Status: Finished.

Poison Ivy

Dirty Minds Require Dirty Actions.

I woke up, not in my own bed, and struggled to remember last night’s events. When I opened my eyes, I realized what had happened. Nick was snoring lightly beside me and I blinked my eyes a few times. I felt sore all over and wanted to shower. I stood up and stretched the soreness out, I must have slept in one position last night.
I packed my dirty clothes under my arm and walked out of his bedroom. I was on my way to my house when I spotted Kevin.
“Oh, you. I need coffee…grab me some breakfast too. Nice pajamas.” He scoffed and walked opposite of the way I was going. My stomach turned at the wretched man he’d become so quickly and I wanted to use the bathroom. I continued the long walk to my place and stopped at the pool for a few minutes. It looked inviting, but so did the toilet this morning.
I made my way into the hot shower and made it quick so I could serve the master. I tried not thinking about him and having to follow him around all day, but it was a recording day, so it was inevitable.
I put on clean clothes and folded up Nick’s. I do Kevin’s laundry, not Nick’s…he’s too anal.
“How are you feeling?” I heard someone say. I looked up to see Nick in my doorway.
“I’m fine. Here’s your clothes.”
“Keep them.” He pushed them back and I set them on the bed. “Have you seen Kevin?”
“Yeah, I gotta get him coffee and some breakfast.”
“I’ll take you.” Nick smiled and I was grateful for such a friend.
“Thanks.” I smiled. He came to me and kissed me on the cheek before we left the house. I really hope he knows I want nothing more than friendship with him.
We drove in silence to the McDonalds and he ordered something Kevin would like. I wanted to ask him so many questions, but I dare not speak. He exudes this manner about him that makes me think he really IS the president. When he walks into a room, he demands attention.
I looked at him harder and noticed, it’s not just him personally, it’s other things. His hair, his face, his stare, he’s so hard looking, you can’t help but look at him with the utmost respect, even if you hate him. I roamed his body with my eyes and found myself biting my lower lip at his muscular arms and powerful chest.
“What are you looking at?” he laughed. I looked up and realized he was parked in front of the house.
“Nothing, sorry.” I smiled and he laughed more. We got out and made our way to the recording area. I plopped on the couch beside Joe and he smiled at me. I faked a smile back, but Kevin was giving me the evil eye from inside the booth. He honestly can’t be mad because Nick drove me to McDonalds.
I rolled my eyes and laid my head on Joe’s shoulder. He patted it and I smiled, knowing if I was pissed at Kevin, I still had my two new brothers. Which reminded me of my mom and dad. I can always call them later, it’s too far a drive just to hang for a couple of hours. Getting that money was a different story though.

This week has been hell. After my eventful morning with Nick taking me to get Kevin’s breakfast, the days just got worse. I even had to clean Kevin’s toilet and shower. That boy is disgusting, Lord help his mother or future wife.
On the plus side though, Nick has been coming over every night to watch TV with me before I go to bed and I’m quite enjoying that. He makes me feel better after a long day of Kevin’s orders.
I’m actually beside him now, watching the newest ‘Ugly Betty.’
“Betty is hot.” He said aloud.
“Really?” I was surprised.
“Yeah! I love that look she’s got going on.” He smiled at me and I giggled. We turned our attention back to the TV and watched the rest of the show. I felt something warm around me and I looked to my side. Nick had slipped his arm around me and I had to smile at him.
What happened next was completely unexpected. He started kissing my shoulder, moving towards my neck, and ended up behind my ear. I’m not going to lie, I was quite enjoying the warmth of his mouth on me, but it’s all wrong.
“Nick, please.” I said as he moved his head around. He stopped for a second and I immediately missed it. “Don’t stop.” I begged. He let out a booming laugh and kept at what he was doing. I turned the TV to a music station and turned it low.
He moved his mouth from behind my ear to my chin then on my mouth. He breathed hot air into my mouth and spoke, “I want you.” I melted into him and he started at my mouth again. I felt his tongue exploring inside me and I wondered where innocent, little Nick went. I quite enjoy the new one, though.
When I was turned into him, tasting his mouth, he grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me onto his lap. “Nick!” I yelped.
“You’re mine tonight.” he said with, almost, demon like demeanor. I wanted to play with him, too, so I ground my hips around. “Josie…let me do this.” He demanded, and kept kissing around my chest. I stopped, surprised he took such control that fast. He sat on the edge of the couch and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He picked me up, holding onto my thighs and carried me to the bedroom, never breaking his small kisses.
He laid me down softly and started unbuttoning my pajama top. My chest heaved in deep gasps and I was thanking someone above that I shaved my legs earlier. He kissed my stomach and I giggled when he teased me by running his tongue around my belly button. He came back up to my chest and looked into my eyes, “Are you a virgin?”
“No, I’m not.” I was confused by his question. Isn’t he one? My thoughts were interrupted by his hands kneading my breasts. I moaned at his rough touch and realized, I would let this boy do anything to me. He bent down and gave both my rock hard nipples a good lick. My hips bucked and he let out another booming laugh. I blushed at him and he started untying the knot in my pants before pulling them off. I don’t wear underwear to bed, and I think he was surprised.
He bent his head down to my slit and took one good lap of his tongue across the whole works, I went nuts for more of his mouth, and he knew what he was doing. When he sat up, his pants were tight with a tent and he was shedding his clothes faster than a car in the Indy 500. I watched him strip, and it made me even hotter. He hovered over me and kissed my lips one more time before I felt him raging inside me.
“Oh my!” I yelped. He gave me that classic Nick smile and started his rocking. I was obsessed with his touch and loved it every time his tongue or lips hit my skin. He was rocking pretty hard, so I let myself go and take in the attention he was giving me.
“Josie…” He moaned. He got faster, and I knew what was coming. He finally let go and I let out a small moan from the small orgasm he was giving me. It did make me hot that Nick had done this and it got me excited. He grabbed a towel from the end of the bed and cleaned me up before licking at my clit a few more times.
“Nick…too intense.” I moaned before bucking my hips in his face one last time. He laid down beside me and I looked into his eyes. “Why?” I asked, smiling.
“I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you.”
“Really?” I asked, confused.
“Yes, I knew if Kevin didn’t do it, I’d have to. You are simply the hottest thing to hit this house since Stefani.” He admitted.
“I want to know where you learned all that, Mr. Virgin-In-Public-Eye.”
“Let me put it this way, kids aren’t lying when they say Miley is a whore.” He laughed. I smiled, knowing it was true. He pulled me close to him and I snuggled into him. He kissed the top of my head and I immediately fell into a deep slumber.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter makes me go 'WEEEEEE!!!!'

=) Comment/Sub/Love.
