be…ridiculous.”
“Why’s that?” I heard my niece in the background screaming music in the car.
“One thing after another today. Radio show, TV appearance, too many things for one day. We should be done at six, want to go out?”
“I’ll have to find a baby sitter.” She said, “But I’ll go out, yeah.”
“Awesome, I’ll see you at eight, it’ll give me time to get ready.”
“Okay, cool.” We hung up shortly after the small conversation and I sat back down on the couch with Nick. We were in a small TV studio near Hollywood and we were waiting on them to go on in front of the cameras.
“Who was that?” He asked me.
“My sister.”
“I didn’t know you had siblings.” He smiled, taking his attention from the TV to look at me.
“I have her, and that’s it. I’m an aunt too.”
“I think I knew that, but I can’t remember, sorry.”
“It’s okay…I’m a horrible aunt, I forget too many things, but my sister forgives me.”
“That’s what brothers and sisters are for, forgiveness.”
“And killing you when you were younger.”
“That’s true too…” He shrugged.
“Nick? You’re on in five.” A stage girl came by and told him.
“Have fun!” I said and smiled. I saw Kevin and Joe walk by from the bathroom, Kevin kissed my cheek and walked in with his brothers. I got up to go to the car and rest for a while.
Nick has become a good friend of mine that I wouldn’t trade for the world. Tuesday we went to lunch together and he took me shopping on Rodeo. I only bought shoes. Several pairs.
When I got into the car I noticed Kevin’s phone on the console and wondered about it. I grabbed it and found a pass code keeping me out. What would he put as his pass code?
“0-0-0-0” I said aloud, looking into the distance. It is Kevin we’re talking about here. I typed in the four digits and was granted access to Kevin Jonas’ phone.
I scrolled through calls and mainly found myself and his parents. I looked through the text messages and found nothing interesting. It wasn’t till his pictures came up that I was a little confused. He still had pictures of him and Danielle together, and pictures of two or three other girls with him. Fans? Why would he have pictures of fans on HIS phone?
I closed the phone quickly, hoping it would alleviate any bad emotions that were rising to my throat, but I was wrong. I felt sick and wanted to throw up in his expensive car. I opened the door to avoid drama though and threw up on the side walk.
Don’t get me wrong, I can understand pictures forgotten about him and Danielle, but not pictures of him and other girls being all giddy. I leaned my head back on the seat and closed my eyes.
Was one of those Stacy? Who were the other two?
You’re cracking up, Josie, chill out.
“Josie?” I heard and looked to my side. Kevin was sitting there. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I smiled at him. I got a piece of gum out of my purse to make sure I didn’t throw up again on the way home. He drove fast through the busy streets and it made me fear for my life. When we finally parked in front of their home, I got out quickly and started walking towards my house.
“Josie?” He called to me.
“Yeah?” I called back.
“Are you sure you’re fine?” He asked again.
“Couldn’t be better.” I smiled and turned quickly to go to my own abode. I got in and closed the door, throwing the bolt to make sure no one sneaked in while I wasn’t paying attention.
I got into the shower, hoping it would wash the filth I felt on me, off. At this point the only thing that can justify those pictures are him forgetting to delete the ones of him and Danielle and those girls being family. I scrubbed my skin almost to the point of bringing blood. When I got out of the shower, I put some clothes on and grabbed my keys to go out. I didn’t bother with my new hair and forgot completely about make up.
I drove slowly to the place I was meeting Fiona at and stopped to buy some cigarettes. I don’t usually smoke, but I really needed this. I went in and bought not only a pack of Camel’s, but a six pack of beer. I threw them in the passenger seat and unwrapped the pack of smokes. I lit one up and took a long drag. After much coughing, I felt a lot better, most would attribute it to the light headedness, but I liked the feeling of burning my lungs.
I finished the drive to the bar and finished the cig before getting out. I walked to the front and found my sister sitting there with her purse close to her chest. I chose a rough bar to go to, but it was okay. She looked at me with relief as I walked in.
“Oh good. Thought you’d never get here.”
“Are you scared of this place?” I said. I recognized the bouncer and nodded my head at him.
“Hey Josie!” He smiled and gave me a hug.
“Hey, Bob.” I said back.
“I am kind of scared, but you seem to be cool with it.” She let her purse down and carried it on her shoulder like a normal person.
“Frank! Pabst!” I yelled across the bar.
“Is that Josie?!” I heard someone say from the back. Frank walked out and smiled. “It is! Hey girl!”
“Hey kid.” I smiled and hugged him across the bar.
“Pabst, did you say?” I nodded at him. “What about for you, sugar?” He looked at Fiona.
“Pink cosmo?” She shrugged.
“Sure thing, my specialty.” His tattoos moved as he flexed arms getting the drinks.
“Really?” Fiona asked him.
“Yup, I made a killer pink cosmo in bartending school, now they’re world famous. Here ya go, my dears.” He smiled at us. I tried handing him my card but he refused. “On the house for such a set of ladies.” He smiled and patted my head. He walked back into the back again and I turned to look at the rough tumbling pool hall and bar.
“How do you know these people?”
“Remember my phase of being a bad girl?”
“Oh…was this a hang out?” She asked as she sipped her drink, and I nodded, “Man, he wasn’t lying. This is the best damned drink I’ve had in a while.” She took a few more gulps until the only thing left was a cute cherry at the bottom, which she polished off.
I heard a familiar voice coming from the booths and poked Fiona in the side, “do me a favor.” I whispered.
“What?” She whispered back.
“Go look over the booths and see who’s there.”
She slid out of the bar stool, already tipsy and started walking towards the back of the booths. She peeped her head over the top and her eyes got huge. She looked at me and flexed what muscles she did have and walked like a man.
“What the hell does that even mean?” I said aloud.
“It’s…K-E-” She stopped and burped. I got up and made her go back to the bar stools. I looked over the booths and saw Kevin sitting there with another girl. I was shocked and felt the vomit rising again.
I wanted to approach him, but the men in this joint that know me would chew him up and spit him out if they found out he’s hurting me. I walked back over to the bar and told Frank to make sure Fiona got home safely and he promised. I drank the rest of my beer and walked to the front side of the booths. I crept my way to the last one and saw him sitting there. I walked up to where I’d be beside him.
“Hey, Kevin, what are you doing?” I smiled as I sat down beside him. I noticed he had a bitch drink like his little slut had. I called for a shot of whiskey and drank it fast in front of them.
“Josie…you’re embarrassing me.” He said aloud.
“Embarrassing you? Step outside with me.” I demanded.
“He doesn’t have to do anything you say.”
“Oh yeah?” I said looking at her. I felt like throwing my shot glass up and shooting it, but the lack of gun kept me from doing that, so I threw it so it would shatter beside her head. It got the attention of all the men in the bar and two men approached us.
“These kids giving you trouble?” Bob asked. Frank was behind him and I heard Fiona ‘wooing’ at the football game that was playing.
“No, Bob. We’re about to step outside.” I sucked air through my teeth and made Kevin come with me. “Who the hell is that?” I said, getting angrier by the second. Bob and Frank was behind him, and I think his pants are getting wet.
“It’s Stacy. Why?”
“What the hell are you two doing?” I asked.
“We’re having a drink, we were heading out tonight, and she wanted to stop here.”
“I’m sorry,” Frank interrupted, “but she’s here all the time, Stacy. She’s a gold digger for one and another, she’s a horrible drinker.” He said.
“Thanks, Frank.” I gave him a weird look and he just shrugged.
“Okay, she asked me out the other day.”
“What about all the other girls on your phone?”
“Okay, one is my cousin, one is Stacy, and the other is Demi Lovato, we’re best friends, nothing more, she’s too young for me.”
“Well, you’re clear on the other two, but I want Stacy gone.”
“Why? We’re just friends!” He said motioning between him and me.
“But you said-”
“I know, I felt bad because of Danielle.”
“Can we kill him now?” Bob asked.
“No, I’m going to do it.” I was so angry, I think steam was coming out of my ears.
I went for him but he grabbed my wrists, “Remember, you’re still my employee.” He said down into my face. My stomach rolled and I threw up on his, obviously Louis Vuitton, shirt. I made Bob and Frank go back inside while I said my final words. I spat a few times to get rid of the taste and looked at him.
“I will find a way to get back at you.” I spat at him one more time and got back into my car. I smoked three cigarettes on the way home and contemplated burning the Jonas house down, but my three best friends were in there, so I thought better of it.
I walked across the lawn sloppily and started crying when I hit the front door of the Jonas home. I felt the door opening, so I supported myself.
“Josie?” I heard Nick say. “Are you okay?”
“No…” I sobbed. He grabbed me up and carried me to his bedroom. He laid me down, kissed my forehead, and then undressed me to my underwear. He gave me a pair of his pajama pants to put on and a large shirt. I curled up in his bed and kept sobbing.
“What’s the matter?” He asked as he laid down beside me. He brushed my hair about and I loved the way his hands touched me, so gentle and soft, like rain on your face.
“Kevin was…” I started sobbing harder.
“Shhh…it’s okay.” He kissed my forehead again and held me closer to him. I snuggled as much as I could into his chest, smelling his cologne, and fell asleep fast with him holding me.
♠ ♠ ♠
How's about a nice, big, fat, juicy chapter for yer troubles? Arrrr...

=) Oh noez! What's gonna happenz?!!?!?!
