Status: Will be active again in the summer

Zacky Vengeance's kid

The mall and a surprise

Having a life and dating isn't possible if you are a teen mom. Most boys won't even look at you, much less want to date you. But there is always hope someone will want to be with you, if you look hard enough.

Right after I finished with my laundry Hope started to wake up and started to cry.
"MA-MA" Wailed Hope as she stood up on her shaky legs in her crib.

"It's alright sweetie" I said and picked her up from her crib.

Ever since I moved in with Anna we kept Hope away from the word Dada. Because if she said that word it would bring tears to my eyes.

I rocked Hope till she stopped crying and took her into the bathroom to give her a bath and get her into clean clothes.

Once Hope was clean, I took her to the living room and put her in her stroller and buckled her in.

"Anna, I'm taking Hope to the mall" I shouted and left.


The trip to the mall wasn't to bad, Hope did start to fuss a little but I put in some baby music for her.

The only thing that bugged me was when I took Hope out of the car and put her in the car seat and felt people staring at me, I felt like I was being watched but shook it off as nothing.

I walked into the mall pushing Hopes stroller and took her to a play area for little kids. It was nice to have a safe place for very young kids to play.
In the play area there was a small slide, a little jungle gym and a mini sand box.

I took Hope out of her stroller and put her by the sand box and took a seat next to her. Hope's face lit up when she saw the sand box and walked/waddled over to it.

It made me smile to see hope so happy, but I felt eyes burning into my back. As soon as I did I saw someone I didn't expect to see, Brian.
He was staring at me with confusion written all over his face. I frowned and turned around hopping he didn't recognize me, but unfortunately he did.

I saw him sit next to me from the corner of my eye.

"Why you here" he asked me.

"I don't know, you tell me" I resorted as I looked at him.

He had a blank look on his face, "Your baby sitting someones kid?"

"No, guess again"

"I don't K-"

Brian was interrupted as I jumped up from my seat and ran to my crying baby. I rocked her back and forth, trying to sooth her.


Brian's Point of view.

I was cut off mid sentence when Jade jumped up and ran to some crying kid.

I looked at the kid closely, the black hair the bright green eyes, it's Zackys, kid.
My eyes widen as watched Jade comforting the crying baby in her arms.

I got up from my seat and walked over to her, anger and frustration building in side me.

"How come you never told anyone you were pregnant" I asked her my teeth clenched.

"I didn't want to burden you guys, you just got signed and I didn't want to add anymore stress" she said now slowly rocking a sleeping baby in her arms.

"You wouldn't of added any stress"

"Yeah it would of. especially since Zack doesn't even like me anymore and he has a new girlfriend, So he'd most likely would of flipped-out about it"

"Yeah so, What about telling Me your friend since sixth grade, or Jimmy, or Johnny, what about Matt? Don't you think we'd want to help you if you were pregnant" I asked her threw clenched teeth, my blood was starting to boil as I talked.

"I told Matt" She said in a soft tone, she turned around and walked away.

Anger, frustration,Sorrow, betrayal are all the emotions I felt right now, how could she not tell any of us except Matt that she was pregnant?

I whipped out my phone and headed to the mall's exit, we needed to get this thing sorted out,
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for the comments
a7x rocker

I hope you like this chapter.
Comments please!!!!