Keep Me Young

Chapter 4:

It's been a couple of days since Annie and Joe both cleared things up between them. Annie had gone back to her usual routine of going over to the Jonas house every day. Joe had talked with his brothers and apologized to them as well. He also thanked his mother for telling him what she did. His relationship with Jenna wasn't going too well; He would rarely speak to her and had gotten a clue of why she was actually with him. He'd noticed that she'd only want to hang out with him when there was an important event going on and would later on tell everyone about her movie or whatever project she was doing whenever she was with him. He'd mention it to Annie, and she told him that she already knew, though every time she had tried to tell him, he wouldn't believe it, but now more than ever he did believe her.

“Alright, so how's everything going happen today?” Nick questioned excitingly. He was happier than ever to know that Joe was going to finish his relationship with his fake girlfriend.

“Well she doesn't know that I figured it all out, so she just thinks that we're going out to a restaurant,” he mentioned. “So that's when she's going to see the press and is going to mention everything about what she's done and stuff. So I'll drive her home and tell her that it just isn't working out and that it has to end.”

“Not bad, though if I were you, she doesn't deserve the ride to the restaurant and back to the house. She deserves to just be dumped through text or phone,” Annie spat out without a care.

“Alright we're not going to kill a person here, and I'm not saying that the dead person would be Jenna, I'm saying Joe would be dead here,” Nick laughed.

“Why would I be dead?” Joe questioned curiously at his brothers comment.

“The press and everyone would be like, 'Joe Jonas breaks up with girlfriend through text, how much more low could he go?' or 'Joe Jonas no gentleman, breaks up with his girlfriends through the phone' or lastly, 'Joe Jonas' fans move on to Kevin and Nick,'” Nick laughed at his own comments while Joe and Annie looked at him without an expression on their faces.

“Anyways, just do what you have planned, it's better than my idea anyways,” Annie shrugged flipping through the Rolling Stones magazine. “Just make her pay for the gas.” Joe looked over at her with a serious look on his face. “Joke.”

“So are you guys going to do anything today?” Joe questioned Nick and Annie. Even though Nick was too busy trying to catch his breath.

“Not really,” Annie answered still going through the magazine.

“Why? Are you going to take us on the date with you?” Nick questioned as he had now stopped laughing but still had a smile on his face.

“There wouldn't be a date if you came along,” Joe mentioned looking over at his younger brother. “As soon as she opened the door you would break us up without me saying anything.”

“You know, that isn't such a bad idea,” Annie called out from behind the magazine she was reading.

“That would be worse than breaking up through text,” Joe shook his head at the unhelpful comments his brother and best friend were making. He had to admit that they were funny. They were just letting him know that they were there for him no matter how it all went. “I know you guys are just trying to help me out, but I can do this.”

“That's what you said on your first concert and you literally freaked on stage,” Nick reminded his brother.

“You freaked? Are you serious?” Annie laughed as she placed the magazine on her lap, still open to the page she was on. Which was Joe's part of the magazine. “You said you did great, liar.”

“Hey! Everyone gets nervous on their first real big show,” he fought back. “You'd be nervous too if you were there on stage.”

“Whatever,” Annie rolled here eyes and laughed as she returned to her magazine reading.

“Why are you reading that? You already know me more than what that magazine says,” Joe called out as he took a seat next to Annie, taking the magazine from her hands. “Besides, half of the things they say they get from unreliable sources.”

“Well some of the questions that I ask you, you won't answer,” Annie replied as she reached for the magazine, but Joe pulled away. “And the magazine answers most questions without even asking it.”

“I see, well ask me a question then,” he stated holding the magazine in his hand behind his back.

“Okay,” she nodded once and cleared her throat as she stepped closer to Joe to look him straight in the eyes. His clear honey-green eyes sent millions of shivers down her spine. The look in his eyes, the way he looked at her made her forget about everything she was thinking about at that moment. He had the power to make her faint, but luckily she had the strength not to. As she imagined a world where only the two of them existed, a world without worries, that's until something interrupted her fairy tale.

“What's the question?” Joe smiled. This time he sincerely smiled, and she truly wished he hadn't done that. His simple smile screamed out so many words to her. She knew that she could easily get off track just thinking about his smile, his lips...his lips colliding with hers, but no, she was going to shake all those thoughts off and just do what she was going to do at first.

“Can I get the magazine back?” she questioned as the butterflies in her stomach still remained. She didn't know why she still got nervous around Joe most of the time. Only when they weren't alone, she didn't get the butterflies. It was probably the fact that she was falling harder and faster for her best friend, and she didn't want that, she didn't want to end up with a broken heart and ruin a perfect friendship.

“Seriously?” Joe questioned her. He also had to admit that his feelings towards his best friend had grown. The tour separated them, but he knew that he could always count on her to talk from midnight to five in the morning. It was just the kind of friendship they had. “I thought you were going to ask, 'So Joe, when do you want to go to the movies?' something along those lines.” He rolled his eyes the way he does when he's acting on JONAS. That's when he paused and went back to the question he had just told her.

“Why would I ask you to go to the movies?” she narrowed her eyes at him. Joe's face went expressionless and he just stared at her with eyes bugged open.

“Ignore that comment,” he slowly smiled handing her the magazine back. It's not like he didn't want to go on a date with Annie, 'cause he seriously would love to go on a date with her. Nick was in the corner just observing everything that was going on, because he could tell that both of them just liked each other and wanted to date one another, but he didn't want to have anything to do with that. “Well, I have to go pick up Jenna, see you guys later.” With that said, Joe rushed out of the room grabbing his keys from the table and heading out the door.

“It's so obvious, you two are just so blind,” Nick commented as he laughed softly and walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

“Shut it Nick, like if it weren't obvious that you are dying over Miley,” she reminded him as she walked to where Nick was and took a seat on the opposite end of the couch he was on. “No, you're dying for Wendy. Mr. Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine.”

“That was just a song, it's not anything personal,” he fought back kicking his feet up on the coffee table.

“Nick please, you hadn't even thought of that phrase if it wasn't for Wendy's name, you know you wrote that song for her.”

“Whatever, don't make up anything,” he shook his head as he grabbed his phone and just went through his contacts and text messaged some of his friends.

“Where's Kevin?” Annie questioned Nick, as he was too busy text messaging away on his phone.

“Out with Danielle, like always,” he replied. The conversation wasn't a long conversation at all. It was just fragments of random things.

Meanwhile, Joe had arrived at Jenna's house and had made it up to her door. He rang the doorbell twice and waited for someone to open the door. No one seems to answer the door, so he goes ahead and rings the doorbell once again. He's sure that he had called Jenna to make plans and go out to dinner, so she couldn't just cancel on him like he did many other times. Just as he was about to ring the doorbell again, Jenna's maid open the door.

“Hello, Mr. Jonas,” the brown haired lady smiled. Joe smiled back and just stood there waiting for her to let him. “Oh, come inside.”

“Thank you,” he nodded his head and stepped foot into his soon to be ex-girlfriends house. “Is Jenna home?”

“Yes, I'll go upstairs and tell her that you are here. Please excuse me, Mr. Jonas,” she said closing the door and heading up the stairs. Joe looked around at the place and just observed everything. Even though he had been there a million times, he had never really paid attention to the house.

“Baby! There you are, I kept trying to call you but I never got an answer,” she pouted coming closer to her boyfriend and giving him a small peck on the lips. Oh how he wished those lips were his best friends lips. He was sure he would never give those up.

“Sorry, but my phone never rang and I had it with me all day,” he informed her. He knew she was lying, but didn't really show her. She was thinking of more excuses to tell him because she hadn't called him, but she just wanted him to think that his phone was having malfunctions or something, but this time he wasn't going to fall.

“Oh, well then I don't know, maybe you need a new phone or something,” she smiled flirtatiously like she always did.

“What did you call me for anyways?”

“Oh, well...I was calling you let you know that I wasn't going to be able to go on the date today,” she frowned sarcastically. Joe mentally rolled his eyes at her, but on the outside he just put on a crooked smile.

“Why can't you go?” he questioned.

“Well, I have to go to a friends house today because her boyfriend just broke up with her and she needs me to comfort her,” she informed him. Little did she know that she was about to get dumped as well, so maybe she could use that other 'friend' to comfort her as well. He mentally laughed at her comment, but put on a 'I'm sorry' face. “Why? Was the date going to be important?”

That was it, Joe was done with putting up with all of Jenna's shit. He was fed up with all of it.

“No, it wasn't important,” he sincerely said. “The only thing that I wanted to tell you was, I can't go on with this relationship. I'm sorry but it's over.”

“What?” Jenna questioned. She couldn't believe that she was getting dumped. According to her past relationships, she was the one that did the dumping, but not this time. “Why are you breaking up with me though?”

“I'm done with all this pretending and all the canceling of dates. Don't you see that I already know what you're trying to do? You're only interested in me because of who I am and what I have. Not because you love me,” he admitted just letting everything go.

“It took you a damn long time for you to figure it out, good luck finding someone like me,” she scoffed rolling her eyes at him.

“Actually, I've found someone way better,” he smiled to himself as he walked out the door.

“You'll regret this Joseph Adam Jonas! You'll regret it!” she exclaimed as she furiously stomped her way out the door behind him as well. “You haven't seen the last of me!”

Joe just smiled and shook his head as he opened the door to his car and got in. It may have taken him months to realize his mistake, but it was just a lesson that was learned in the long run. He turned on his car and pulled out of the driveway and headed home.

“Nick! Come on! Talk to me,” Annie begged him as she was now really bored and annoyed of Nick ignoring her. Even though he was just pretending, it annoyed her even more. Though he did it for the fun of it, because he loved to mess around with Annie. “Fine, I'll go home then!”

As she got up from the couch, Nick ignored her as well. “Heading out the door,” Annie mentioned as she inched closer to the door.

“Bye!” Nick waved as he still kept his eyes on his phone. Annie narrowed her eyes at him and just walked out of the house, making sure to slam the door on her way out. She took her phone out of her pocket and dialed Nick's number. “Hello, how are you Annie?”

“You are the most annoying and worst faker ever!” she exclaimed as she sat outside the front steps of the house.

“Thank you, I love you, too,” Nick replied acting along with Annie.

“Aw, do you really mean that Nicholas?” Annie asked as she put on a silly smile. She could hear Nick laughing on the other end of the phone. “No, love Wendy! Of course, duh!”

“I don't like her like that, she's just a friend,” he tried to get through to her, but Annie couldn't be lied to easily. “How about what you feel towards Joe?”

“That's different, I'm not afraid to admit it,” she scoffed.

“So it's true, you do like my brother,” he said in 'ha, it told you!' kind of way. Annie rolled her eyes and ignored Nick's comment. “I knew it all along.”

“Whatever, Peter Pan,” she emphasized Peter Pan and hung up the phone on Nick. She laughed to herself as she knew Nick was probably doing the same thing. As she put that behind, she began to think about how Joe's date was going, probably great. Well, not that great, but somewhat along those lines for Jenna. She had to admit that she was anxious for what the girls reaction was going to be.

“Hey Annie,” she heard someone say from behind her. As she turned around, there she saw Kevin standing behind her with car keys in his right hand. “What are you doing out here?”

“Hello Kevin Jonas,” she formally said. “I am out here because Nick and I had a little disagreement, but nothing serious. We know that it's just a little joke, you know.”

“No I don't, but knowing you and Nick, yeah,” he laughed taking a seat next to her. “Did Joe go do what he said he was going to do?”

“Yeah, he left around an hour ago,” she said looking at her watch, which showed it was ten 'til eight. “Crap, I have to get home.”

“Do you want me to drive you to your house? Since I'm already out here?” Kevin politely questioned her as he rubbed his nose with the side of his index finger.

“Yeah, if that's okay with you?”

“Sure, come on,” he said getting up from the cement stairs and heading to where he had parked his car. As she was waiting for Kevin to unlock the car, she felt her phone vibrate in her hand. She'd just gotten a message from Joe saying:

Hey, if you're still at my house, don't go yet. I'm on my way home.

“Hey Kevin, can we wait for Joe? He just sent me a text asking me to wait for him if I'm still at his house,” she quizzed getting into the car. Kevin simply nodded and just turned on the car.

“I'm guessing the date ended early?” he laughed softly.

“Well he was going to break up with her, so maybe,” Annie shrugged as she looked through the rear view mirror to see if her best friend had arrived. Sure enough, he was pulling up into the driveway and parking his car next to Kevin's. “There he is.”

“Yeah, that's Joe,” Kevin said sarcastically and shook his head with a smile on his face. Joe looked over to Kevin's car and saw that Annie was waiting for him, so he quickly turned off his car and walked over to Annie's side.

“You're leaving already?” Joe questioned putting his keys in his back pocket.

“Duh, it's late and I'm pretty sure my mom is mad that I missed her nutrition class today,” she smiled looking over at Joe.

“Oh, well here, I'll go with you guys.”

Joe opened the door to the back and hopped into the backseat of the car. He buckled up and Kevin drove out of the driveway. As Joe sat in the back seat, he looked at Annie through the side view mirror and just observed her. He hadn't noticed how much different his friend looked. She had changed her hair from it being long to it now being short. The kind of haircut Selena Gomez had gotten, but Annie's was long from the front. Her eyebrows were thinner and more defined than before. And, he had also noticed that she wore a little bit of more make up, but it suited her well. He had noticed how she was thinner. Not Demi Lovato thin, but she had her curves. To him, she was beautiful, magical.

“Joe? Are you listening to me?” Kevin questioned as he had stopped the car and waited for the red light to turn green. Joe quickly snapped back to reality and paid attention to his older brother.

“What was the question again?”

“How did the date go?” Kevin repeated himself as the light turned green and he pressed on the gas.

“Oh, well she said she had called me a million times to tell me that she wasn't going to be able to make it for the date, because one of her friends had gotten dumped or whatever, and then I just ended it there,” he informed both Kevin and Annie.

“Ha, she didn't even get to ride your shiny Land Rover,” Annie pouted sarcastically as she turned around in her seat to look at Joe. “You did great, ha-ha.”

“Thanks, I can't wait to see what the press says tomorrow,” Joe smiled sarcastically as well and shook his head.

“It's okay, when they ask for your side of the story, we'll sweeten it up,” Annie smiled and sat correctly in her seat once again. As Joe heard her comment, he smiled to himself and just shook his head and looked out the window.

“Alright, this is your stop Annie,” Kevin pointed out as he put the car in Parking.

“Thanks, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow?” Annie questioned as she unbuckled her seat belt and unlocked the door.

“Yeah, we'll see you there tomorrow,” he smiled.

“I'll walk you to your door,” Joe stated as he jumped out of the car and shut the door behind him and opened the door for Annie before she could. Annie smiled and thanked him as she got out of the car. He closed the door behind her and walked her to her front door. She said goodnight and walked into the house, but before she went in, Joe gave her a good twenty second hug. “Thanks.”

“No problem, I'm always here for you, bud,” she laughed softly and walked into her house. “Bye, see you tomorrow.”

“Bye,” he smiled softly and just waited for her to close the door. His smile was of those simple smiles that meant so much and was worth a million. The kind of smile one of his fans wished to get from him. Though, lucky Annie had gotten one tonight. Joe walked back to the car and buckled up in the front seat.

“Go for it,” Kevin spoke as he put the car back in drive and drove back home.

“What?” Joe questioned confused of what his brother was trying to say. Kevin knew it all since a long time ago. He knew that Annie loved Joe, and Joe loved Annie, but they were just too scared to begin something serious between the both of them.

“If you love her, go for it,” he mentioned again. “Maybe it's meant to be, you never know.”

“You think so?”

“I know so, it's really obvious that you two like each other,” Kevin laughed. “You two are always together and just make each other laugh when you're around us. Though, when you two are alone, both of you are so different. You two understand each other perfectly without any doubt.”

“Yeah, she does make feel different. She doesn't see me as the famous Joe Jonas that everyone knows. She treats me for who I really am,” he smiled. “You think it might work? It won't mess things up?”

“I'm sure, you know why?”

“Why?” Joe quizzed.

“Because I went through that same thing with Danielle,” he admitted. “If I hadn't gotten the nerve to ask her to be my girlfriend, then we would've just been best friends forever, and we would've never know that we were actually meant for each other.”

“You two have such an amazing chemistry that it's scary,” Joe admitted.

“Well, you and Annie have something special, but you haven't given it a real shot, cupid is waiting,” Kevin was being serious about everything he was saying. He knew that if Annie and Joe became a couple that they were going to be stronger than ever and weren't going to let anything get in between them. Neither one of them would let the other one be hurt, and neither would hurt one another. They were just something so simple, but so strong. She may not be a celebrity, but a fan would be just the same as that, and even better. She wouldn't treat him like a toy, she would treat him like a person. The true person he really is, Joseph Adam Jonas.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alrighty! Since I got more comments than I had expected, I'm updating tonight! Haha. I really hope you guys enjoy it! I'm also writing more to this one, and my next new story, :P . I want you guys to give me some input of what you'd like to read and happen in the story. :D That'd be lot's of help! :)

Hope you enjoy!
Song: Arctic Monkeys - Fluorescent Adoloscent

Anniee. :)