Status: Will be active again in the summer

Zacky Vengeance's kid

Secret cell phone call

I hate secretes, There a sin to me, especially if some of my friends are keeping something from me, Especially if it's something as big as my best friends cousin which is my other best friend got pregnant by my one of my other best friends.

I passed out side the mall and waited for Matt to answer his phone.

"Hey syn, done trying to skip interviews?" Matt asked from the other side of the phone.

"Nope, but I have a BIG question for you" I said trying to calm down a bit.

"Um, ok shoot."

"How come you never told me or anyone else about Jade."

"What do you mean" Matt said trying to play stupid.

"You damn well know what I mean! Why didn't you tell me Jade was pregnant" I asked him, my anger starting to boil again.

I heard him sigh on the other side before he answered,"She told me not to. You know how she gets" Matt said.

He's right when ever something bad or embarrassing happens to her she gets really stressed out.

"I sighed, how come you didn't tell Zacky? He has a right to know he has a kid!" I shouted.

"I told you, she said not too."

I sighed after he said that. "Fine, I gotta go man, I'll talk to you later" I said and hung up.

Damn. What am I going to do? I have to tell Zacky he's a dad but then Jade will hate me for telling him and Zacky will hate me and Matt for not telling him sooner.
Damn-it why do I always have to get myself into these type of saturation's.

I sighed,' I'll just have to wait till friday to see what happens I guess.' I thought as I walked to my car and drove home.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a huge question!!!!

How's my spelling and grammer? Because someone reported my story and I want to know what I need to fix, Please help.

Thanks for the comments.

I own nothing, only my story plot.