Status: Will be active again in the summer

Zacky Vengeance's kid

whys there a baby here?

Jade's point of view

It's been a few days since I saw Brian at the mall.It's now Friday and the party starts in an hour.
Right now I'm helping Matt's mom clean the house and make diner for the guys for when they get here, Hope is sleeping in a crib up stairs that Matt's mom bought for her.

"Thank you again Jade for helping me clean the house" Aunt Kat (I have no clue what Matt's mom's real name is).

"It's no problem, I'm always glad to help you" I told her as I dusted off the kitchen table. Just as I finish my sentence Matt,Jimmy and Johnny come budging into the house.

"Hello everyone" Jimmy shouted as he walked into the house holding a beer can in his left hand.

I cringed at the volume of his voice and swore silently to my self as I heard crying from up-stairs.

Everyone looked confused as to where the crying was coming from, except Matt who looked apologetic

I ran upstairs when no one was looking and went to Matt's old room where Hope's crib was located.

"It's OK sweetie mommy's here" I said as I picked Hope up. She quickly stopped crying and started to play with me hair.

I smiled at her and then left the room with Hope in my arms and headed down stares.

Everyone seemed to have settled down a little since all the guys were sitting in the living room watching T.V and drinking a beer or a Pepsi.

I put Hope on the ground and watched as she stood up on her wobbly legs and walked over to the guys and falling into Johnny's lap.

He looked down at his lap and raised an eye brow, "How did you get here" Johnny asked as he adjusted her on his lap.

"Well Johnny, When two people love each other they have-" Matt started to say before Johnny cut him off.

"Not what I mean Matt. Since when did you have a little sister" Johnny asked and looked at Matt.

I cleared my throat catching every ones attention. "She's my daughter" I said quietly and looked down.

Everyone stayed quiet till Jimmy asked a question I've been dreading, "who's the father?".

Just as Jimmy asked the question Zacky came in with Gina attached to his hip.
♠ ♠ ♠
What you think?

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(Has my grammar improved?)