Status: bleh!

As Twilight Falls

(Book One: Alec Damon.) Chapter 1: The Meaning of immortality

Book one: Alec Damon

“The Difference between real life and fairytales is not everything is sugar canes and glitters..”

Chapter 1: The meaning of Immortality.

Immortality. People always thought immortality meant never dying, oh God how wrong were they.

I sat blankly in the cafeteria listening to the murmurs of the people around me. A new student just came. Yipee! For the record that was sarcasm.

I gave out an irritated groan as I tried to block out the chattering with my hands, God having super hearing doesn’t help all!

“Alec, would you listen to me for a second?” Elena glowered. It was then that I realized I had buzzed out. It was usual thing I still can’t believe she isn’t used to it.

“Sorry, now what were you saying?” I grinned suckishly.
She rolled her eyes “what I was saying is.. Cedric is not coming to school today so Alec and Jeremy you guys bet be on your best behavior”

Your probably wondering what I am. Let me give you some clues:
I am very pale.
Doesn’t much go in direct sunlight.
And I love the taste of blood.

Guessed yet?

Yea. I’m a vampire.

But I’m no Edward Cullen that’s for sure, I don’t look half as dazzling as he is.
He has an awesome life while I wallow on the deep pits of sorrow.
Cedric and Jeremy Addams and Elena Fernando are vampires too.
And obviously we’re no family for our last names are different, but we treat each other like even though we’re very dysfunctional.

We keep mostly to our selves, not much interacting with the humans not unless its necessary and we’re very silenced beings, won’t want our secret to get out.

“So do you know what the new guy looks like?” Jeremy asked as he munched on an apple.
I shrugged “No, nor do I care..”
Elena laughed at my sluggishness today. “Why are you so glum today Alec?, Sad ‘cause the new guy is stealing your spotlight?”
I rolled my eyes ignoring her. I never stolen the spotlight in my life well, that’s what I think I consider myself as a freak of nature, never the dazzling beauty of the school..

The Bell rang awkwardly, as the cafeteria emptied I slowly made my way to Biology and sat at my usual set at the front, since Cedric was absent I had no one to sit with but it wasn’t a problem, I already know what is being taught. Decades of learning the damn subject over and over.

Mr. Paulo Walked in the room dropping his papers on his desk “Good Morning Class”
And a girl came tumbling in the classroom “Sorry I’m late I had a bit of difficulty finding the class” chagrin overwhelming her pale face.
Mr. Paulo chuckled “No, no it’s fine uhh.. Ms. Jamielyn Madison?”
She cringe at the sound of her full name “Just Jamie..”
Mr. Paulo smiled “Very well then Jamie we’ll find you a sit” his eyes flickered to the seat beside me
“Ahh.. Yes why don’t you sit next to Mr. Damon? I think Mr. Addams won't mind you taking his seat.. for a while" Mr. Paulo smiled and gestured his hand to the seat beside me.

What was now known as Jamie walked over to my table her face red.
She sat quietly on her side.
It intrigued me that she not even looked at me once usually girls would look faint once they looked at me, but now nothing.

This girl was very confusing.
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This is my first story it's kinda like twilight but a little different hope you like it!!