Status: bleh!

As Twilight Falls

(Book One: Alec Damon.) Chapter 2: Biology Class

She had her head down.
it really bugged me I wish I could just put me finger under her chin and look at her eyes.
I shooked my head and slumped on the table and small gust of wind hit me and then I felt it
it was like something hit me so hard I could have bleed, if it was possible.
Her smell it was mouth watering it was then that I felt the monster roar with in me
the murderous monster trying to get out.
I closed me eyes and leaned away from her she raised her head to meet mine and I saw those amazingly intriguing brown eyes
The monster in me roared again, she looked at me confused.
I glared at her, even though i didn't mean it.
It was just that her smell, I never knew there was a smell like that. I would have searched the entire globe just to find her.
I clenched my teeth and held my breath.
The monster in me still waiting to be let out.

"Hey, Are you okay?" She asked her eyes full of concern and confusion.
I blinked again "Yes." I hissed
Her concerned eyes disappeared and was replaced with fear, well it look liked fear. More of bewildered actually.
No! What have I done?
The corners of her mouth pulled down.
Her eyebrows furrowed and she turned her attention to the board
I groaned weakly.
She looked back at me “Are you s-sure? You don’t look fi-”
“Look, I’m fine alright? Now why don’t you just mind your own business?” I snapped cutting her off.
She looked back at the board with frown on her face. There was a weird feeling in my chest it was burning, and it wasn’t the burning of thirst it was something else something I couldn’t explain.
I didn’t mean it. The thirst I carve is very strong and I don’t think I can hold it much longer.
At with that the bell rang and dashed out of the room.

I was by my car, Jeremy came just in the nik of time. He stopped short and was shocked by my horrified expression “Dude! You alright? You look sick!”
I shooked my head “I just need to hunt.”
He nodded it’s been weeks since our last hunting trip. He was probably as thirsty as me.
“The new guy. He has a smell does he?” he asked with a bit of nervousness in his voice.
I sighed and looked at my feet “She’s a she and yes she has, and it’s the most delicious and irresistible smell ever. I never thought there would be a smell like that.”
He nodded again "Well I guess once we get home we should get hunting, I don't want to smell her when I'm thirsty. Y'know me I couldn't have stopped myself"
Yes, it was true Jeremy had the tendency to be unstable when he's thirsty.
I cringed with the thought of Jeremy attacking Jamie it burned inside my mind with the strange unknown feeling overwhelming me again.

It was then I knew I had to go some place far away some place far away from her. It was for her own safety and for mine as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
Familiar? I know! But I'm trying to make it a little different as much as I can.. :D
So thanks for reading!