Status: Will be active again in the summer

Zacky Vengeance's kid

I'm sorry

Jade's point of view.

Yesterday the guys didn't come back with Hope until around seven o'clock. Then we all decided to watch a movie, half way through the movie I went upstairs with Hope and tucked her in her crib and went to bed myself.

It turned out everyone stayed the night last night because when I woke up at eight to Hope crying, I walked down stair with her in my arms and saw everyone laying in random places in the living room.

I sighed 'might as well make everyone else breakfast' I thought to myself as I walked into the kitchen and put Hope into her high chair.

I grabbed all the ingredients for pancakes and started to mix the batter.
Thinking I was alone in the kitchen I started to sing quietly,

some say love is not for sinners
i believe that isn't true
cause when i was finished sinning
love came down and showed me you
and you told me how to get there
so i tried to find a way
then i ran into your garden
but i tripped out the gate
i tripped out the gate

what are you doing to me?
I'm so into you
and the hardest part is knowing that I'll never follow through
you're slowly killing me
and i wish it wasn't true
cause I'm so into you

I poured some of the batter into a frying pan and turned to grab a spatula when I saw two beautiful green eyes looking at me from the kitchen entrance.

"Hey" Zack said as he walked over to the fridge and grabbed some orange juice.

"Morning" I replied and grabbed a spatula and flipped the pancake that was in the frying pan.

"you have a beautiful voice still" zacky told me as he sipped on his glass of OJ.

I could feel my cheeks flush, "thank you" was all I could come up with as I put the small pancake on Hope's Elmo plate and started to cut it up for her to eat.

"Your welcome"

I gave Hope her pancake and started to make the guy's there pancakes. "Can you grabbed the chocolate chips for me" I asked Zacky as I started to remix the batter.

"Sure" I heard him say. A few seconds later Zack put the bag of chocolate chips on the counter and ate a few.

"Thanks, ans don't eat them all"

"I won't" Zack said as he popped a few more into his mouth. I rolled my eyes.

I poured more batter into the frying pan and watched it cook.

"Hove you been" Zacky asked me.

"I've been better"

"I'm sorry"

I looked at him confused, "sorry for what" I asked him.

He sighed, "I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for breaking your heart, for cheating on you, for leaving you with our baby"

I froze, "Who said Hope's your daughter" I asked him and turned back to the fryer.

"I may be a guy, but I'm not stupid Jade"

I sighed, "I know" was all I said.

I heard him sigh and walk out of the kitchen, leaving me all alone with my thoughts.
♠ ♠ ♠
What you guys think? Comments?

the song Jade was singing is called Trip by Hedley

Does anyone want something special to happen in the story?