Status: Finished.

Poison Ivy

Maybe I'm the One Who's A Schizophrenic Psycho.

I didn’t want to wake up, but I no longer felt Nick at my side and I wanted to know where he went. When I stood up, I had to sit back down on the edge of the bed, my legs were sore. I was still freaking over what he said to me after we were finished about Kevin not doing it. I wondered what that meant.
I walked into the kitchen after I gained some composure and saw Nick standing over the stove. I smelled bacon and got excited.
“Good morning, sunshine.”
“Good morning, president.” I smiled looking at him. He turned to me and smiled.
“I made a funny in my head the other day about you being commander in chief, it stuck with me.”
He laughed out loud and placed strips of bacon onto plates that already had eggs on them. He handed me a full plate and I was melting for him again. He cooks? How much more perfect can this boy get?
“Kevin has already called once this morning, wondering where you’re at.”
“What did you tell him?” I looked at Nick as he sipped juice slowly. I remembered a glimpse of him hovering over me last night, and my nether regions flopped in a good way.
“I didn’t answer the phone. He sent a text after calling.”
“I better hurry then.”
“Don’t tell him what we did.”
“Do you honestly think I’m retarded?” I asked, engorging the food as fast as possible. He shrugged and smiled as he ate a piece of bacon. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before I went and changed. I left him eating his breakfast and ran to their house.
I found Kevin in the office, on the computer, looking on the internet and I sat down in front of him.
“Good morning.” I said looking at him. He never turned his head to me, but kept that same degrading stance. He chewed his bottom lip and looked at me. “Do you need anything?”
“I don’t pay you to fuck my brother.” He said simply, not taking his attention off of the computer screen. I was speechless, but I knew I had to cover it all up.
“I didn’t do-”
He got up, forcing the chair against the wall, and slammed his hands down on the desk, “Don’t lie to me!” He yelled.
“Kevin, it’s not that big of a deal!” I yelled back.
“Yes it is! You’re going to be the death of this band and my brothers. If you want my pity and help with your life, you’ll let me keep you on a short leash.” He grunted through a tight mouth.
I shouldn’t have, but I hailed back a fist and slammed right into his nose. “I don’t need your pity, and if my leash was any shorter, I would be choking!” I yelled back. He stayed where he was, holding his nose. “And I didn’t do ANYTHING with Nick!“ I walked out of the office and started towards my house. Stefani grabbed me and pulled me into a bedroom though.
“What the hell was that?”
Should I cover it up to Stefani, too? “He accused me of screwing Nick.”
“Haven’t you though?” She asked, confused.
“No!” I lied, I’m a bad liar.
“Oh…did you punch him?” Her voice hitched.
“I did. I’m sick of it, he told me if I wanted his pity and help, I’d let him keep me on a short leash.”
Joe walked in and looked at me. “What’s going on?” He asked, giving Stefani a weird look.
“Josie punched your brother for being an asshole.”
“It’s about damn time.” Joe said and threw the mail he was holding down on the table.
“What?!” Stefani and I looked at each other.
Joe looked at us like ‘really?’ He sat down on the bed and sighed, “He’s been getting on everyone’s nerves. Ever since he broke up with Danielle, it’s been ‘Josie this,’ ‘Josie that.’ We’re sick of hearing it, and he’s too damned stubborn to ask you anything or DO anything. Instead he hides behind other women.” Joe rolled his eyes.
My stomach then flipped a million times, it felt like there was a small dog toy flipping inside me. That’s what Nick meant when he said if Kevin wasn’t going to do anything, he would.
I found the small trashcan and made a toilet out of it.
“Whoa!” Joe said.
“I’m sorry.” I said, after wiping my mouth. “Had a moment.” I put my hand up. “I’ll clean it up.” I took the trashcan out with me, leaving Stefani and Joe giving me weird looks. I decided to do something for the pain Kevin has caused me and went into his bedroom. I know he’s probably still in the office ruminating over how much of a bitch I am, so I’m scot free in his bedroom. I took the bag out of the trash can, with my throw up, and threw it in his personal shower.
I walked back to my house, not seeing Nick once, and started packing. I grabbed all my bags and started the slow process.
“Where are you going?” I heard Nick say from the door.
“I’m leaving. I’m going to my parents till all of this is settled. I know what you meant now about Kevin not doing anything.” I snapped.
“Oh…did you punch him?’
“Why are you people assuming I’d punch him?!”
“You totally punched him.” Nick chuckled. I stopped packing and was giggling now too.
“I guess I did.” I started back at my clothes, folding and laying in my suitcase.
“Take a break from us, we’re a lot to handle, I know. We’ll get this worked out, and you’ll be back, doing fine, being with Kevin.” He kissed my head and rubbed my back.
“But what about last night?”
“I was horny, you were tense, I felt it was right.” He shrugged.
“Oh…well…thank you.” He left the room after hugging me one last time, and I kept at my duties.
Do I want to be with Kevin?
I thought back to me holding him after Danielle left, and how protective he got after she hurt me. He was one hell of a man, I will give him that. He knows how to keep things interesting.
I packed up my car with my clothes and toiletries before leaving the grounds. I sent Kevin a text message that simply said ‘I’m Sorry.’ I didn’t expect one back, and never did get one.
♠ ♠ ♠
I could have punched him once...five seconds before saying 'I do'

